"Oops! Sorry" I say dropping my eyelids with an inconvenient laugh.

He gasps "there is no place for good deeds. Huh!"

"What do you mean?" I frown.

" I mean, I helped you and you are like my tooter my footer". He rolls his eyes and flips the pancakes.

"Oh-um. I am sorry!" I look at him with a puppy face and went near the basin "if you were at my place and you wake up and you are not in your bed and it's completely strange... then what would you do?" I ask him while splashing water on my face.

"Well... I would enjoy one's company duh!!" he replies to me with a wink.

I roll my eyes at him " you could have taken me to my house? why did you bring me here?"

"Well, I don't know your house and I'm a good boy and being a good boy I thought to bring you to my house" he assures raising his eyebrows.

"Good boy and you? Huh! nice joke" I smirk and he narrows his eyes.

"By the way, What happened last night? I mean I faint and you brought me here that's it?" I shrugged.

I know he's my friend and I trust him too but then I feel satisfied if I know from him.

He understands and tells me everything.

My stomach growl. I blushed and walked out.
I can feel that he is looking at me, I ignore and messaged Yumna and assured her that I'm good and I'll be coming home soon.

I wear my footwear and grab my belongings and walk towards the doorway.

"Hey!" He calls.

I flinched and turned back.
"Thank you for taking care of me, I should probably leave now," I say with a quick nod and plastered a smile on my face.

"But.." he was saying something I interrupted "what? Do you need something in favour?" I ask.

"Umm.. yes," he says and crossed his arms.

"What?" I asked...

"I want you to have breakfast with me and then you can go.," he says and I think for a minute and agreed. I'm seriously hungry.
These pancakes are so delicious.

I can feel that he is glaring at me. I looked at him and I met his eyes my stomach flips and I feel strange.

I drop my eyelids to break the eye contact and continued eating.

But why though? why am I feeling so weird is it because I came to know that he's my hazelnut? Not mine... I mean my childhood best friend, hazelnut.

I got interrupted by my thoughts when Arhaan starts to choke.

I look at him getting seriously concerned as his eyes got tears and his choke is not getting stop.

I got tensed and stood up so fast that my chair falls backwards to the marble stone and I quickly bring a glass of water and gives him but he isn't in the position to drink by himself, he is literally wriggling...

ya, Allah, I don't know what to do.

I just know I had to help him.. I help him to sit properly and rubbed his back and that didn't work.

so I bash his back and he throbbed and finally takes a deep breath.

I close my eyes and sighed in relief and helps him to drink water. He takes few sips while my hand is busy helping him to drink, our eyes again met this time I am sure he can see the concern in my eyes but yes I can see the amour in his eyes.

"Thank you," he says inhaling softly.

"Welcome," I give him a half-smile.

He washes his face and came back.

"Are you done eating" I look at him.

"Yea" He replies.

"What? why are you staring at me" I asked.

He shrugged.

"Weirdo" I murmured.

"looking at you I remember someone" he claims. "Oh!?" I raise my brows.

"Yeah..and she is dearest to me!" He stated.

"That means you love her," I ask.

"Yeah!" He gasped. "How much?" I ask."You Know.." he paused.

"No! I don't" I smirked.

"Her coffee turns cold waiting for me and my eyes turn red trying to forget her," he said dropping his eyelids.

It sounds so dramatic though, looks like a pickup line. Isn't it? Haha.

"You are saying as if you had a break-up."

"Yeah, something like that, maybe!" He sighed.

"Did you ever fallen in love?" He asked looking at me.
I again failed to read his eyes. Looks like he plaster kinds of emotions in them.

"Umm..nope! I am afraid to turn my coffee cold because I like hot coffee" I state with a quick grin on my face.

He chuckled." we can be friends"
"Just friends if you want" He adds.

I smile.
You are my best friend. Idiot.

So it means "yes?right?" He sounds happy.

"That will be awkward when someone comes to know that a lecturer is my friend..lol" I laughed.

He chuckled. "I want to go home," I said. "Think it again" he replies. Why do he always make me confused?

"Sorry?" I frown.

" Think it before leaving or else I am sure that you'll miss me" he explained giving me a wink and I smirk on that. "W.ell, I won't," I say moving my hair away from my shoulder.

"Can I drop you then?"

"No no it'fine..I'll go by myself. It's already more than enough." I assured him with a smile.

"See, I helped you and you helped me and so I need to help you again, I want too because we are friends now dear...and it's not good to go alone, who knows if someone kidnaps you?",

"Firstly, I'm not your dear and secondly, we aren't friends yet and thirdly, I am not milk baby.. I can go by myself but still if you are willing to drop me in favor of that I helped you then...you can" I finally breathe.

He Chuckled and gave me way to follow him and grey Mercedes is waiting for me out.

Lol.what's wrong with me.

"Well you can act casual, I am not that girl who will impress from your gentleman acts" I scoff as he pulls out the door.

He roll his eyes and smirks.

What if he comes to know I know him.. his reaction would be funny.. because I'm literally acting as if I don't know him.. well now the thing which is bothering me is..who is the girl he is in love.. I have to find out. And then I'll telk him that I remember him.

What do you think will they both get together after a years? Will,Arhaan again make a place in her heart?

To know what happen next,
stay tuned.


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