Chapter 34

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"We're here!" Esmeralda yelled out as she jumped off bus three.

"I'm so excited!" Kida shook Pocahontas by her shoulders.

"Kida, save your energy for the course." Pocahontas laughed.

"Okay, okay." Kida chuckled.

Megara and Jasmine got off right after them.

"Oh Meggy, I don't know what I'm going to do when you graduate." Jasmine gave Megara a suffocating hug.

Megara hated it when she was called Meggy, but she made an exception for Jasmine.

"You'll live. Now let go of me." Megara shook her off.


Wilbur came off the bus, scoping out the arena.

Even though Violet hadn't really talked to him on the bus, he still enjoyed sitting next to her. He liked her scent. She smelt like flowers.

"This is going to be so cool!"

"Right." Hiro said, catching up with him.

"You're going to do great Hiro! Let's see your competition." Penny said.

Wilbur jumped. "Why do you keep sneaking up on us like that?"

"To see you jump. It's funny."

The four walked towards the arena, following the crowd. Violet was fretting over Penny. For some reason, she wanted to find out more about Hiro's experiment but Violet never wanted to go back there again. Something in there had done something to her. She didn't know what it was but she didn't like it.

She was thinking of maybe talking to Elsa. She was the only person in this college she knew who was born with powers apart from the fairies. Everyone thought she'd just taught herself it, but Violet knew the truth. Maybe Elsa would know what happened at the warehouse.


"Look, there's the Universal college!" Isabel pointed out.

She, Alice, Indigo, Sofia, and Lucinda were just standing around before finding the Disney section in the arena.

"And I see DreamWorks Academy." Sofia said.

"Blech. We need to destroy them this Friday." Indigo sneered.

"I'm sure everyone will do fine. But I am so curious to find out who'll win!" Alice smiled.

"We will for sure!" Prince James and Zandar walked up to the group of girls.

"James, shouldn't you be getting ready for youth fencing?" Isabel asked.

"She's right." Zandar whispered to him.

"Yeah! I do! We need to go, now Zandar!"

Lucinda shook her head as the two ran off. "They would lose their heads if they weren't on their shoulders."


Rapunzel, Anna, Kristoff, and Elsa took a seat near the front.

"It's almost like we're getting a taste of the real thing." Kristoff looked eagerly at all the action.

"Eh, there's nothing really going on. They're just practicing. On garde!" She held up an invisible sword to Kristoff's face.

Elsa rolled her eyes but smiled at the two. She was positive Anna and Kristoff had a secret thing going on.

"I thought you said you weren't much of a school spirit girl."

Elsa could see his stupid, handsome, smirk on his face.

"Well, things change." She said icily as she turned to face him.

"Listen Elsa-"

"Congratulations on winning film fest Jack. I hope your college can bring back the art program. And I mean it." Elsa said.

"Thanks...but the USB-"

"I've already forgotten about it. Doesn't matter anymore. It's over."

"I know Elsa but I still feel the need to explain myself."

"Okay Jack. Why did you take the USB? Did you want to delete our film? Steal some ideas? What did you intend to do? And why did you delete a few scenes, leaving some behind, leaving us with only SIX DAYS-"

"Please Elsa, I have an explanation. I took the USB-"


"Yeah. But I didn't want to do anything with it. I was at Disney college because I wanted to see what the fire was about. Then it went dark, and villains were trashing things apparently-"

"I don't see where you're heading."

"Just wait. I went to the theater because I knew that being a director put a lot of stress on you so I took the USB because I knew that the villains would do something if they saw it, and you might get blamed."

Elsa's face softened a little.

"When I got there, the Evil Queen-"


"Yes, was sitting down and already deleting some scenes. You know she hates Snow White. So I guess when she realized Snow was in it she started deleting stuff. Anyway, I told her that the USB had no value and she laughed, knowing I was lying and lashed at me."

Elsa gasped. "Is that why you have that scratch from your chin to your cheek?"

Elsa hadn't been paying much attention to Jack ever since she was told their USB was found in his pocket. Now that she was actually looking at him, face to face, she could see the faint red mark.

Jack nodded. "Yeah."

"Then when all the villains disappeared, you thought it was only Agatha who disappeared, so you took the USB in case there were anymore villains." Elsa finished.

"Yeah, that's what happened."

"And I've been icing you out like the cold hearted jerk I am." Elsa looked away, feeling ashamed.

"Elsa, you're not a jerk, you didn't understand."

"No! It's not just that! The fact that I left my kingdom because I was 'too stressed'? What kind of Queen does that? A selfish jerk, that's who!"

"Elsa, you're twenty one! You have so many responsibilities, of course you'd get stressed! But I'd expect the people to understand that their Queen is still a young woman trying to find her way."

Elsa looked up at him. He didn't look like he was ashamed of her, he didn't look mad, or disappointed. He looked like he cared. She'd never even told Anna about her stress, she didn't want to stress her younger sister too. Now that she'd shared it with Jack, she had heard exactly what she needed to hear.

"Elsa?" Jack said.

"Yes Jack?"

"I...I think I-"

"Elsa, look, it's Eugene!" Rapunzel shook Elsa's arms excitedly.

Jack had been holding her hand before, but Rapunzel didn't seem to notice as she watched Eugene practice.

"I gotta go. See you later." Jack stuffed his hands in his pocket and walked off to where the rest of his friends were.

Anna glared at Jack as he walked away. "What was that USB stealer talking about?" She asked.

"It...wasn't important." Elsa lied.

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