Chapter 23

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"Do I have to spoonfeed you?" Eugene muttered.

"Please do!" Rapunzel begged.

Eugene sighed and put the carving tool in Rapunzel's hand. He put his hand over hers. Rapunzel could feel goosebumps grow on her arms.

"Okay, now I'm going to guide you." He said. "Hold the block and we'll carve together."

Rapunzel followed Eugene's lead. It became easier, like painting light strokes on your canvas.

"Now you're getting the hang of it!" Eugene smiled, and Rapunzel blushed from the praise.

The sphere almost looked perfect, and Rapunzel couldn't believe her eyes.

The bell rang, and it was time for them to head to their classes.

"Well, until next time." Eugene chuckled and left.

Rapunzel held her hand. It still had the tingle that had run through her body when Eugene touched it.


"Come on Violet, how am I supposed to cheer you up?" Wilbur frowned.

"I didn't ask you to." Violet grumbled.

"Well Penny isn't here to do the job, so I am replacement Penny."

Violet laughed. "As if you could ever replace Penny."

Wilbur gasped in mock offense. "I could make a brilliant Penny if you ask me! Bolt loves me already."

"Right." Violet smiled.

"See, Tony isn't everything. I'm way better." Wilbur joked.

"Is that a casual hint?" Violet raised her brows.

"Maybe, maybe not." Wilbur smirked.


Eilonwy stayed behind to record another musical scene.

"Excellent dancing Clio. You too Esmeralda." Kida smiled.

"See Elsa, we're getting somewhere with this!" Anna jumped up excitedly.

Elsa smiled back at her sister, it was nice to see that they were getting somewhere with this.

"Nice work Anastasia. You're a natural!" Rosetta said.

"Thank you." Anastasia beamed.

She had just finished the entire dance. She didn't know how Esmeralda did it. She was so tired, and sweaty, and really hungry.

"Ron look! It's Jim! Is he...bringing cupcakes to rehearsal? He knows the way to my heart!" Kim swooned.

"I brought muffins once!" Ron said, trying to be noticed.

"Cupcakes are better..." Kim sighed as she walked over to the cluster of girls circling Jim.

"Woah, look at his pet!" James exclaimed.

"Yeah, isn't it...something." Amber said.

"An unidentified animal. Interesting." Isabel murmured.

"Okay everyone, listen up, Elena has something to say!" Gabe yelled.

"Thanks Gabe. Anyway, guys, we can officially say we're halfway through the movie! Thanks to everyone working harder than before, we've achieved what we thought was impossible!" Elena cheered.

Everyone clapped and hooted.

"And we'd like to give a big thanks to Elsa, our director." Elena smiled.

Elsa blushed from all the attention.

She didn't feel like she'd been a very good director. Tiana and Kida had taken care of a lot of things for her.

She'd also been ignoring Jack. He may have been there for her when she was upset, but it didn't change the fact that the USB was in his pocket. And he said he can explain, which meant he knows what he did.

She shook her head, and focused on what Aquata was saying.

"We can do this. Now onto the next musical number!"

"Okay, they're in order now—thank you Violet, and next up is Taran's solo." Wilbur said.

"Go up there Taran." Belle smiled at him.

"Ooh. I hate singing in front of crowds." He shivered.

"Pretend you're just singing to me and Isabel." Alice told him.

Taran nodded and took a deep breath. He walked onto set and it was his time to shine.

When he started to sing, Eilonwy was again, captivated by his voice. She couldn't look away. How could a young boy sing so well?

"Beautiful Taran." Belle clapped.

Taran blushed from the compliment.

"Oh, Taran always acts so confident until it comes to his singing. Don't know why, he's amazing." Wendy told Alice.

"Esmeralda? I assume you've taught Gabe and Elena the choreography." Elsa said.

This director thing was slowly making her more confident, and an effective leader.

"Yep!" Esmeralda smiled brightly. When Elsa turned away, she whispered, "Elena, try not to step on Gabe's feet."

"I'm fine with stepped on feet. Just not too hard." Gabe chuckled.

Mateo was editing some scenes and trying to put everything together. Hiro was trying to help, but he would start gazing at Tiger Lily and Penny would have to slap him out of it.

Naomi was with them, pulling a bag of props over.

"What are those?" Mateo asked.

"More props. So less special effects you have to do." Naomi said.

"I can handle it. You don't need to make things easier." Mateo told her.

"I know you can handle yourself, but I'm helping you. It's just easier Mateo. Effects will take more time and we don't have much."


Anna was stuffing her face with the chocolate muffins Tiana had brought to rehearsal.

Anna was playing one of the minions that lure the girl into the outside world.

"Hey Anna."

"Oh. Hi Kristoff." Anna greeted, trying to smile without revealing her chocolate covered teeth.

Kristoff was in the film as well. Anna had a lot of scenes with him, so they had really just gotten to know each other when other people are on set.

"We're needed on set." He said.

"We are?" Anna licked a few crumbs off her finger.

"Yep. So drop the muffins and let's go." He laughed.


"Hey Rose, have you seen Ron? He gave me the science outline and I need to return it." Kim asked.

"He's most likely here somewhere. Is he taking part in the movie?" Rosetta said, reapplying her cherry red lipstick.

"I...think so." Kim tried to think.

"Gee, that Ron seems like he'd do anything for you Kim." Silvermist said.

"It's just an outline." Kim laughed.

"He told me earlier that he threw the outline away. Then you asked for it and he swam through the school garbage." Iridessa said.

Rosetta wrinkled her nose. "Ew, but good example."

Kim looked at the outline in her hand. Then she spotted Ron at the back of the theater.

"Ron! Ron! Here's your outline!"

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