"Yashwanth did you set that alarm?" I questioned to which he nodded his head.

"Why?"I irritated since I can't see that guy who is holding my hand.

"Shit!Come on and hurry up."He said placing his cup in sink and I did the same  before turning on tge faucet to wash.

"Leave the cups there,no need to wash."He said going out of kitchen.

Turning off the water,I went to living room and saw couch with pillow lying on it and a blanket neatly folded and kept upon that. I noticed his watch and phone on the table in front of couch.He came out of his room buttoning his shirt and dragged me to parking place after taking his mobile and watch,holding my wrist making me slightly nervous.

"Where are we going?"

Of course he didn't answer.

We hop into the same jeep and he started driving.

"Tell me now why I slept in your house?"

"I don't want to disturb your friends.So,I brought you here to my house.Is it a big deal?"

I shook my head no with a tiny smile and turn away my face from him and my eyes started seeing random things as my mind drifted to yesterday night.

It was the best night in my life. Even though,I barely knew him,I wasn't really scared to be with him.I was hesitated a little as that is the first time I had gone out in the middle of night.But I took a chance since I believe that he won't hurt me and as I said,it is the best night.I just fell in love with those cool breeze from sea and calm night with sky full of stars.

I breathed heavily as thought of revealing about me and my family.I don't tell that to any one usually as it isn't a big issue,but it still hurts.May be beacuse I am hiding this pain since many years or missing the affection from grandparents.I still don't know why I told him.I felt good after telling him about my family and especially about love. How good this trip meeting a person who not only handsome,also understanding me just like my sister and friends.

"You guys lives together?" I saw him who nodded his face without looking away from road.

"Nisha, Anu and boys live together." I said smiling.

"Aren't everyone from Mumbai?"He quered.

"No,only Nisha is from Mumbai.Deepak is from Banglore,his parents still living there. Anu,Akhil came from some town.Actually,it is Nisha's place where they are living,as her parents are with her brother in Australia.So,as she is living alone,she asked them to stay with her."I said even though it isn't important to him.

"Oh."He said and stopped the car near the same place which we visited last night.

"Why we are here again?"

He silenced me by placing his index finger on his pinkish lips.

"Look at the sun is rising."He said without taking his eyes off the sky and his face looking so beautiful under the sun rays and I would surely live to take a picture of him.

I saw the sun is getting brighter as it came out of the ocean. My lips twisted up when my eyes saw his face is glowing more than sun. I am mesmerized by his eyes smiling. He saw me and smiled with his lips now.

"I like sun rises. Especially here."His words got cut off when his phone came into life.He answered the call without breaking the eye contact with sun.

I took mine out of my jeans pocket for any messages,but it shows none. I kept back in the pocket and saw him nodding his head as a answer to the call. But my mind is showing the yashwanth with his eyes dancing.

"Come on Krithika...Deepak is shouting."He turned back placing his phone into pocket. I stand still thinking about his face. He waved his hand in front of my eyes and then I came out of my thoughts. He said what I didn't hear earlier.

"Such a irritated person he was.."I remarked.

"I sent a message that you are with me last night.."He shook his head.He seems little frustrated. I think he wants to stay here but we have to leave sadly.


"I will take this..."Nisha finally selected one red dress with white border.

"That dress suits you a lot aAnu.....take it.."Akhil pointed at some green knee length frock making anu to glare him.The craziest pair ever.

"Help me guys...select one dress for me first..which suits me"I begged them showing two dress but again got ignored.

What happened to these people?they aren't talking to me since I returned to hotel from his home.

"Take this Krithi...it looks good on you.."Yashwanth handed me a long blue frock.Everyone glanced him and then to me and again turned their faces away from us.Seriously what is happening with them today.?

"Come on try it..Isn't it good?"

"It is beautiful,but I don't like blue-"he cut off my words.

"You may not like blue but blue suits you...."He stopped for a while and continued,"Okay select another dress which you like."He said still holding that blue dress.

After few fights with my brain I just selected one pink floral tunic as I don't feel like shopping.We went to cash counter and I saw him paying bill for the dress he selected.


"Don't talk,it really suits you.I swear."He said placing the packed dress in my hands. It is weird but I don't know what is happening.

After our girls shopping boys went to shop some things leaving us in the beach which we came on our second day as Nisha wanted to come again.

We sat on the sand as Anu sat in between us. They are not talking to me. I was shocked as they are ignoring me completely. They are acting as if I am not existed here.

"Come Anu waves are waiting for us.."Nisha called Anu standing up and leaving her sandals.

"Yeah. coming.."Anu got up.

I stopped her holding her wrist. I saw Nisha a few feet away from us.

"Anu come baby.."She shouted again.

"Why are you not talking to me?" I asked and saw nisha coming back.

"Now you noti.."Anu started  tell.

"Anu why are you talking to her as she didn't want to be with  us..."Nisha cut off Anu and said this.

"What made you think like this?" I asked narrowing my eyes.

"We know that you forgot us completely  but how can you forget your sister Krithi?"Nisha asked with a serious expression,"She called me as you didn't talk with her yesterday and not answering her."

She placed her phone in my palm.

"Talk with her first."Saying they went towards the sea.

I was startled when they said I forgot Rithu and actually it is true. Shit!how this is happened. Krithi think about how Rithu will react now.....god I am in trouble!!

Loving him is my mistake(#wattys 2019)Where stories live. Discover now