Chapter 21

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Althea's POV:

"Hayes where are going?" I asked as he dragged me by my hand. He wore a white T-shirt that said reckless and black jeans with black vans. His usual style, his messy but cute hair filled the top of his head. Hayes didn't reply back. But instead, he pulled me to the pier and I saw a boat.

It wasn't a big boat but it wasn't a small boat either, it was just fine for 2 people. Hayes hopped in first and extends his arm out for me so I could get in, I hopped on with him.

Hayes put the keys in and the boat started off, at first I thought we would wake up everybody at 3 am from the Loud engine sound but then again, I didn't care.

I was with Hayes at 3 am.

We drove around a bit in the boat, going through the whole lake like we owned the place. Like we even own the entire night. It was complete silence. He stopped the boat, and turned the engine off so now it was dead silence, all you could hear were the crickets. He sat down next to me,

"Why'd you bring me out here?" I asked,

Even if it was dark I could see his beautiful blue eyes probably seeking for mine. Thankfully he couldn't see me blushing, "I thought you wanted to have a little fun" he giggled a little bit. I hit him in the shoulder, "why? I'm not fun enough?" "I never said that. And why do you keep hitting me?" "Seems like it. And because you're being an idiot" "why? Don't like idiot?, I'm just trying to make up for all the lost time we never got to spend together" he said, I got quiet for a moment. I didn't know whether to argue back, be mad, or to press my lips against his.

I guess I went for the last option.

I leaned in, and I could already feel his lips dancing on mine even though they weren't even connected yet. It sent shivers through my whole body.

Our lips were inches apart and his hands started tracing little circles on my arms as he pulled me close.

I suddenly felt the urge to kiss him. No more waiting. But I guess I couldn't do that.

He pushed me into the water as he held my hand, just like what had happened on the pier.

"Hayes! You dumbass!" I yelled, as I laughed.

"Stop swearing honey" he said, when he said that I felt my insides melt and my heart go weak, his voices made me feel a type of way when he said that.

"Can we please go back to the cabin?"

"How come?"

"I'm cold. I need to warm up"

"I could warm you up right here, right now" he said. I don't know if he was being seductive or funny.

Both ways seemed to work on me.

we both laughed as he got up in the boat and helped me up as well. And we drove back to the cabin in our wet soaking clothes.

When we got back I opened the door quietly, with Hayes behind me. Jeff, Andrea and Anna were still asleep.

I felt our shoes squish beneath us as we tip toed quietly passed the living room to where they all were because of the whole water jump situation and stuff.

I went back to my room, and Hayes went To his, it was then I realized I didn't have any more clean clothes. I started panicking because all the clothes I had were all dirty now. I went over to hayes's room. "Thanks a lot grier, I don't have anything to wear now." I said, as I marched into his room, dripping water across the floor. Hayes laughed, "well maybe next time you shouldn't be going outside with a bad boy at 3 am" he said, jokingly. I rolled my eyes and scoffed, "bad boy?? Hayes, you cried at the end of 'A walk To remember" I said. "Good point" he said as he and I laughed. Hayes shut the door because we didn't want our laughing to wake anybody up.

Hayes went over to his bag and threw me a pair of his basketball shorts and a t shirt. And for some weird reason his SnapBack as well. "Hayes, do you really want me to-?" "It's not a problem at all" he said cutting me off,

I smiled at him and went back to my room.

I slid on his t shirt which smelt of his cologne, and also his basketball shorts that fell loose on me. But It felt nice to wear baggy clothing at times. I don't see why he gave me his SnapBack, maybe he was just out of his mind. It was 4 am in the Morning so,

I went back to his room and opened the door,

A shirtless Hayes who wore grey sweats stood in front of me.

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