not really there|batfamily

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Warning: Bad + self deprecating thoughts/self image

~First Person Point of View~

My eyes opened and my heart began to beat faster as I scanned my surroundings.

I remember walking the streets of Gotham, and then nothing.

Like these past days I have felt nothing.

And then anger, towards myself and life.

I made Dick upset,

and Bruce disappointed.

I was ashamed of myself so I ran out.

And wandered the streets of Gotham for hours.

Until it was late and dark, dried tear stains on my face and my stomach grumbling- begging for food that I stubbornly denied it; because of my deep hatred for myself and my actions.

I was pathetic.

I was confused; and slightly startled when I awoke, laying on the couch in the library.

I did not remember coming back, nor entering the library and falling asleep on the couch.

I got up and exited the library, walking towards the kitchen where I heard voices.

I slowly walked in and stared at the sight before me, feeling bitter and as unimportant as ever.

The whole family was together, laughing and smiling as they all ate breakfast, joking and having fun.

And I obviously was not a part of it. I felt jealousy and sadness press down hard on my chest. Making me feel depressed, but at the same time nothing.

I guess you feel what you are.

I bit my lip as I continued to stare at them, waiting for them to notice me.

But they did not.

My heart began to beat faster against my chest as the horrid thought came to my mind.

I attempted to push it away, but it came at me at full speed and engulfed me, trapping me inside where it suffocated me- making itself the only thing that I could think of.

I coughed, trying to not let it strangle me and consume me whole.

But they didn't look my way.

They did not hear me.

"I- I'm sorry," I spoke quietly looking down at the floor with tears blurring my vision, as the happy family continued to eat and laugh together.

My stomach grumbled painfully- but my brain hurt more as I tried to process all that was occurring before me.

Why was I not feeling bad?

I felt miserable.

But not because they couldn't see me.

Because I couldn't feel.

~Second Person Point of View~

"Y/n, please wake up. We need you here. I-" Dick broke off into sobs, his body moving violently as he cried, his hand clutching yours.

You laid on a bed in the batcave's infirmary with your eyes wide open, unresponsive.

A blank look on your face as you breathed in slowly- as if you did not want to breath but did it out of necessity.

The rest of the family was in the batcave, in shocked silence as they slowly processed the information.

"Y/n....Y/n's going to be alright; right?," Stephanie asked the very important but dreaded question that they all desperately wanted- but were not sure they'd like [the response]- answered.

"Whatever Y/n is in, they are not getting out of it until they want to. Until they ask for and accept help" Bruce responded, emotionless.

Just like Y/n was, but also wasn't.


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