Part 7 : strange days

Start from the beginning

??? : "nothing, it's just i'm glad there is someone that's not afraid of me" she said before the alarm goes off inside the fortress.

Colonel : "subject 5-UMM-3R has escaped. She must not be allowed to escape at all cost. Kill her if you must!" The colonel said through the comms.

Vacuo soldier 1 : "she must be the monster that escaped! Fire!" He said as he pointed his weapon at her. Before he could shoot, i stopped him.

Me : "stop! There are rules! We don't kill children!" I said as i stood between the gun and her.

Vacuo soldier 2 : "major, with all due respect. She may be a child but she's a monster. She must've killed many to make the Colonel say that"

Me : "still, she's just a child. Don't kill her" i said before i could feel a hand pulling my uniform.

??? : "why are you protecting me ?" I was confused. I don't even know myself. Why am i protecting her ?

Vacuo soldier 1 : "major please step aside"

Me : "the General wouldn't allow this if she's here right now" i said to them. "You're here to fight for your country not to kill children" i said as they looked at each other in shame.

Colonel : "major! Why isn't she dead yet ?!" I looked behind me to see the Colonel aiming his pistol at the girl. She just stood in silence. She must be afraid.

Me : "Colonel, with all do respect. Our rules of war prohibits the killing of children"

Colonel : "she's not a child she's a monster" he said before firing his pistol but i used my scimitar to deflect the bullet.

Me : "sorry sir, this is breaking the law"

Colonel : "you insolent fo-" he was cut off transmission bu the head scientist.

HS : head scientist

HS : "Colonel, bring back the subject alive if possible" the head scientist said through the comms.

Colonel : "yes doctor"

HS : "thank you Colonel" i sighed in relieve after hearing all that.

Colonel : "let's go! bring her back!"

Me : "please cooperate. I don't want them hurting you" i said to her.

??? : "What's your name ?"

Me : "i don't have any. What's your name ?"

??? : "i'm Ma-" she was cut off by the Colonel injecting her with a drug. She fell to the ground and the soldiers began to lift her back to the fortress.

Colonel : "you! You will be punished"

Me : "I didn't nothing wrong sir"

Colonel : "this is for insubordination!"

Me : "i accept the punishment sir" i said as i walked back towards the fortress. I then see the soldiers bringing inside a fault. I've never seen her since.

(End of flashback)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I stood here shocked. She was the girl i met that night. She does have the same hair color.

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