Adopted by One Direction (1D FanFic)

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Emily ++++


" Kim shut the hell up!" my dad yelled at my mom, he was trying to drive.

" How about you Darrell! Why are you speeding, need to get to that hoe of a mistress!" My moms voice cracked; she was crying. Why are my parents fighting. Don't they love each other.

I sunk lower in my seat. It is scaring me.. I'm only six..

" Darrell!" My mothers voice rang in my head, as car lights came into contact with us. We had been in a wreck. Once I could unbuckle my seat, I looked over to the front passenger seat to see my mom.. Dead.

I looked at my father, he looked the worst.. They were both.. No it can't be.. Not my parents.. What about the picnics, and scrapbooking? What about family fun night..

" Mom.. Dad?" I asked shaking their lifeless bodies.. I began to silently sob.

" Please wake up.. I'm hurt.. I need help.. " I scream as I put my head in my hands. That is the last thing I remember, before I was put into this adoption center. Eleven years ago..

-End Of Flashback-

" Emily.. You need to get ready. Some famous band called.. Um what was it.. Oh yea! One Direction their coming here. Get ready now." The owner of the children's home told me.

I didn't bother changing, since partly I didn't have anything else, and no one even gets to my room. I'm freaking 17! When can I live on my own? No one wants to adopt a teenager.

I laid on my blankets on the floor. We couldn't afford a mattress for me, so I just didn't have one. I ran my hand through my light blonde hair to get out all the forming tangles.

I heard foot steps enter my room.

" What now Brittney!" I called out to the head Mistress.

" Uh. I'm not Brittney.. I think I'm not.." A deep voice chuckled. I turned around and saw five pair of eyeballs look at me, Liam was speaking.

" Hello love!" The all said in unison.

" Hi.. I'm sorry but I can't waste your time. Right down the hallway is a lovely little girl-" I began, but got cut off.

" Sweetie, I'm your legal guardian. I'm Liam by the way!" He perked up. My jaw dropped. Their adopting me? A ugly price of trash?

" Here pack you stuff, and get out of this dump." Harry said looking around. I hurriedly grabbed my only valuable. The last picture I took with my parents.

" Ready.." I quietly spoke. The lads looked at me shocked. I shrugged my shoulders.

" What? That was ten seconds." Zayn chuckled.

" I don't have anything.." I muttered looking at the floor. They all glared at Zayn.

" Don't worry, we have all you'll ever need at your new house." Liam laughed.

" Okay.." I said. Am I scared? No. Happy? No. Have you ever had that feeling where you have no clue how you feel. That's how I feel right now. No feelings.

" Do you wanna say goodbye to anybody?" Liam asked raising an eyebrow. I looked at all the other kids, who were glaring at me. I just smiled in their direction, and walked at the door. They all always treated me like shit.

" No." I said in a monotone. Thy lads pulled me into a limo.

" So how old are you?" Louis asked.

" Lou, you will not be hitting on my daughter." Liam said. I ignored Liam's statement and answered Lou.

" I'm 17." Its not like Louis or the other lads even like me anyways. They all probley have perfect model girlfriends.

" What's your name?" Zayn asked me.

" Emily Ross." I replied.

" Well actually not Ross anymore.." Liam said smiling at me.

" Why did you want a teen? I'm almost your age, so actually I would have been born when you were three or four." I stated. Liam shrugged.

" You had good looks." Harry mumbled, a little to loud. I looked at him. He just smiled showing his dimples.

" Did you know, you look more like Niall. Blonde hair, and big bright blue eyes." Louis said staring at me. This kinda felt uncomfortable. All lads staring at me and all.

" Well I put up with four grown up immature boys. I'm daddy directioner. Why not have one more?" Liam laughed. I giggled. These boys were really good looking, and sweet.

" Were home!" They boys yelled, pulling me out of my dream.


I rarely do author notes. I'm not a big fan on notes, I don't know if you are. You can always contact me with ideas, or just if you need to talk. If I don't answer right away, I Will answer. Thanks my little orange carrots! xx

Adopted by One Direction (1D FanFic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora