Chapter 49

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**the next morning**

Althea's POV:
The whole tent was lit up with the sun bouncing off of the tent. My head felt like it had been running all night and my eyes were slightly still tired. But I noticed one thing that really stood out.

I was naked.

Beneath the covers.

Hayes was to my right facing the other way. All I Could see was some of his back muscles and his shaggy Brown hair, his arms were draped over to his sides.

Now, I knew Hayes and I did it last night. I wasn't that drunk. I knew what happened.

The only thing I didn't remember was;

Hearing a condom wrapper open.

Did he...?

Am I...?


I decided to just push the problem at the back of my mind. We were going home later today because Nash and the guys had to fly back home because their visit was over. It was a fun few days. I felt like their whole visit we were all drunk at some point. I decided to focus on having a productive but relaxing day and not worry about whether Hayes used a condom or not. Even though the anxiety was eating up every bit of me, I had another problem on my mind...

How was I going to get my clothes in my bag?

When the bag is in the van?

And I can't run out there,

I'm naked.

"Crap..." I mumbled to myself quietly as I sat up from my spot on the air bed. Hayes moved a little and he switched to his other side, so he was now facing me.

His eyes gently fluttered and he gave me a smile.

"Good morning" his raspy voice said.

Oh god, it was probably 9 in the morning I did not need the feeling of being seduced by a sexy raspy voice.

"Morning" I casually tried to say as I bit my bottom lip.

I slid the blanket off which was probably a stupid idea because I was still bare naked and Hayes was awake so he could practically see me as I made my way over to the exit of the tent. I zipped the tent door down slowly, so that you wouldn't be able to see me if you were standing outside. I saw that some of the guys were asleep in the other tent with the other girls. And a few of the guy were passed out on blankets that were placed around the fire.

In the distance I could hear a few voices;

Andrea and chandler.

They were picking up Empty beer bottles that were placed around the area of the cabin.

"Andrea! Psst!" I hissed trying to get her attention. The cold air flew into the tent and I felt my whole body turn into a pool of shivers and goosebumps. I heard Hayes laugh behind me. Probably because he had a full on view of my ass. I rolled my eyes jokingly as I continued on trying to get Andreas attention.

After a few more minutes of hissing she saw me and ran towards me, leaving Jeff to clean up some more of the beer bottles and wake up some of the others.

"What?" She said in a sassy tone
"I'm naked"
"what? Are you serious?" She held onto her sides as she laughed
"Shut up and help me"
"How am I suppose to do that?"
"Can you grab my bag from the van" I pouted.
She scrunched her forehead with her face expression, "Althea I-"
"Please," I pouted again once more and this time I was dead serious. "I've been naked all night long and I'm practically freezing right now. Just please get my clothes from the van"
"Oh alright." She finally gave in.

Andrea ran to the van and came back sprinting towards me with my duffel Bag. A wave of relief passed over my body as she handed the bag towards me. "Thank you so much" I said. "No problem but Althea?"
"Why are you naked?" She asked, trying to help stop the grin forming into her face and the giggles escaping her mouth.
"Long story"
"I got time"
"Let's just say: beer, drunk, Hayes"
She laughed at me as her eyes went wide, "YOU GUYS FUCKED IN A TENT?!?" She yelled, in a tone that could eventually wake up the entire population.

She said it like it was an everyday thing.

"I'll see you later" she said as she started turning her back towards me,
"Wait. Where are you going?"
"I'm gonna help Jeff clean up the rest of the beer bottles and the spare bunch of clothes floating in the lake and hanging by the pier"
"Wait what?," I asked, I remember Hayes telling me something about the lake and the pier and it involved a bunch of screaming. But my mind wasn't quite straight. I still felt somewhat hungover. "What do you mean 'spare clothes'?"
"A bunch of guys went skinny dipping last night" she chuckled. Now I remembered, I remember hearing someone yell that they were wasted.
"Did anyone happen to yell that they were wasted?"
"Yeah of course"

Wow. Guess we never really suspect that's it's the quiet ones.

Andrea left to go help Jeff. I zipped up the exit of the tent and i started digging through my duffel bag to get some clothes. Hayes still sat in bed staring up at the roof of the tent like it was playing a movie or something. The blanket covering the bottom half of his body and his upper body completely revealed.

Hayes's POV:

I saw Althea ask Andrea to ask for her duffel bag and clothes. It made me let out a small laugh because she was in front of me and all I saw was full on ass. But when she started changing I knew it was rude to stare at that moment. So I lay there on the air bed just thinking of whatever jumped into my mind. But then a thought occurred to me:

I forgot to use a condom last night.

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