"I need to go to school for a bit and catch up on some missing work. I'll be back at about 6." I say as I pull on my black leather boots.

"Okay Love, you look great by the way, as always." He says and my cheeks flush red as he compliments me.

"Thank you baby, and I love you." I say opening my door to walk out.

"I love you more." he replies and I starts to walk out and close my door back before I am stopped.

"Emery, wait!" Harry says and I turn around instantly and he presses his lips against mine, firmly as we move our lips slowly in sync. I pull away and bite his bottom lip in satisfaction.

"You forgot that." He tells me and then walks back into my room with a giddy smile on his face.

I couldn't help but have one too.

Harry's POV

It's almost been a month that I have been with her, and she still amazes me everyday.

Her beauty isn't something that you search up on the internet and you come across a billion pictures of identical looking girls, but she is unique in her beauty.

She has a certain vibe to her that I love, something that makes me feel my age and not 40.

She makes me feel free of responsibility, since I had to let go of being young at a very young age ever since inheriting my father's company.

After my father died, everything was left for me to deal with. I became the man of the manor, but I was only a kid.

I pretty much still am a kid, I've only had the company for a year or two, but it still is frustrating and takes a toll on me, to where I feel drained and old.

But Emery, oh Emery brings out the young personality in me. Even Luke sees it.

And I haven't seen him look this happy ever since his mother, my best friend, my lover, died.

I really do need to tell her about how Luke came into my life, and I plan on doing it tonight. But I feel as if I'm going to mess it up or something just like I did last night.

But that really wasn't my fault though. I really haven't heard from that woman in about 6 months. We sort of fell off and she just reappeared out of nowhere.

And to think she would just speak to me in front of Emery like that.

I can feel what Emery must've felt during that moment, as if I betrayed her or something.

But I would never do that to her in a million years.

As I'm walking around in her room, these thoughts clouding my mind, I see a tattered lavender journal with black flowers decorating it.

I know that it's rude to snoop, but I just couldn't help myself.

I opened to the first page and stared at the intensive drawing before my eyes.

It was of a universe, or something extraterrestrial or galactic, with a million stars and planets orbiting the sun in dark mass. The only thing about the sun though, is that is takes the form of a woman and and baby.

I flip to the second page and there is a sketch of a man with full eyebrows, a beard that is trees and plants, and hair full of wildlife.

I stare at this picture in complete awe,  relishing in this beauty of art. In the man's eyes, there were a city and a skyline, with skyscrapers and planes and whatnot be in a city.

I decide on flipping thorough the pages some more until I reach one page with a the same man, as it appears, except that the man once lively hair was now rubble and smoke and polluted waters.

The beard now had dying trees and plants and it wasn't alive anymore, but dying.

The eyes of the man had changed and what used to be the view of a beautiful skyline was now a devastated forest.

This picture spoke the most to me, and I could feel the sad emotion in the drawing, as I saw tear stains on the page.

I close it, deciding to end my rambling of her things and go off into my room to throw on some skinny blue jeans and a plaid shirt with a tan coat. I finish off the look with some Chelsea boots and then I head out of my room, and knock on Luke's door.

"Hey bud, you wanna come out with me? I'm going to go pick up some stuff from the office and then go by Louis' house." I tell him.

I hear him shuffling around in his room and then he opens the door, wearing Nike sweats with an oversized black hoodie on.

"Okay, I'm down." He shrugs and we head out of the house for the day.

A/N:::Yeah, yeah, I know this chapter sucked but please show love on this and vote. Also, I just published my first chapter of a new HS fanfic called 90 Days to Coronation and y'all should really go check it out sometime.
Love you guys and btw if you read this, you are now a Biskinator. Biskit B is outttttttttt *drops mic*. That was so cringey Lolz.

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