Chapter 27

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Elliot and I sat together on the roof, which has become a special place for us. He held me in his arms, as the lights of our beloved city kept it bright enough for us to see each other. He and I had kissed passionately for a good half hour, because we haven't kissed like that in awhile. From the fact that Maureen was pregnant and forcing us apart. Either Elliot had to pick his daughter, or his girlfriend, and we both made hard choices.

 But now, now as we sat together and I could feel his heart against my back, I knew we were finally happy.

"When we go home, how are we going to tell the kids about this?" I asked, and he chuckled.

"Just blurt it out. You're great at that." He smiled. I hit him playfully, and he laughed loudly. It was a true laugh, and I loved it, just like I love him.

"Olivia, no matter how brutally we fight, we always end up back together." He breathed, as he leaned in and kissed the back of my head, and I nodded slowly.

"For some reason we are like magnets." I smiled, and he chuckled, before turning me around, so he could kiss me again.

I snaked my arms around his neck, and as we parted, my phone rang. I pulled it out of my pocket, and sighed as I looked at it.

"It's Brian." I breathed, and he frowned.

"Go." He spoke, and I stood up and answered my phone.

"Hey, Brian."

"Liv, we have a child abuse case." He spoke, and I sighed.

"Alright, take lead. Once you have more information, call me. I'm kinda doing something right now."

"Okay, I'll call you later, Liv. Bye." He spoke, hanging up. He did it so quickly, he thought he caught me in the middle of sex. Well that was going to be awkward tomorrow.

"Now, Elliot, lets go home."


Elliot and I got to spend five hours together, before I was called back into work. Elliot was fine with it, because I had decided to take time with him, instead of going into work right away.

When I walked into the squad room, Brian and Holly weren't there, but Dani was sitting at her desk drawing with a small blonde haired boy.

"Beck, can I talk to you real quick?" I asked, and she nodded. She smiled at the little boy and said something quietly, before following me into my office.

"So, where are the other two?" I asked, and she sighed.

"In the cribs. Hopefully sleeping." She replied.

"Okay, go out and sit with him again, and then I'm going to wake them up. Then I want you to put him to bed in the cribs, and we will get me up to speed." I spoke, and she nodded.

We parted ways and I placed my ear to the cribs door, and I didn't hear anything, so I opened the door. When I walked in, and I saw Holly and Brian making out in the corner, and I rolled my eyes.

"Alright, this is a place of work. Now, get your asses out into the squad room, and have everything ready in five minutes, or else I'll suspend you both."


After they got me up to speed, I went and got the small boy, Nathaniel, breakfast, and when he woke up, he sat in my office and ate with me.

"So, what name do you like going by?" I asked, and he looked up at me, his dark brown eyes were red, and dark bruises covered his face.

"What do you mean, Ms. Benson?" He replied. He is a very polite boy for his age. August isn't even this polite.

"Well, for example, my real name is Olivia, but I go by Liv. Or my daughter Poppy, likes to go by Poppet." I smiled, and he nodded.

"I like Nathan. Not Nathaniel." He spoke, and I nodded.

"Okay, then Nathan, who do you live with?" I mused.

"My Mommy and Daddy. And my siblings."

"How many siblings?" I asked.

"7." He spoke, and my eyes went wide, before I smiled. I needed to connect with him again.

"I have 6 kids."

"You do?!" He exclaimed, and I chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah, I have two little boys, and 4 girls."

"I like my sisters, but my brothers are mean." He frowned, and I nodded slowly.

"My boys fight all the time. They get hurt, but end up okay. Who did that to you?" I asked, and he sighed.

"My Daddy did. Then my Mommy's boyfriend did too." He sighed.

"Boyfriend?" I mused.

"Yeah. My Daddy doesn't like him, but my Mommy loves them both so he is allowed at home." Nathan replied, and I frowned deeply.

"Nathan, how old are your siblings?" I asked.

"My oldest brother is 16 and my youngest sibling is 1." He spoke, and I sighed.

"Alright, you are all really young. I need you to do something for me."

"What is that, Ms. Benson?"

"What is your address?"


We removed all seven kids from the house, and then sent them to an undisclosed foster home, since when we were moving them out of the house, we were shot at. Lots of fun.

"Alright, Holly and Brian take the biological father of the kids. Dani and I will work the mother. And then once we break them, we work the boyfriend." I spoke, and they all nodded their heads.

Dani and I went and stood outside of one of the interrogation room, where the mother sat. I was really wishing that we had more detectives so I could watch, but we didn't.

"Liv, need help?" A voice spoke, and I turned around and saw Elliot and Fin.

"What are you two doing here?" I asked.

"Cragen is on a rampage, and we got pissed. We left." Elliot spoke, and my eyes went wide. I nodded slowly, and looked at Dani.

"Fin, you and Dani are breaking the mother. Go take a few minutes to get caught up. Elliot, can we talk?" I asked, and everyone went where they needed to be, and I pulled Elliot towards me, and kissed him.

"Okay, now that I'm calm, spill." I spoke, and he sighed.

"SVU is going to shit." He sighed.

"What?" I replied slowly.

"Ever since you left, everyone is fighting Cragen. He won't let us do our jobs, and is more of a dictator than anything else." He sighed, and I looked over at Brian and Holly in the one interrogation room, and then back at Elliot.

"I'll put in to Tucker about the issues, and see if the SVU cases, and detectives could become part of our squad." I whispered, and Elliot leaned down and kissed me again.

This was a HUGE change. From making up with Elliot, to having SVU falling to pieces, to me having own squad. And to a much more important change.

Our engagement.

Hey guys! So this was the last chapter of this book, because I'm trying to keep the books the same number of chapters, and I guess I did it! Please look out for a possible book three! Please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

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