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Devins POV

We arrived at Alexia's house.

"Alexia come on your home" I say shaking her a little

"I don't wanna walk" she mumbles

"Can you carry me?" She asks

"Oh Hell nah" I say

"Watch your mouth, and please!" she begs

"Ok fine!" I mumbled "your so annoying" under my breath

I walk to the other side and open the door, and she already sleep again.

You that was 3 seconds. I'm confused.

I carry her bridal style, and knock on the door, with my foot.

"Hey Devin!" Alexia's mom greeted me.

"Hi" I say walking in.

"Has she been crying?" She asks messing with Alexia's pmascara smeared face.

"Yeah, unfortunately" I say

"Why?" She asks getting worried

"I don't know, she called me crying to come pick her up from the park. She said she didn't want to talk about it, but she'll tell me later." I tell her

"Ok if she tells you before me, tell me what happened." She said

"I will" I say

"Ok well you know where her room is" she says

"Yes I do I'll be back" I say to her

"Ok" she says

I start to walk up the stairs, and into Alexia's room.

The covers are already pulled back, so I just laid her in the bed. I took off her shoes and pulled the covers over her, cutting the light off before I  went back downstairs to talk to Alexia's mom.

"Ok she's sleep." I say as I sit down beside Ms. Minterio.

"Do you think this has anything to do with Daniel?" She ask out of the blue.

"I mean, it kind of has too" I say "he's the last one who was with her, and when I was on my way to get her Daniel was driving the opposite way, and he looked upset too." I say

"Can you promise me something?" She asks.

"Yeah" I say

"Promise me you'll protect her. From troublesome guys, danger, heartbreak. She looks up to you Devin. Please don't let my baby girl get hurt" she told me.

"I promise, she's always gonna be safe with me Ms. Minterio." I tell her

"Thank you so much Devin!" She say as she hugged me.

"It's no problem at all" I responded

"Ok well I better get going, my mom is gonna get worried." I say laughing

"Yes you better! I know how Shana gets." She says laughing

"Yeah "mad crazy" " I say laughing as well

"See you later Ms. Minterio"

I say as I walk out the door.

"You too honey" she says closing it.

As I walk back to my car, I see Daniel drive in his driveway next door. He is driving like he's high. He keeps on swerving.

Now I can see what happened.

"Yo Daniel!" I yell.

"DEVIN!" Yep he's high.

"Who the hell let you drive, while your in this condition?" I ask him once I reach where he is.

"I don't know what your talking about" he slurs.

His breath smells like weed.

"Why happened between you and Alexia?" I ask.

"She said....that I led her on. I was gonna ask her out but I didn't so she yelled at me....then she said she hates me." He said starting to cry. "The love...of my life...hates me." He said sliding down the side of his car.
"She hates me" he whispered running his hands through his hair.

I actually feel bad for him.

"it's gonna be ok bro." I say to him

"How do you know?" He asks "your probably just gonna take her away from me." He adds.

"Daniel I -" I start

"Can you not lie." He says

"Please.... just leave." He told me.

"Sure" I say walking to my car.

Sympathy gone.

Idk how I feel about the ending of this one. But anywhoooo!
Do what you do

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