It's Okay~ Nightwing|Dick Grayson

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·1st Person Point of View/ Your Point of View·

I woke up to the sounds of heavy breathing and what sounded like whimpers coming from beside me. I slowly allowed my eyes to open to see Dick in bed next to me seemingly having a nightmare. His brows were furrowed and his lips set into a frown. He then began to slightly shake and all of a sudden he was mumbling in his sleep, tossing and turning violently. I immediately began trying to shake him awake, calling out his name.

"Dick! Dick, babe wake up!" I was whisper-shouting so as to not wake the neighbors.

He sat up panting and wiped the thin sheet of sweat off his forehead. I started to rub his bare back in an attempt to calm him, and his breathing eventually returned to normal. "Are you alright?" I asked him softly after a while, still rubbing his back. He shook his head in the dark but I managed to see the side to side movement. "Do you want to talk about it?". He sighed in response and ran a hand over his face. "I had a bad dream" he stated simply. No shît. "Okay" I told him. If he didn't want to talk about it I was not going to force him to, he'd tell me when he was ready.

"I'm going to get some water" he told me as he got up and walked out of the room. I sighed softly, wanting to know what was going on in his head, but laid back down on the bed. He returned not long after and slipped into bed, under the covers and next to me. He still seemed shaken about his dream as he turned to the side with a long sigh that dragged out. I turned toward him and wrapped my right arm around his torso, snuggling into his bare back. "It's okay, I'll protect you" I whispered He chuckled and sighed in content this time, "I love you". I smiled and pressed a kiss on his upper back before responding, "I love you too. Now go to sleep babe, sweet dreams".
I grumbled as Dick moved in my arms. He chuckled and turned over, pressing a sweet kiss to my lips. "Good morning" he told me, nuzzling his face into my neck. I laughed and opened my eyes to see his blue ones. "Good morning Richard" I responded, a smile making it's way on my face as I stared at his, taking in all the small little details. "Take a picture. It'll last longer" he spoke with a smirk, his blue eyes looking amused. I gasped and put my hand over my heart, "Are you future breaking up with me Richard John Grayson?" I demanded in a playfully sad voice. His eyes widened, "Oh shoot, I didn't mean for you to find out like this". I stood up in the bed now, fully awake. "What?" I asked with a serious expression on my face. He held up his hands in surrender, "Relax cupcake, I was just joking" he chuckled at me. "Oh so now you're calling me fat?" I asked scoffing. "Oh my gosh! No I wasn't trying to-" I laughed at his flushed expression. "Relax babe, I was just joking" I told him, imitating him. He pouted before abruptly pulling me back to bed and nuzzling his head onto my chest. I laughed and pulled him up for a kiss to which he happily complied.

Hey guys! I decided to write a short fluff type of thing because, why not?

I hope you enjoyed it and THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING! Have a fabulous day!

{By the way the third collage/book cover is currently winning, thank you for those who commented and I have decided to wait a week for the final results (so you can go over and comment right now if you haven't already).}

-mgBookLover out!!

Young Justice + Batfamily One Shots and ScenariosOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz