First Date!

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Jada POV

I'm so nervous, tonight is my first date with Future. He finally asked me out yesterday when he came to pick his brother up. There's something about him that just I don't know, but he's amazing. Oh my god 7:45 fuck Future gonna be here soon. I ran to the bathroom and I took a hot shower then I heard the doorbell ring fuck he's here. I continued to get dressed and put on this

Red Dress That Stops At My Knees

Gold Hoop Earrings

Black, Red, White Jordans

I straightened my hair earlier so I put it in a neat high pony tail and curled the ends, I grabbed my phone and went downstairs, to find my parents talking to Future while he plays with my little brother I had to listen into this conversation.

Mom: Isaiah you are REALLY good with kids.

Future: Thank you, I actually used to help my Mom with my little brother.

Mom: Well she's a very lucky woman to have a son like you.

Dad: Where are you taking our daughter tonight?

Future: I was thinking maybe a movie sense it's are first date.

Told you Future is a really great guy, I walked in the room and everyone looked at me. Future stood and smiled which made me blush.

Mom: Sweetheart you look beautiful.

Me: Thanks Mom, sorry to make you wait Isaiah.

Future: It's all good, it was worth it you look amazing.

Me: Thanks you, you ready to go.

Future: Yeah, it was nice meeting you all.

I grabbed Future's hand and we left to the movies when we arrived it seemed hard to choose a movie.

Me: Let's just see the scary movie.

Future: The lady has spoken.

We got the tickets and I got M&M peanut then we went in the theater and took are seats in the back, it would be a while until the movie actually starts.

Me: How long have you lived in LA?

Future: About 5 years moved here when I was 15, what about you ma?

Me: I moved here from New York.

Future: Oh I see I'm dealing with a New York  girl. *Puts His Arm Around My Shoulder* I'm from New York too.

Me: *Smiles* You move quickly don't you Future.

He just smiled that gorgeous smile of his, then the movie started the theater got dark and the movie came on when scary parts would show I didn't even flinch, when the movie ended Future suggested we take a walk through the park, so we drove to an abandoned park and we started walking, it was kinda cold so Future gave me his jacket such a gentleman.

Me: So why do they call you Future anyway?

Future: Well I always had big dreams for the Future, so I guess it stuck.

Me: That's really sweet, so tell me about yourself.

Future: I'm 18, I was born in Brooklyn New York, but moved to LA when I 15 that was shortly after I had lost my Mom to breast cancer, I had to take care of my brother Elijah who is 15 now.
Me: OMG I'm sorry to hear about your Mom.

Future: Thanks, but she's in a better place now, but how about you tell about yourself. *Smiles & Sits On Top Of A Bench*

Me: Um there's nothing really to say, I'm 18, born and raised in New York until I moved to LA last year, uh I am single I got out of a bad relationship with my ex-boyfriend a month ago.

Future: What he do?

Me: Guys just wanna hit and quit it.

He pulled me in between his legs, I'm noy gon lie I literary melted on the inside. I couldn't help but blush. He whispered this in my ear.

Future: Not all guys, me I'm gonna be there for you. Treat you like the queen you are.

I looked him in the eye, he knows the right things to say and when to say them, we both began to lean in right when we were about to kiss it started pouring down raining, omg me and Future made are way to his car and he drove me home, we said good bye to each other and I ran to my house before I got even more wet, I had a great time until the rain messed up are kiss.

Future POV

Just arrived home from my date with Jada, to find my little brother still up with King (My Best Bro).

King: Whoa!! somebody is not too happen how was the date.

Me: It was going great until it started fucking raining!

Elijah: He feeling some type of way!! *Laughing*

Me: King why is he still up?, damn can't ask you to do nothing. Elijah go to bed. *Upset* 

He went upstairs to his room, I went upstairs too damn I can't believe I didn't kiss her.

AWWW I like Future he's sweet anyway vote & comment please!!

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