Chapter 65

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"WHAT?!" Hayes voice screeched through the phone

"Yeah" I mumbled as I laughed


"Hayes just meet us at the hospital" I said. Hayes said a multiple amounts of 'okay' before he hung up. He sounded more scared than I was. I was the one delivering the baby and yet he was the one panicking.

Anna started driving at a safe but fast pace. If that was even possible. She kept doing turns at every road until we finally got to the hospital.

Contractions were kicking in even harder now and it felt like I could barely stand. "Here. I'll help you." Anna said as she got out of the car, sprinted to my side of the car and helped me out as best as she could. I was breathing heavily as Anna dragged me inside the hospital where many nurses and other patients stared at me as I exhaled heavily. Surprisingly Dr Rowell was there which I didn't expect at all. "Hey dear how are y-"

"SHES ABOUT TO HAVE A BABY" Anna exclaimed causing the other patients to jump in their seat. I laughed a little because it was like everyone else was more panicked Than I was. A smile crept onto Dr Rowell's face as she motioned for us to follow her into the delivery room. She made me change into that outfit that other women wear when they're about to go into labour, the one where your ass basically hangs out from the back.

I laid on the bed staring blankly at the ceiling as I kept inhaling and exhaling at a fast pace. My body felt sweaty and overheated. Funny how my body was already sweating when I haven't even given birth yet. Anna sat down on a seat farther away from me so she wouldn't be able to see the delivery but still able to see my face. "How long have you been having contractions?" Dr Rowell asked. "Since last night." I replied. Doctor Rowell chewed on the bottom of her lip as she nodded her head towards me. "Well it's official."

"What is?" I asked

"You're about to have your first baby!," she said as she flashed me a wide toothy smile. "How do you feel?"

"NOT READY" I yelled jokingly. Dr Rowell and Anna laughed.

Hayes, Jeff and Andrea came storming into the room. They all panted, especially Hayes. His eyes were wide and he looked jittery. He ran over to my side of the bed. "Are you okay?!" Hayes asked

"Hayes. I'm having a baby. I'm not dying." I said sarcastically. Hayes rolled his eyes at me as he gave me a half smile. "Wheres Jen and- OW." More contractions. "What?! What?! Is she okay?!" Hayes exclaimed. "Hayes dear, it's just contractions kicking in. Nothing to be worried about" Dr Rowell explained. "Oh..." Hayes's face flushed as he let out a shy smile. All of us laughed. He was acting like he was 13 years old again.

More contractions kept on kicking in to the point where I was done, ready, this baby wanted out. "Dr Rowell I think I'm ready now." I said as I started breathing heavily again. "Alright, well let's have a baby." She said as she clapped her hands together and exchanged looks with everyone in the room. "If I can have you guys on this side of the room, that'd be nice" Dr Rowell said as she pushed everyone else to my side of the room, just so they wouldn't see my 'area' on Dr Rowell's side. Dr Rowell told me to open my legs and I followed, I did everything she told me and eventually it was time to start pushing the baby out. "Alright give it a little push right now. Okay?" I nodded my head and it already started hurting like a bitch on the first push. My forehead was already dripping sweat and I saw that everyone was staring at me suffering through all this pain. Hayes sat beside me by the bed and I held Onto his wrist which was probably marked from my nails by now because of my pinching.

"One more push. And hold it to 10"

I nodded and kept on pushing. "1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10!" Dr Rowell exclaimed.

I pushed about 20 times and every time hurt even more. Like I was being hit with a base ball bat. "One more push!!" Dr Rowell yelled. Everyone stood up from their seats as anxiety and excitement overcame them. If I wasn't the one giving birth i probably would've stood up also. I pushed one more time and I wanted to make sure it was my last, I put my all into the single push reaching to the point where my body was ready to collapse. My head arched back as I screamed.

It felt like satan was possessing me through my that bad?

I closed my eyes as I ended my long scream. I felt so tired all of a sudden that my body and legs just collapsed down onto the bed. All I could hear, was the sweet quiet cries of my baby and the awes of Andrea and Anna. Hayes let out a small laugh and kissed me on the forehead.

"It's a girl" Dr Rowell said. My eyes were still closed and once I opened it they were already done doing what they were suppose to do when a baby was born. They came back with my baby girl wrapped in a pink blanket that hovered around her and showed only her face. One of the nurses handed her to me gently and i wanted to cry. Not from sadness but pure excitement that this little human in my hands right now, was a gift from god to me.

"Welcome to the world...kacey Monica Grier"

Hayes said softly as he kissed both me and baby kacey on the cheeks.

"So that's the name!" Jeff yelled and all of us let out a little chuckle.

"Can I hold her?" Hayes asked and I gently handed her over to him. The expression on hayes's face was unexplainable and breath taking. The way he looked at could see pure love that he had for her and how much he would care for her. Like you could see a shining glint in his eyes as he gently traced her rosy cheeks with his finger softly.

I closed my eyes as a fatigue and exhaustion possessed my body. Baby kacey was in good hands right now, I could hear everyone swarming Hayes as they exclaimed in awe while looking at mine and hayes's baby girl. I took this opportunity to do myself a favor and get some rest. So I shut my eyes and let the sweet cooing sound of my baby put me to sleep for a while.

Hayes Grier fanfic: After AllTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon