[7] You Are Look More Human When You Are Being Nice

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, just like that!" He exclaims excitedly. I did it but I don't know why I am not happy at all. I have to happy because all effort I did is paying off, right? But why I am not feeling happy now?

"Hey" He calls me, "Go stand near the pole"

I look at him, confuse but still follow him to the pole. He takes the ball and stand to the my usual spot.

"Are you going to be a setter?"

"Yes, and you are going to spike"

He sets the ball for me and I spike it. He provokes me.

"What do you want, P?"

"Just do what I tell you too" he says, "When you hit the ball, put all the strenght into your palm of your hand. Whatever it is you have lent up, let it all loose"

So, he is know if I am feeling angry right now. He knows if I am mad right now. So, he knows from the beginning. That is why he wants us to change the role.

We back to our position again. He takes another ball and set it to me. I do just like what he said. I hit it so hard.

"Damn it!" I hit the ball so hard like I just burst out all anger in my heart to it. Then I sit, burry my face between my arms. I cry.

He comes and pats my back. I can hear his step go further. I look up at him and call his name.

 I look up at him and call his name

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"Can you stay still?"

"I don't like to see someone's crying"

"I am not crying" I try to hold my tears. He goes back and sit beside me then gives me look.

"You can cry if you want" Then the tears are running down to my face. I can't stop it. I let it out everything through my tears. Anger, disappointment, sad, mad and everything are bursting out. It takes few minutes before my tears are drying.

We keep silent. Just looking straight blankly.

"Feeling better?" I nod.

"Thank you, P"

"Nothing to thanks for. I did nothing"

"I know" He looks at me like he wants to kill me, "But still. Thank you, P"

We back to silent mode again. No one starts to speak again. It is like we stuck in produce words. Well, we are not close before. We were enemy, so this 'closeness' is something that very unfamiliar.

"I fought with my dad...." I start to open up.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to"

"I know, but I will pretend I am just talking with no one"

"Then you don't need me to be here"

"But you can stay still, please"

He sits back again. He sighes.

"You are so weird!"

"I know, P. You don't have to be bold to me. You should try to cheer me up?"

"I never know how to do it and I don't want too"


"What again? And don't call me like that. It feels so weird!"

"I am hungry"


We are at food stall near our dorm. We sits face each other.

"What do you want to eat?"

"Anything is fine. I am not picky. As long as you pay it for me, P"

"You are being greedy!"


"Fine. Just for this time only"

"Thank you, P'Puen"

"And don't call me that. Stop being nice to me. It feels so weird!"

He goes to order our foods then back with two plates on his hands. He puts one plate for me.

We eats in silent. Well, what can I say? I always like that when I eat. Always stay silent and only enjoying the foods. Food is the only thing I will think about.

"You are so quiet when you are eating"

"Are you observing me, P?"

"It is not observing. It just happens when I see you, you are always eating"

"Ooo... You are observing me"

"I am not!" He denies, "Fine. Whatever you think. It is useless to talk to you"

"So, you don't hate me?"

"I never hate you"

"But you never act nice to me since the first day until now"

"I don't hate you. I just don't like you. It is different!"


"Just finish your foods, then we go back to our dorm. No more question!"

I want to open my mouth but he gives me death stare. Better I finish my foods before he finish my life.

"P, you are look more like human when you are being nice"


Okay, I am shuting my mouth now. No need to make him more angry. The scariest thing right now is him.

We are back to dorm. He is walking five steps away in front of me.

"Why are you walking behind me?"

"It is weird to walk with you, P. I don't want our friends think we are dating or something"

He stops and looking back at me. I stop and ready to defense for my life.

"Do you like me?" He asks.


"Me too. I don't like you. So, stop thinking about weird thing like that"

"But P, I will make you to like me"

"Why you have to do that when you said you don't like me?"

"So we can be friend and have good sync when we play the game?"

"Whatever. Just do whatever you want.Talking to you is useless"

He sighes then walk again. We are near our dorm when someone pops up from the corner of the building. It is Pete.

"Than?" He startles, "And... P'Puen? What are you doing with... Than?"

"Pete, wait for...." P'Nao comes out behind him, "Puen? Than?" He look surprise then he smiles, "Finally you two are making up, I mean you become friend right?"

"What are you doing with the junior?" P'Puen ignores him.

"It is me who should ask you all, what are you all doing in this late night?" P'Leng comes from nowhere.


I am sorry for late update
I was busy for past days

I will try to update regularly
I hope so 🙏🙏🙏

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