Chapter 8

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Althea's POV:
I woke up and the sun was finally out again. I guess the storm ended while we were sleeping. I got up from the bed and looked at Hayes for a moment, the way he looked so peaceful. The same thought appeared in my head from last night, 'explore him' maybe I didn't really mean that, because, when you lose your virginity you lose it to someone you love, and I'm not sure if I love hayes 100% anymore, maybe a part of love is still there. But only a little bit. Forever can't happen just like that, forever needs to be worked for.

"Hayes" I said, as I shook him lightly.
"Mmm.." He mumbled, with his face stuffed in one of my pillows

"Hayes! Get up" I said a little louder as I threw a different pillow at him.

"Wh-WHAT" he yelled. His face was in panic,
I laughed, "did I ruin your dream with your dream girl?"
"No. Because she's standing right in front me" he said, his voice was raspy. Like that attractive morning raspy voice that boys had. He gave me a smirk.

I hit him again with the pillow, as I exited my room he laughed and followed.

When we got downstairs everybody was there, they all looked tired.
"Alright, so who was fucking last night?" Hayes said, we all laughed in unison.
Hayes and I looked at Jeff and Maria, they both shook their heads "nope, we were just cuddling." Then we looked at raffy,Jen and Andrea. Rafy's eyes went wide. "THE ONLY THING I WOULD FUCK WITH IS CHICKEN" raffy joked, we all laughed again. Then.. We looked at chandler and Anna.

They both looked in opposite directions.
"Well?" Andrea said,
"Maybe we-"
"Y'ALL FUCKED" Jen yelled
Chandler and Anna laughed,
And then silence took over the room again, we all just looked at each other.
"Maybe feelings were discovered last night.." Anna said, as chandler put his arm around her and pulled her closer.

Anna and chandler
Chandler and Anna.

"What about Haley?" Andrea asked to chandler,
"Like I said, she cheated on me"
"But that doesn't mean your not the father. There's a possibility" Andrea protested
"At least try and talk to her, see if you're the father or not" I said.
"... I guess I could.. I still remember where she lives.. But, you guys are coming with"
We all exchanged looks, "fine." We all said,
"Were going to go home first okay guys? We need to grab some new clothes" Jeff said,
"Alright" Andrea said,

The guys left to go home and get changed. And us girls grabbed some breakfast first in the kitchen.

I poured myself some cereal and milk, and started eating.

"sooo..." Andrea said, I looked up from my cereal and caught eye contact with her.
"hmm?" I mumbled as I chewed my cereal
"SO?!" Maria yelled, I gave them both confused looks
"DID Y'ALL FUCK" Jen yelled as well.
I practically choked on my cereal as they all laughed,
"Guys. We didn't.. And I don't think we even planned to" I protested
"We all know you guys still love each other" Andrea said,
"How do-?"
"It's obvious isn't it? Hayes still looks at you with the same look in his eyes like he did 5 years ago."

I got quiet. She was right,

I chewed my cereal still as they all watched and gave me smirks.

"And you still have the same smile on your face when he's around" Andrea said,
"That's true. And they said you can tell how a guy feels about a girl in his eyes. And you can tell how a girl feels about a guy in her smile"
I still didn't speak.
"But I'm surprised you guys still didn't fuck" Jen said.
We all laughed.
"Okay. Enough. I think that's enough sexual tension that we need for today"
"We better get changed before the guys come" I said, putting my dirty bowl in the sink
"Fine. I CALL FIRST DIBS ON THE BATHROOM" Andrea yelled, we stormed after her up the stairs

This is how my mornings will go for now on

Hayes's POV:
Last night, I felt something last night. Like a tension. Like half of me wanted to just kiss Althea, kiss her harder than ever. Explore her.. But I knew, that's to soon. I shouldn't have to force her, I just wanted her to know how I felt about her.. I wanted to show her. But I'm pretty sure she didn't have the same thoughts that I had.

A/N I apologize for a lot of profanity In these chapters but WARNING there will be A LOT of more profanity in this whole book. Because it is "5 years later" and I also apologize for a lot of sexual thoughts and tensions. Like I said, "5 years later"

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