I heard a gasp and turned to see Mom standing in the doorway with a hand over her mouth, staring at him with watery eyes. Landon smiled sheepishly at her.

When she unfroze she flung herself across the room and hugged him tightly. I watched with a big smile on my face as she peppered kisses all over his cheeks and told him how much she missed him. He returned the hug with a shaky smile of his own.

He was obviously nervous and worrying about how she was going to react to seeing him again.

“Sissy who dat?” I looked down at Michael to see him staring at Landon with a confused look on his face.

I kissed the top of his head and then walked over to Mom and Landon. Mom pulled back and wiped her eyes with a happy smile on her face. I grinned back and then knelt in front of Landon, setting Michael gently on his feet and keeping my hands on his shoulders as I smiled at Landon over his head.

Landon looked down at him and I saw his eyes soften as soon as he looked at Michael who’s staring at him with his big brown eyes.

“Michael, this is Landon. He’s your big brother.” Michael turned around to face me with a hopeful look in his eyes.

“My bubba?” I smiled and nodded. A happy grin broke out on his face and then he turned around again. Landon held out his arms and Michael flung his small body into them, wrapping his arms around Landon’s neck and basically bouncing on the spot.

I felt a small tear roll down my cheek as I watched the exchange. Michael pulled back after a few seconds to ask a question, staring up at his brother with a more serious expression.

“Awe you gonna stay wif us?” I saw Landon’s eyes grow sad and he nodded, smiling a little.

“Yeah. I’m not going to leave you guys again.”

After the happy reunion we all ate dinner and then went into the living room to sit and talk for a while. Michael refused to leave Landon’s side and stayed either on his lap or beside him on the couch, playing with his toys as we talked.

Then when it got kind of late Mom brought Michael up to bed. Landon’s going to stay the night in his old room which is now a guest room.

I changed into some sweats and a t-shirt and then laid down on my bed. Now I’m staring at the ceiling, guilt gnawing at my insides as the thing at the park replayed in my mind over and over.

When I started to get a headache I looked over at my alarm clock. He should still be awake. I mean it’s only eleven and he’s usually up till at least one or two.

I flung the blankets off of me and stood up, striding across the room and out into the hall. I made my way downstairs and then slipped on my converse by the front door.

Taking a deep breath, I grabbed Landon’s hoodie and pulled it on before I left the house and stepped out into the chilly night air. As I padded across the grass and onto Jacob’s driveway I heard crickets chirping somewhere in the distance and the icy wind blew my hair to the side and made me shiver.

As I got closer to the front door I slowed and felt my resolve waver. What if he tells me to fuck off and slams the door in my face or something along those lines? I know I deserve it for the way I acted earlier but I don’t know how I’ll handle that.

I took another deep breath to calm my nerves and hesitantly raised my hand to ring the doorbell.

I stood there shivering on the porch for probably a full two minutes but there was no answer. Just as I turned to leave the door opened and I tensed up before turning back to face Jacob. He stood there in a pair of black boxers with no shirt and I forced myself not to stare at his body. I flinched a little when I looked into his cold eyes and bit my lip. Ouch.

“H-hey.” I stuttered a little due to the fact that my teeth are chattering from the cold. Jacob didn’t say a word and instead stood there staring at me with a steely look. When he eventually spoke each word was like ice.

“What do you want?” I flinched again but stood my ground. I have to apologize.

“I- I know that I was being a b-bitch earlier and... and I j-just wanted to say that I-I’m s-sorry. I s-shouldn’t have gotten p-pissed at you.” I shuddered again from the freezing wind as Jacob regarded me coldly.

“I don’t know why you came over here. Why aren’t you with your little boyfriend?” My eyebrows pulled together and I looked at him, confused.

“W-what? What a-are you-“ He gestured to the hoodie that I’m wearing sharply with a glare on his face.

Him. I saw you two hugging earlier. I’m not stupid Lyla. If you’re so ready to go running into some other guy’s arms after a little argument then I don’t see the point in you being here.” He spat the words at me and I felt rage boil up within me as I straightened up. My chest tightened and pain flashed through me. How could he think that about me?

My hands clenched into fists at my sides and angry/hurt tears built up in my eyes. I blinked them away and a scowl formed on my face.

“That was my brother, Jacob. Maybe instead of making me sound like a slut you should have just fucking asked me about it.” I hissed at him and then whipped around sharply on my heel, stomping down the steps and back across the yard to my house before he could say anything else.

I had to remind myself that everyone is sleeping to keep from slamming the front door behind me. I yanked off the hoodie and my converse and then went back upstairs to my room, flinging myself down on the bed and shoving my face into the pillow.

Thank god I got some curtains for my window or I would be flipping Jacob off and throwing shit at his window if I saw him right now.

And to think I went all the way over there in the middle of the night to apologize only to basically be called a slut.

Fucking asshole.


I hate it when Lyla and Jacob fight! D:

They need to make up now! *pouts*

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