"I understand, no worries. Talk to you soon". Roger hugged Belle for the second time and waved goodbye.


His legs were shaking and he felt pure tension squeezing his muscles. He had prayed and prayed to be the one to get the job. The salary was high and it was near to his apartment. Everything about this job fit so well, he was desperate to keep it for a long time.

And the building was so different to any of the places he had worked at before. Clean, big, just very fancy. He was admiring the view of the city through the windows as he walked, until he bumped into someone.

"Why don't you watch where you walk?", the black-haired man snapped furiously, his paperwork scattered all around the floor.

"I'm so sorry, Sir", he apologised and began picking the paperwork off the floor. "I'm new here and I was rushing to the restroom to take a final look before I meet the senior employees".

"What's your position?".

"Deputy Chief Financial Officer".

"Well, I'm Rami Malek, Chief Financial Director. You are very lucky to have obtained this position so quickly. I'm not sure if you can keep up with the pace, my pace".

The new employee looked down and grimaced at his new boss' arrogance.

"But don't worry, you'll do fine, I hope so'.

"Thank you", the blue-eyed man responded. "And I am so sorry you had this first impression of me", he said as she handed the paperwork back to his boss. "I'll make sure to be more careful next time".

"It's fine", he gave a dry response, getting ready to continue his way but stopping immediately.

"By the way, what's your name?".

"My name is Adam. Adam Lambert".

"Good, Mr. Lambert. See you in a few minutes".


"Roger, how are the kids handling the situation?'".

"Roger, have you talked to your wife about the pictures that were released today?'".

"Roger, how are you feeling about the fact your wife cheated on you on the parking lot of your own company?'.

About two dozen of photographers were waiting for Roger as he arrived to the company, and he just wanted to disappear. It was getting very difficult to walk among all the people waiting, and his own security had to intervene. And he hated all the scrunity, not because he was heartbroken and wanted to be alone, it was because he just didn't care. How are the kids handling the situation? They're too young to even notice. Had he talked to his wife? No, but she worked with him and he would have to see her now. How did he felt about Catherine cheating on him? He felt nothing, he didn't feel betrayed or sad. Because it all was over now. He didn't love her in a romantical way anymore.

When he was finally inside the building, he began making his way to his office, and everyone kept looking at him. And he knew the reason why. Trying to find different things to fix his attention on, he saw Catherine talking to her assistant Daisy outside of one of the company's restrooms. He quickly turned away, remembering they both had probably something to do with what had happened with Belle yesterday.


How come the CEO was way nicer than the CFO? It was weird. But then Adam remembered the exclusive upbringing Rami had, he remembered Rami could be jobless if he wanted to and there wouldn't be a problem. Adam was immersed in a company full of rich people, and he felt self-conscious about that.

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