"You should greet before saying anything," I state.

"Assalamualaikum" I added. ( peace be upon you)

"Walaikumassalam"(may peace be upon you too) she beams.

"Yeah on time..but one minute late.." I tease. "Huh! It's 7:01 pm ..just one minute late" she smirks.

"Where were you?" I ask immediately wanted to change the topic. I'm not in a mood or else I would surely pull her leg.

"You know what..." She raises.

"What!?" I ask getting curious looking at her expressions.

"My... relationship is confirmed with Uzaaaiiirrr.." she glooms and takes rooms around in all her happiness.

"That means Uzair and I..we both will be together from now on. Yaayy!!" She furiously claps her hand.

"That's wonderful Sofia." I say blessing her. "congratulations" I smile. I'm really happy for her.

"Thank you" Sofia blushes.

I am really happy that she will be going to get married to the one she loves.

"How's everyone? Is Uzair happy?" I ask.

"Everyone is good and happy..even Ayaat we'll be.." she says with a wink. "of course he is... I mean Uzair" she added.

"That's good Masha Allah," I say ignoring what she said before.

"But brother, it's really so strange to meet her as if we never met..as though she is my closest friend and also she is your fiance...but I always wondered how did you fell for her??" She asked making me remember all those beautiful moments.

I look at her in complete blankness.
"Ayaat had lost her memory not you I guess" I narrow my eyes.

"I know but I want to ask you how did you fell for her? I just know you both were in love and then you both got engaged.." she shrugs and turned towards me.

"that's it... I want to know in detail. I mean what made you fall for her!? " she pouts.

The memories start flooding in my mind. How she blushes looking at me when we met and how we talk without breaking our glances.... everything surrounding me making me dizzy, her laugh, her words literally echoing in my mind... I shake my head and blink back my tears.

"Got to go Sofia..but I'll be home soon," I say her awkwardly and rushed out.

I can feel she is standing completely blank.

I'm in the front yard and quickly took the support of my car and inhaled deeply, twice and thrice but this didn't help me.

I decided to go somewhere.. so I get in my car and drive my car really fast that I forget there's a speed limit. For now, I just had to forget everything but it looks like I'm failing to get the things out from my head.

Everybody clapped as we exchanged our rings. Ayaat was so happy and also clapped in all her blissful shine.
She looked at me getting her eyes wet. I cupped her cheeks and said:
" congratulations my Ayaat" and wiped her tears. She blushed extremely as when I press my lips against her temple.

"You look really beautiful," I said.
"Thank you, after all, I'm Mrs.Arhaan Khan's officially fiancee. " she giggles and blushed even more. She doesn't even know how incredibly cute she looks when she blushes.

Tears rolling down. I speed my car in a completely unconscious state and I can feel that my heart is at most to break... again.

I slowly came to my senses from my unwanted flashbacks, but uh-oh.. looks like I'm late. I see a tree right in front of me just a few steps after. I got panic and quickly pressed the break with my utmost pressure..but break failed.

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