Chapter 32

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I apologize for not updating yesterday, I planned on writing and posting a lot of chapters yesterday but something happened. More like.. A boy happened 😒. But whatever. WHO NEEDS OTHER BOYS WHEN I CAN PRETEND TO BE WITH HAYES GRIER. Am I right ladies?😏. AND BTW. THIS WEEKEND I FIGURED OUT HOW I WANTED THE BOOK TO END. IT MADE ME SO ahHSKSOSNAKWBSI😍😭ANYWAYS. ENJOY THE CHAPTER!
**in the middle of the night**

Althea's POV:
I got up around 4 am, because I wanted to get water. The sun was fairly up but the night sky took over mostly. I quietly got up from bed trying not to wake Hayes. For a few seconds I just stared at him, scanning every inch of his face and just watching him sleep and quietly snore. all his imperfections that actually made me love him even more.

I went downstairs tip toeing, Nash was awake as well.
"Nash?" I said as I came down from the stairs.
"Yeah?" He replied, looking up from his phone. He looked like he had been up all night. His blue eyes looked heavy and exhausted. The guys were scattered everywhere the living room. Nash was on the couch and carter slept at the other end. Matt rested sitting up by the wall. Which I didn't understand how he could do that. But he's Matt so. And Aaron, Shawn, jack gilinsky and jack Johnston ,cam and Taylor slept on the floor with blankets surrounding them.

"So I see the guys got back." I said,
"Yeah. A bit of troubles though," Nash replied.
"Taylor was probably the most drunk. He threw up outside, the rest of the guys were eh I guess. Some of them wouldn't stop laughing, too turnt" Nash said.
I laughed a little.
"What about the girls?" I asked, realizing they weren't home when I had gotten home earlier.
"They came back around midnight as well. Tired and all, but they were fine and probably sleeping right now."

"I better get back to bed"
"Yeah, Hayes probably wants his cuddle buddy right now," Nash joked.

Taylor stood up from his blanket. "Can you guys shut the fuck up? It's literally probably fucking 10 pm, people are trying to sleep" he hung overly said. I could still practically hear the alcohol in the way he spoke.
Nash and I laughed.

Yes Taylor. It's totally 10 pm. I sarcastically said in my head.

I said bye to Nash and went back upstairs.

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