Pet You Adopt/Buy

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Robin (Dick Grayson)

You two adopt a cute 3 year old dog. The original owners left it in the streets and moved. You decided to adopt the poor animal, wondering who would leave this beauty behind. You like to pet and stroke it a lot when you're stressed and lets just say you both grew to love the little mutt.

Aqualad (Kalur'ahm)

You guys buy a turtle to set it free watching as it swims away into the open ocean.

Kidflash (Wally West)

You guys get a hamster. Wally loves to watch it run on its wheel and you enjoy watching it play in the little playpen you guys bought it. It's very amusing to watch it stuff it's cheeks as well, kind of reminds you of Wally.....

Superboy (Conner Kent)

[You guys get a monkey! JK]

You guys adopt a little kitten (Oh my gawd!! I love cats). Conner was super awkward and uncomfortable holding the little kitten at first, but soon got used to it and actually ended up enjoying holding the kitten. You loved to play with the kitten, dragging string around and moving lasers to watch the kitten jump and try to capture it. Even funnier when you pointed the laser at the wall and it started climbing, let's just say Conner freaked when he saw the kitten on the wall.

Hey guys ^ .  . ^. I just wanted to say that it is better to adopt than to buy animals because you are saving a life if you adopt.

I hope you enjoyed this short preference and I hope you have a nice day or night!

                                   -mgBookLover out.

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