Chapter 55~ Alice

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"Okay, lift up, and one, two, three...beautiful!"

Alice's dance instructor—Ms. Telise—guided her movements. Alice hadn't wanted to take dance classes, she'd rather stay at home and read books like her sister. But Mother and Father had already paid, and Margaret drove her everyday.

"Alice, your toes aren't pointed enough."

Alice turned her head to see where the comment came from. Lesley Moroni. She was a spoilt little brat that also happened to be a decent dancer. But she was no better than Alice, and she felt the need to correct her.

"Lesley, I have a teacher right here. If I'm doing something wrong, she'll tell me, okay? You don't teach this dance class."

Lesley's eyes narrowed, and she stuck her nose in the air as she continued her pirouettes.

"Ladies, to the barre!" Ms. Telise instructed.

Alice dragged her feet over to the barre, and the younglings hurried to get in the front. Two hours of her day, taken by this madness, all because her parents thought she needed and activity during the break.

"Place your hand out, and start to stretch your limbs."

Lesley's foot arched over her back, and Alice knew she was trying to subtly brag. Alice couldn't do anything right. This class was not for her.


"How's your break? I personally can't wait for mind to end," Alice complained as she called Isabel.

"Sofia is really nice, and so are her siblings, but I think I'm allergic to one. Prince James."

Alice laughed. "Sure Isabel, it's impossible to be allergic to a human. You've talked to Prince James before, and I didn't notice anything weird about you."

"I'm serious Alice! My stomach feels weird around him, my face gets unspeakably red when he talks to me, and I'm ten times clumsier with him around! I'm surprised I haven't burnt down the palace."

Alice took in what Isabel said, and nodded slowly. "Isabel, you're right. I know what you're suffering from."

"What! What is it?"

"Crush-itis," Alice said and burst out laughing. "You like Prince James."

Princess Isabel thought for a moment, then shook her head. "No, I can't, I barely know him. Excluding the fact that I know he's nice, genuine, a good mixture of weird, and really funny."

Alice rolled her eyes. "Isabel, listen to yourself. You like him! We promised we'd restrain ourselves from boys until 23!"

"I can't help that I like him! Or can I?"

"Oh dear, I know that look. Isabel, it's fine if you like James, you're right. You can't help it. So don't try to, okay?"

"Uh huh. Got it."

But Isabel seemed so distracted while she said it, and Alice already knew some crazy plan was plotting in her brain. They said goodbye and Alice logged off her laptop, and walked over to her closet.

Her parents were invited to an important party, and the couple hosting had inquired to see Margaret, to offer her a job. Alice didn't want her sister to leave the college as a teacher, and she wanted to be left at home.

But Alice's parents didn't believe she was responsible in the house, which is why they sent her off to Florida, with Margaret to watch her of course. Now she was back in England and she had no nanny, so what would she do?

"You are going to the party," her parents had told her.

So she was. Margaret knew she was unhappy, and had agreed to pick out a dress for her before the event.

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