Attacked By 'Friends' of a 'Friend'~Superboy|Conner Kent

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[GF/N] : Guy Friend's Name

2nd Person Point of View

You were rummaging through your locker for your correct books, and put away the ones you didn't need, sighing in frustration. You really needed to clean it out.

"Hey Y/n" you heard [GF/N] say. "Hey" you greeted back with a smile and a nod of acknowledgement. You pulled out a loose sheet of paper you needed for class and one of your heavy books came out with it. Your eyes widened as you realized it was going to fall on your toes, but [GF/N] quickly caught it as it flew out of your locker with one hand. "Hmph. Be careful next time babe" he chuckled as he handed you your book and you thanked him. He looked down at his watch and whistled, "I gotta go, I'll see you at lunch right?". You nodded and watched him with a smile on your face as he walked backwards and turned around, bumping into someone. You laughed at him and turned back to your locker.

You heard someone clear their throat and you looked up to see your boyfriend, Conner. You smiled at him as you shut your locker. "Hey Conner. How are you today?". He didn't answer you and instead glared at a retreating figure. You turned around and caught a glimpse of [GF/N] and turned back towards Conner. "[GF/N]?" He narrowed his eyes at the sound of his name only further confusing you. "What's wrong with [GF/N]?" You had a frown on your face as you questioned Conner.

"I don't like him" you were about to respond, but he continued. "I don't want you to talk to him anymore" he told you with a straight face. "What? Well what if I want to talk to him?" You asked Conner. He glared at you, "Don't. I'm not asking you to not talk to him, I'm telling you not to talk to him". You scoffed and rolled your eyes at his response before answering, "When did I say you could decide who I speak to?". You didn't wait for his answer as you angrily marched away.

"He's not who he says he is! He's a bad person, Y/n" Conner called after you.

"Then who is he Conner, please tell me" you turned back to look at him with a frown on your face.

"I...I can't tell you" he told you, sighing afterwards.

You felt your chest tighten, but you turned back around and left silently, Conner no longer calling after you.

[GF/N] had sat with you at lunch, like usual, but Conner didn't.

[GF/N]'s eyes kept darting nervously all over the lunchroom throughout lunch.

"Hey, [GF/N] are you alright? You seem nervous" you asked your friend, a concerned expression on your face.

He quickly turned to you, "Promise to not tell anyone, alright?".

You slowly nodded and he continued, "I'm in a gang" your eyes widened as soon as those words escaped his lips.

"What? You're in a-" he shushed you and placed a hand over your mouth.

"Yes, and unfortunately your boyfriend knows too, and he doesn't like me. I'm afraid he can't be left alive because of that, he might rat the group out" [GF/N] spoke in a low dark voice, a sinister smile making its way on his crazed face.

You shook your head slowly with a horrified look covering your face, "No, [GF/N] you- you can't. Tell someone about it, don't be forced into something- something so  awful".

"No one is forcing me. If you tell anyone Y/n, I'm going to slit your pretty little throat right ater you I slit your boyfriend's; and I'll make you watch" your body shivered as he spoke, his serious tone and psychotic expression frightening you.

The bell rang, but you stayed on your chair, looking horrified, since that's how you felt.

"See ya" [GF/N] spoke casually, smiling and waving , though the look in his eyes gave you the chills.

He was serious.

School had ended and you were walking home. You had stayed at school one hour after it ended, helping a teacher and since it was winter, it was now dark. You blew out a breath that was visible in the cold night air and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, nervously thinking about what happened with [GF/N].

You let out a scream as someone pulled you into an alley and covered your mouth. You immediately elbowed them and violently thrashed in their strong hold which quickly became weak as you hit them in their stomach. They groaned, letting you go and you took it as a cue to leave. But as you tried to get out of the alley, two bodies covered the exit and you let out a whimper as one pushed you back roughly. You landed on your behind, and started to crawl backwards as they walked forward, towards you. The other guy kicked your leg and you screamed as tears threatened to spill from your eyes. You'd felt more pain before but the fear of what they were going to do to you- that fear was eating you alive.

You started to breath heavily and eventually shake. The guy from before came up behind you and spoke in your ear the most chilling words you have ever heard. "Stay away from [GF/N]. You don't know him. He's highly dangerous. If you don't, we'll make sure they don't find your body". They all started to punch and kick you as you cried out for help, a tiny little part of you believing no one would come. But there was an even bigger part of you that had hope in people, all you needed was one person.

Your arms grew tired from protecting your face, but you did not put them down even though they were stinging and felt as if they were on fire. Just as the hope was being slowly drained from you, you heard footsteps. The person yanked the three guys off of you and threw them aside as if they weighed nothing.

You whimpered in fear and crawled backwards, afraid the superhuman came to harm you. "Y/n, I'm not going to hurt you. Are you alright?" The male voice spoke in the darkness. If you hadn't memorized that voice, you probably wouldn't have recognized it.

Relief was all you felt as you threw yourself (not literally) onto Conner. He rubbed your back as you nuzzled into his warm, calming embrace. You saw the three guys slowly get up and walk out of the alley, but before they left they turned back, looking you straight in the eye. "We don't break promises, and we don't play games. Stay away you little-". They didn't get to finish as Conner let go off you and lunged at them.

They threw a smoke bomb and as soon as the smoke cleared, they were gone. Conner looked around for them, as you slowly got up, still a little shaken from the attack and got your book bag. "Conner, they're gone" you spoke softly as you placed your hand on his shoulder. He sighed and turned to look at you, a frown adorning his features. His eyes scanned you over, looking for any fatal injuries. He found none, and gently grabbed your hand, leading you out of the alley. "Come on, I'm taking you home" he told you, his voice emotionless. You followed behind him in silence for a while, but something was bothering you.

As you reached your house, you stopped walking and stood still waiting for Conner to turn to you. He eventually did and you shamefully looked down, but quickly looked back up at him. Taking a deep breath, you spoke "I'm sorry Conner. I just- I though you were jealous and I'm sorry....Sorry for not believing you. And thank you, for still saving me even though I acted quite rudely towards you. I understand if you're mad at me". He stared at you for a while before finally speaking, "I'm not mad at you, I'm just worried and angry at your friend". "Oh" you looked down and thought about all the good times [GF/N] and you had had.

Conner gently lifted your chin and kissed you on the lips softly. The kiss was short and sweet, but you enjoyed it nonetheless. "Oh, and don't worry about him, I have it covered" Conner told you as soon as you pulled away. "Thank you Conner" you told him with a small smile on your lips. He gave you a smile back, "No problem. I'll see you at school tomorrow". You waved goodbye and stepped into your house, watching as he walked away. You loved him with all your might and hoped that he was right, that he did have it covered. You loved him too much and didn't have the heart to tell him what [GF/N] said.

Thank you for reading, and thanks for the votes!
        -mgBookLover out. . .

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