Hoes Will Be Hoes

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:::Week Later:::

August POV

My babies suspension is over and she comes back to school I was gonna go pick her but then I got this unexpected visit but my ex-girlfriend Bria. I had to drive Ariel to school but Bria was blocking the car door.

Bria: Hi Arielle!

Ariel: I'd start to cut you, August tell this chick not to call me by my government name!!

Me: Whoa Ariel calm down get in the car.

I unlocked the car and she hopped in the car, I don't understand why the fuck she even here? She always gotta start shit.

Me: Bria why TF you bring your ASS over here for always starting shit!!

Bria: Baby, your not happy to see me.


Me: That's right and don't call me baby. I got a girlfriend already.

As always she looked pissed off but I didn't give a fuck, not my problem. But I looked up the block and Jada was walking here with Egypt and some dude. Oh god she's gonna kill me.

Bria: Oh so that's her what a hoe? I'm way better than she is.

Ariel: NEVA!

Bria: STFU!!

Ariel: No you hoe!

Jada POV

Yay my suspension is over and I get to go to school not happy about that but I get to see August. My Dad has been being me to the studio everyday making songs so he's gonna pick me up from school, My Mom doesn't really like that Dad has been taking me everyday I don't understand what's her problem, anyway I got up and took a shower and did my regular hygiene routine then put on this.

•White Shirt Cut Off On The Bottom.

•Black Leather Tights.

•Denim Vest.

•Black, Pink, Blue Jordans.

•Gold Chain.

My hair was starting to dry from water, I decided to let it stay like that then I grabbed my Galaxy and went downstairs, Egypt was eating breakfast and Nana was cleaning up.

Me: Morning Everyone.

Egypt: Morning Jada.

Nana: Morning Princess, your finally up I thought I was gonna have to go up there and pour cold water on you to get you downstairs.

Me: No that's alright, where's my parents.

Nana: Work but can you take Egypt to school.

Me: Sure, come on baby brother.

Egypt: Bye Nana.

Me: Bye.

Nana: Bye sweeties, Jada here's what your Dad left for you. *Hands Me A $50*

I took it and we hugged her bye I grabbed my bag and me and Egypt were out the door walking to August house cuz he told me he was gonna be picking me up. I couldn't help but think me and Egypt were being followed and sure enough we were, Issa was stalking me.

Me: Issa what do you want?

Issa: Who's this Jada?

Egypt: I'm Egypt and why you bothering my sister?

Issa: My bad Little Man, Wassup you don't remember me I took care of you with your sister when you were a baby.

Egypt: Oh Issa.

Issa: Yeah so yall going to school huh.

Me: Why can't you leave me alone? I don't want you how is Isa? huh.

As we keep walking, we reach August house where this girl is yelling at Ariel, I seen tears come down her face as the girl screamed "hoe" in her face. I ran over there and when she seen me she starting smiling.

Me: Aww Ariel are you OK.

Ariel: Jada! Thank god your here this witch called me a bad word.

Me: Alright it's gonna be alright, Egypt get in the car.

He did as he was told I started walking to this bitches face getting real fucking pissed. But Issa held me back from beating her ASS.

Issa: Jada calm down you don't need to do this.



Bria: I'm his girlfriend.

Me: *Punches Her* BITCH get smart with me again.

That hoe just laid there on the ground knocked out, ugh the one day I have to go to school is the same day I have to knock some BITCH out, fuck this shit I'm going. I told Egypt to come on I took him to school and I went home. She can have August hoes will just be hoes.

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