Chapter 39

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Thank you for 2.9k+ reads! I honestly love reading Ur guys's comments! They Just make my day😊, I really hope you guys love the book. I'm sorry for a few boring chapters. I promise that the story will heat up soon! I also apologize for any errors in story plot or spelling. My mind just thinks so many things every day so I get confused LOL, anyways enjoy the chapter!

P.s this story is chapter is dedicated to my friend Maria for helping me with chapter ideas❤️😂😊
**back at the house**

Althea's POV:
When Hayes and i got back to the house we were both soaked and laughing so hard that my stomach felt like it was being tightened by clutching rope. As we came through the door all eyes were on us, "high? Or naw?" Cam asked us, and Hayes and I exchanged looks and laughed even more.

"Were fine" I managed to say in between laughs. "Guys, how's a metamorphic rock made?" Shawn asked completely changing the topic. "Why are you asking us this?" Anna replied. "because my little sister aaliyah has this school project thing and she wants my help. She needs to make a rhyme or rap or something to explain how a metamorphic rock is made." Shawn explained, not looking up from his phone. The room went silent for a moment as we all thought. "How about, 'Due to intense heat and pressure a metamorphic rock is born with pleasure'" Taylor sung in a musical tune. We all started laughing and Taylor looked at us with confusion pressed onto his face. "What?" He said, completely unaware of what was going on.

"Taylor, that sounds like heat and intense pressure fucked and had a baby rock" Hayes said as he ran his fingers through his wet hair. we all laughed at Taylor more.

"Alright, alright, it's late. I'm heading to bed so I at least have some time to rest before you guys keep me up tomorrow night at uncle Philip's" she joked and all the guys laughed. "I'm coming" chandler said as he followed Anna, wrapping his arm around her waist and both of them made their way up the stairs.

I noticed Shawn staring at Jen as her head was tilted down as she scrolled through her phone. Shawn had something in his eyes. Like behind his brown eyes you could hear his thoughts. The slight humming in his voice when he thought about her. Like you could sense something. A small smile glided onto my face at the thought of Shawn and Jen being together. But then again, I always thought raffy and Jen could've had something as well.

"I'm gonna head to bed also, night guys" I said. They all said goodnight and Hayes said he would be up in a few minutes, so I went upstairs to get ready for bed.

I took a quick shower letting the hot water rinse away my cold shivers. After that I brushed my teeth and changed into something more comfortable; black shorts and a plain white T shirt that had my last name on the back. I then slid beneath he covers trying to forget everything for a while, letting my eyes just rest even if it wasn't dead silence. I could hear the guys laughing at something. I'm guessing someone just did a smack cam or it was something else they were laughing about. Hayes came in a few minutes later, still soaked and he flipped his hair around a little bit.

"Why are you still awake?" He asked, as he noticed me still awake as I lay beneath the covers. Hayes lifted his soaked shirt from the back and for a moment he was shirtless and digging through the drawers trying to find a shirt. I hesitated for a moment to reply to his question because all I could do was scan his body. The way his back muscles tensed up a bit and the way his shoulders made me feel a type of way. Like all I wanted to do was hold him in my arms and just tell him I love him. Because honestly, if I had all the time in the world...

That's all I would probably do.

"Huh? Oh um, I couldn't sleep" I mumbled. Hayes slid on a red short sleeve shirt and now he found a pair of basketball shorts and was unbuttoning his pants.

I laughed and covered my eyes, "hayes! Go in the bathroom or something!" Hayes laughed at me.

"what? This isn't the first time you've seen it have you? And this surely wouldn't be the last time"

I covered both my eyes with my left hand and tried throwing a pillow at him with my free hand. I actually hit him at the right time just before he slid his shorts on.

Hayes came over to the bed and slid beneath the covers with me, he looked at me for a moment, his face looking so relaxed but his eyes looking so alive. We lay there in the moment for a while just letting the darkness devour us. I felt my eyes getting heavy and I eventually flipped my body so now I was sleeping on my side. Hayes's arm pulled me closer to him and I felt his face nuzzling in my neck. His warm breathing lightly hitting my neck and his fast beating heart dancing on my back.

"I could get use to this" Hayes mumbled quietly.

Me too hayes...

Me too.

Hayes Grier fanfic: After AllTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang