Gotta get over it

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Devins POV

It's 6:50 so I'm gonna head to the park to meet Lex.
I wore something regular, since it's just the park.

I just wore jeans, a white shirt and a black hoodie with my grey beanie

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I just wore jeans, a white shirt and a black hoodie with my grey beanie.
I arrived at the park and decided to sit on a bench and wait for Alexia.
I just have to set things right.

Alexia's POV
I was already dressed and since my mom was awake she took me to the park to meet Devin.

Alexia's POVI was already dressed and since my mom was awake she took me to the park to meet Devin

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I just wore black jeans, and a crop too sweater with my flower crown.

I arrive at the park.

"Thank you Mama" I say to her getting out the car

"No problem baby, be safe" she tells me.

"I will" I say closing the door, and walking to the sidewalk. Once I get there I immediately spot Devin. I walk up to him.

"Hey" I say sitting next to him.

"Hey" He says back hugging me.

"What's up?" I ask turning towards him.

"We just need to talk" he said

"Ok about what?" I ask curious

"" He said. I stared at him.
That's exactly what Daniel said to me, before he broke my heart.

"Hey, calm down it's ok." He said obviously noticing my tensing up, and nervousness.

I just look at him waiting for him to go on.

"I just wanted you to know, that I gotta get over it." He said.

"Get over what?" I ask confused

"Over you" He said. I'm so confused.

"What do you mean? I'm so confused Devin." I say.

"I'm just trying to say that I like you, a lot. Ok let me stop lying.......I love you Alexia Mimterio. But, I can't. I can't love you. Because you like Daniel. No, you Love Daniel; and I have to see that I'm never gonna have a chance with you. I have to accept that. I've tried, but you don't see me that way. Even when Daniel was hurt. You didn't come to me because you wanted too, you came to me because that's what you needed, I was just a placeholder for him. Nothing more." He says

"That's not true" I say as I shake my head.

"Yes it is and you know it." He says back. "Alexia I can't do it anymore. I can't sit around trying to wait for you when you like Daniel and he likes you. It's a match made in heaven. Even I know that. It's hard to even be friends with you, like this." He says

"What's gonna happen to us?" I say tears coming down my face.

"Your gonna forget me." He says simply

"Forget you?!" I ask. "Devin I can't forget you!" I add

"Yes you can. And you will." He says

"Come on Devin, we can work something out. " I say still crying.

"Alexia, listen to me." Devin says to me. I calm down and look into his eyes and listen. "We need this, we need a permanent break from each other. For me to get over you, and for you to find out your feelings, for Daniel." He told me.

"But I don't wanna lose you" I say.

"It's for the best. Just look at me like somebody that you used to know." Devin told me.

"I can't" I say still crying

"Yes you can. I will still be around, I still go to the same school, I still live in the same place. I just won't be around you." He says

"And your ok with this?" I ask him.

"No, but I have to move on someway, and this depart is the only thing that will help." Devin says

"Are you sure?" I ask sniffling

"Yes, I am" He says lowly.

"If this is what's best." I say wiping my tears.

"I love you Devin" I say hugging him.

"I love you more." He says hugging me then getting up and walking to his car, then driving off.

I just sit here, crying. Why does all the bad things happen to me? Why me? I've lost my bestfriend. Now he's back. Now I've lost my brother. I don't know what to do. This is all too much. Too much. I hate this park! I never want to come here again. Something bad always happens here.

I didn't want to call anyone, and I knew my way home so I decided to walk. I need to clear my mind anyway.

It took me about 20 minutes to get home, when I walked in the house I was greeted my Daniel.
I thought he went home.

"I did but I came back." He says

"I said that out loud?" I asked

"Yes" He says laughing.

"I'm going to bed." I say walking past him.

"Hey are you ok?" He asked following me to my room.

"No." I say starting to cry as I laid
In bed after taking my shoes off.
Daniel climbed on the bed next to me.

"What's wrong?" He asked pulling me closer to him, so that I was laying on his chest. I told him what happens between me and Dev.

"I'm sorry." Daniel tells me

"If he really loved you he would've stayed." Daniel said.

"You loved me but you didn't stay" I say tears falling from my eyes onto Daniels shirt.
He just hugged me.

"It's me. Something had to be wrong with me. Everybody keeps leaving me. You, Kevin, Devin. Even my own Dad left me. It has to be me." I say crying again.

"Hey that's not your fault. None of this is " He said trying to convince me. But it's not working.

"Daniel, can we just go to sleep." I ask as nicely as I can.

"Yeah, Whatever you need." He says

"Thank you" I say hugging him.

"Your welcome baby" He says. I get chills hearing him call me that.

"Goodnight Dani" I say closing my eyes.

"Goodnight Lex" his adorable deep voice says back.

Just like old times.


Princess Z

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