Chapter 1

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"This is the greatest show." They stopped singing. At the end my father and Anne kissed. I love the circus. My grandparents tell me and my twin sister Marline not to go or go near my father. My father is Phillip Carlyle. He's not really my father, he's my brother. My parents tell me and my sister that because they don't want us. We're both color blind. I also can't go out in the sun with out something protecting me. If I do I flare up and get rashes. My sister has patches of brown skin on her whole body. Me and Marline are forced to do ballet for shows. I don't like ballet. Me and Marline want to sing and do other things. I want to try trapeze. But, I can't. Oh by the way my name is Carly but every one calls me Rash. They call my sister colors. They pick on us because we're different. That's one reason I like The circus. But let me get back to what's happening. The song ended everyone was leaving. Me and Marline didn't know we were singing our version of a song they sang once. "I am scared to be seen I make all apologies Is this me, oh oh oh, oh oh...."

"Hi, I heard y'all singing." Someone came up and said. It was Anne. Anne Wheeler.

"We're sorry," I said.

"Yeah, we're very sorry," Marline added. We started to get our stuff.

"Why are you sorry?" She asked.

"Because, we were singing." Marline told her. We got up and ran out. "Come on we got to get home."  We ran to our house which was very big. We climbed up the rope and got in. We went and got our pajamas on.

"Don't forget we have our stupid ballet thing tomorrow. "Father" is coming." I reminded her.

"I know." We both laid down and went to sleep.

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