Chapter 43

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"Hey guys," Andrea said as she started moving her hands around as if she was trying to give a sign or something. "So this week's video is the random question tag with one of my close friends Althea" she said as she motioned to me. I awkwardly waved to the camera with a unconfident smile. I could feel my cheeks already pooling of embarrassment.

"My girlfriend!" Hayes yelled behind the camera causing himself and Jeff to burst out laughing for their rude interruption.
"Shut the fuck up Hayes" I said.
"I love you" he said sticking his tongue out at me.
"I love you too" he said. As he got up from his spot and ran towards me, giving me a little peck on the cheeks. Interrupting Andrea's video.

"As you can see this is NOT, a boyfriend and girlfriend tag but instead, were doing the random questions tag" Andrea said, she gave me a look which I had a feeling was a cue. She then faced me as I started speaking. "Basically, the random questions tag is where we ask each other some random questions and if they get it wrong we get to hit them with anything from the plastic bags in front of us" It was one of my first time's speaking to a camera and knowing that soon a billion people would see this up on YouTube. I thought I actually did pretty well for a first timer.

"So yeah, let's get started." Andrea said.
"AHEM" Jeff announced, coughing into his left arm.
Andrea scoffed, "and working the camera we have the lovely Hayes Grier and Jeff Rowell" I never really heard or known Jeff's last name. Guess we learn a lot everyday.

Hayes and Jeff ran up in front of the camera and made a face. "You're welcome. Now another 1728292292 girls will watch this because Hayes and I are in it" Jeff said.
"Yeah, OKAY" I sarcastically said.

"Okay. First question," Andrea spoke as she cleared her voice up "when did I get my first kiss?" She asked me. I thought for a moment, at the back of my head, I knew she had told me at some point. But I just couldn't put my mind to think about it. I don't know if it was my nervousness getting to me of being in front of a camera or that Hayes was shirtless.

Both made common sense to me.

"Um...9th grade?" I mumbled
"Ugh. You got that right"
"YES" I yelled, lifting my arms.
"9th grade really?" Jeff said.
"Yeah, why? When did you get yours hot shot?!" Andrea said in a sassy strong stone.
"Grade 3 obviously. Have you seen me?" Jeff said pointing to his abs jokingly. His skin was slightly tanned.
Hayes laughed, "yeah. He was dared to kiss this girl and after he fell in "love" with her she dumped him the day after because he had cooties" Hayes said in between laughs. Andrea and I joined hayes's laughter and Jeff gave us all a look.

"Okay. My turn. How long have I loved Hayes?" I asked straight up. Hayes's cheeks were filled with red and he had a half smile on his face as he looked at me. I felt my stomach feeling like my insides were being turned inside out and that my heart was being melted down to my stomach. "Um...since, just this year? I mean, you guys just got back together so,"
"wrong! Since forever!" I yelled, getting up from my spot excitedly because I got to slam a egg on her head. I didn't even care that I wasn't in the camera shot anymore. "What?! No! I thought you guys broke up before! So how could you-"

"Who said I stopped loving him when we broke up?"

Everyone got quiet and it felt like you could feel the warmth of awkwardness wandering the open air. Hayes still had a wide smile that looked like his face could not handle and Jeff gave him a "get some" look. I didn't like the video being so cheesy and sappy because I said one sweet thing. So I started breaking the silence, "SINCE YOU GOT THAT WRONG I GET TO DO THIS" I yelled as I took an egg from the carton and smashed it on top of Andreas head. Her face formed into a look of shock, as well as Jeff and Hayes. Then they all burst out to laughter, surprisingly Andrea wasn't mad. "THATS NOT FAIR. THATS A TRICK QUESTION" even though it wasn't or I'm guessing it wasn't, she took an egg and tried to throw it at me. I got up and started running around, ducking and hiding. Jeff and Hayes sat in their same same spots. Jeff was holding the camera now catching every moment of what was happening, with amusement filling their faces. I took another egg and started chasing Andrea this time. She squealed as I released the egg from my hand, she ducked and it ended up hitting someone else


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