Chapter 11

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Althea's POV
I felt my breath tighten in my chest, my heart felt like it had fallen into my stomach and I felt my eyes were going to explode with tears any minute. I looked at Hayes and his face filled with shock as his eyes were wide.

"What the the fuck are you talking about?!" Hayes said,
"You know.." Haley licked her lips and winked at Hayes.

"No I don't fucking know! Because I'm still a virgin!" Hayes yelled back at Haley. When he said those last words 'I'm still a virgin' he looked at me. His cheeks went a bit red. I found it sweet how he wasn't afraid to say he was still a virgin. That would probably the last thing a guy would ever admit.

All of us stared at Hayes, and then Haley. To be honest, I didn't know who to believe.

"Well who is the father then?!" Jeff said, what was this. Some kind of drama on a television show?

Haley looked at the ground, then stared at Heidi, her little daughter. Her daughter was actually really beautiful.

"I.." Haley croaked, as tears streamed down her cheeks and landed on her lap.

"IM HOME" a voice yelled, a deep voice.

Haley looked at me with sorry and helpless in her eyes. She mouthed the words "I'm sorry" to me.

I didn't know what she was saying sorry for, was she saying sorry about the whole Hayes probably being the father situation?

A man came in the door, shutting it behind him with a huge slam.

"Haley! Who are these goddamn people?" The man yelled,

Haley looked so scared as she thought of what to say, "I-I-I these are my old friends" she said, standing up from her seat.

Friends. Sure. Guess you could say that.

I looked at the man more, he looked young still. Around my age which was 18. He had black hair which fell perfectly above his forehead. He looked Asian. Again, I'm not racist. I'm just saying. The man stared at me and I stared back.

It was then I realized who it was




My heart raced, not lovingly but with fear. "Um. Guys. Can we go now? Please?" I said quickly as I went over to Hayes and pulled his hand.

"Wait, why are you-?" He gave my hand a gentle squeeze.
"Althea?" Dj said,
I stared at him with fear in my eyes, everyone looked at me.
"Oh my god" Jen said, with the Same reaction I had
"DJ?!?" Andrea yelled,

Dj started smiling, but it looked more like a snicker. I don't know what the fuck he was smiling about, but I do know I was creeped out and scared at the same time.

Dj came closer to us, "oh man, oh man" he said in a musical tune. I squeezed hayes's hand. I felt like I was pinching him more than I actually thought I was.

"Anna, Jeff, Althea, Andrea, Maria, Jen, raffy, chandler... And Hayes Grier" dj let out a laugh, "are you still in that gay group? What is it called? Magcon?" Dj continued. I felt hayes stiffen up, his body was tense. My hand was still on his arms, he flexed because of tense and anger flowing through his veins.

I didn't know if I was scared because dj was here, or, turned on because hayes flexing was something really hot to be honest

He stepped forward with a serious look on his face "look dj-"
"Hayes stop" I whispered to him. He looked at me with his piercing blue eyes and on the inside, I knew he didn't want to hurt dj. He just felt like he needed too.

"Anyways, why are you all here?" Dj asked, completely going off topic.
"Were here to find out if chandler's the father of Haley's baby. But then she says it's Hayes and-" Andrea got cut off by dj.

"Hayes?! HAYES?!" Dj bursted out into laughter, practically rolling on the ground.
We all stared at him,

Geez. He turned into a complete psychopath. And to think I thought this guy was "cute" 5 years ago.

Dj paused to catch his breathe, still laughing. "Hayes ain't the damn father of that baby!" He said, still recovering from the laugh attack
"Then who is?" I asked,

"I AM" and again he burst out into laughter. I thought he was kidding, but I looked at Haley, and she nodded at me. She looked so sad, so worried.. So scared.

Chandler let a sigh of relief, as did Hayes. "Well, we'll be going now" chandler said holding Anna's hand again with a smile on his face. "Nice seeing you again Haley" he continued, Haley gave chandler a half smile, I still saw fear in her look.

"Thanks for stopping by" Haley said, dj was still laughing his head off. Was this guy a drug addict or something? He seemed so high.

We left the apartment building and went back into the tight car

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