Chapter 3

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When I got downstairs the sight of Anna, Jen and Andrea eating chicken, they looked so aggressive eating chicken. "At least breathe guys geez" I said, they all laughed, Maria was on her phone.
"Guys, is it okay if Jeff stops by to visit? We haven't seen each other in so long and-"
"Yeah sure" they all mumbled, not even taking another quick breath before shoving chicken in their faces again.

The doorbell rung and we all looked at each other with confused faces, who would be visiting us at 6 pm?

Maria opened the door. I expected a serial killer to come and take Maria away but I was wrong. Green eyes and clean cut hair pulled Maria into a tight hug,


"Hey! I've missed you!" He said to Maria, she smiled. Even from far away I could see the goofy smile on her face. It was the age of 13 all over again.

I smiled. Jeff looked the same. Just a bit taller, he wore a blue short sleeve and denim jeans.

"Hey guys" he said to Andrea, Anna and Jen.

He saw me and his eyes went wide, "Althea! Are you living here now?" He asked, with a wide smile. I smiled back, "no I'm just here for the chicken." We all laughed. Jeff looked back at Maria, "I have to go to football practice soon so I'll see you tomorrow okay?" He said as he gazed deeply in her eyes. She nodded her head with a smile. Jeff pulled away from the gaze and looked up to all of us, "hey, maybe we all can do something tomorrow" "yeah! That sounds good for Althea's first day" Anna said,
"How about the beach?" Jen requested,
I nodded my head denying, "no thanks. First day and I'll be sunburnt nope." Jen scoffed to my sarcastic remark.
"You're going to have to embrace the inner Californian hot sun" Andrea said,
I shook my head "not yet though"
"Well how about we all just watch a movie here?" Jeff suggested,
"That's better" I said,
"Maybe I'll bring raffy and chandler along" Jeff said,
I missed raffy, he took he continued his love for singing and eventually got assigned to a recording label.
"That sounds great!" I replied, excited already.
"..and Maybe I'll bring hayes too" Jeff continued.
They all oh'd and aw'd. It felt like middle school all over again.

I got quiet and felt my cheeks burn red. "Aw look! She's blushing!" Jen yelled, pointing at me. We all laughed. "Hush up and eat your chicken" I said,
"Gladly" she replied.

"I gotta go, but I'll see you guys tomorrow " Jeff said, as he was now exiting the door.
"See ya!" We all replied.

I went upstairs to get ready for bed, it was pretty early but I was going through some major jet lag. And I didn't get any sleep before my flight. Excitement roamed through my veins.

I took a shower, brushed my teeth and got ready for bed.

I wore a red short sleeve Tshirt and my spandex.

Because sleeping in spandex is the best thing in the world. It's like sleeping naked but in a more comfortable way.

I got into bed and let my my wander..

Tomorrow was the day id see hayes again..

Tomorrow is a new day for everything...

And then I let sleep take over me.

Hayes Grier fanfic: After AllWhere stories live. Discover now