Reader x Jason || Fields of Punishment [2/2]

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"So, um," Jason cleared his throat. "Am I. . .am I really in the Fields of Punishment?"

You rolled your eyes. "Why, yes. Isn't it obvious? I thought you are a son of Jupiter. A son of a King must know everything."

Jason felt offended a little. "Like I'm a child of Athena; really (Y/N)?" He didn't actually want to say it, but it was too late. You instantly stared at him, your eyes burning as if they could turn someone or something into ashes. More than that, your ghostly aura became more like it; the temperature around you dropped to zero.

For an instance, he felt cold— more than super cold. His body was shaking; his fingers were covered with frost. Jason probably could tell that he was in the North Pole.

    Jason froze. That scenario had happened before, but a different person actually did it. He then remembered Thalia— his older sister telling him about Nico di Angelo, who turned Bryce Lawrence into a ghost and the temperature dropped to zero degrees.

    "Wait—" Jason uttered with all is might, and having figured that this girl could turn him into a ghost like what Nico did to Bryce Lawrence. But then, he was actually now a soul—dead—and if he was currently one, he was not sure what would happen to him. All he knew was it would definitely be worse. "Please, stop." He tried to reach out his hand to her begging to stop, but he could barely move. He could almost see himself covered in frost.

    "I've already told you," the bright purplish flames in your eyes faded a little. They flickered as you spoke. "If you want little more time for yourself before you reach those lands, do not dare offend me. People's souls—whether a mortal or demigod—have met me before they arrive to the Fields of Punishment."

    The hint was said clearly, and Jason did understand. Those souls were full of anger, frustration and fear. They never understood the consequences of their wrong doings. Jason knew that, too. He knew that committing suicide for nothing was not really good. Now that he realized—he too, was currently a soul.

    Jason looked back at you.

    "I. . . I guess I'll just have to accept what is laid before me."

    "That's true, and considerable in a way." You tilted your head. You were quite a little surprised of his actions. After many years of being a tester to a soul who will come to the Fields of Punishment, Jason was one of the souls who could be considered.

    "Well then. Be ready." You swallowed and turned around to enter the gate. I need a few more answers, you thought.

    Upon passing through the main gate, you stopped for a while, and then continued to walk. You couldn't believe that there could be hope for a soul.

    It is the second time, though. You thought, slightly looking behind to check on Jason if he was following you. But the truth is, half of your heart tells you. . .


    "Yes?" You instantly replied, quickly turning around to make a stop. The two of you were now within a narrow way covered with mist, halfway to the fields of punishment. You startled a little, maybe because. . . you were nervous of him being close behind.

    Jason saw that nervous look in your eyes, but he stepped those feelings aside.

    Maybe she startled because I spoke suddenly, he thought. He then continued.

    "Well, I just wanna know if. . . you know Nico di Angelo? He's a son of Hades too."

    You raised an eyebrow. Yes, you thought. I know him. He's like an uncle to me. My father, who was years older than him, was his friend back in the 19th century, during World War II. Yet they had to part ways from each other. My father hid himself faraway from Italy, because he was also a child of Hades. Upon hearing that his friend died, he then mourned for a long time. He didn't know uncle was alive. Months later, he met a mortal— my mother. We didn't know where to live, and at that time a civil war occurred.

    All of the people living in that place died, including the three of us. I was only two years old, and I've never even got to see the sky for once in my life. I spent those two years of my life living inside a building— without windows. That city was a place of war. Nothing else.

    And then, I was about to be heading to the underworld, when a  boy years older than me saw me wandering around. He noticed my appearance— and how I resembled my father. And now I am here. Hades had sped up my age and made me a servant of his— a servant who testes souls whether they could be considered or not. . .

    You hadn't realized that there were now tears running down your cheeks. You didn't know that Jason was holding you.

    "(Y/N)!" His blue eyes caught your attention. "What's going on? Can you see me? Can you hear me? Can you feel me?"

    "Y-yes." You suddenly breathed for air. Your eyes widened. It was too late; he was now holding you. "Too. . .late," you crackled a little smile.

    "What do you mean?" Jason tightened the grip of his hands on your arms.

    "You just. . ." Slowly, your eyes started to close.

    Jason could now hear the screams of those souls who have gone to the Fields of Punishment. The mist cleared. He then looked back at you.



    "This is the second time. . .a demigod did this to me. And he looked like you, a lot." You laughed softly. Jason suddenly felt he was holding nothing. "Even so, you cannot go back to the upper world. But you've proven yourself; now go. . ."

    "Go where?" Jason was really confused, worried and afraid. He didn't know why he couldn't feel you.

    "Find Nico. He knows what to do. And, I have one thing to ask," you stare into his eyes. "I'd like for you to see the sky for me."

    * * *

Jason blinked.

    His mind had hurt, a lot. The bright sunlight was now hitting his face.

    "You've had to thank her for that, Jason." There stood Nico, beside him.

    Jason realized, he was now back in Camp Half-Blood.

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