Chapter 13

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Maureen moved home, and did courses in town. It was nice to have her back home, because that meant that she would be home for me to take care of her. She was getting really bad morning sickness, and spent most of the day either on the floor of the bathroom, or in bed with a bucket next to her.

I worked half days, since my hip has been killing me, and because I'm going back to PT, until it decides to calm the fuck down.

"Alright, time for some toast!" I exclaimed, as I carried a piece of toast with some butter on it, into Maureen's room. She was laying on her side, her eyes closed as she attempted to sleep, but honestly, she needed more than sleep. She needs to get some food into her stomach, and help feed her baby. Even if she isn't keeping it.

"Leave." She moaned, and I chuckled.

"Don't be like this, Maureen. Just try and eat some. Only a few bites." I replied.

"I feel like death. Death doesn't feel hunger for food, only for souls." She moaned, as she covered her head with her comforter. That comment was all Elliot. ALL ELLIOT.

I sat the food down, and sat down next to my daughter. I gently caressed her hair and sighed.

"Tea? Crackers? Gingerale?" I questioned, and she rolled back over and laid her head on my lap, as I caressed her hair more.

"Silence?" She replied, and I sighed.

"I'm going to get you all three. If you don't do that, then we are going to have an issue, miss."


Maureen would eat nothing, and even when she did, it ended up not staying down, and she felt like crap still.

I took her to her doctor, because I needed to make sure my daughter ate, and because we had to go to the same building, because Quinn came down with a cold, and felt like crap.

"Alright, so once this appointment is down, Quinny has her appointment." I spoke, as I held the door open for Maureen, and then walked in with Quinn on my hip, and her head on my shoulder.

She was being shy again. But it might also be because she was sick, and just wanted to be with me.

"Mom, can't I just go home and hope that it passes?" Maureen sighed, as she sat down, and leaned her head against the wall. I sat down and sighed.

"No. Because you need food. The baby needs food. And I need to not clean up after you as much." I replied, and she elbowed me.

"I'm sorry." She spoke, and I chuckled.

"You better be." I teased, and she laughed for the first time since she got back.

Quinn slept in my arms, as we waited for Maureen to be called back. When she did, I was just going to wait out here, but Maureen asked if I could go with her, since she was nervous. And cause when you go to the doctors, it tends to be easier if your mother says what is wrong , for you.

"Alright, Maureen Stabler?" The doctor asked, and I was surprised to not see the doctor Mo has went too at the start of her pregnancy.

"That's me." Maureen replied, and the doctor smiled. He was handsome, and I could tell my daughter noticed that too.

"Alright, so I'm Dr. Roberts. And you are?" He asked, looking at me.

"Olivia Benson, Maureen's mom." I spoke, keeping my voice kinda quiet, so that Quinn would still sleep.

"Alright, so what is the issue?" He questioned as he pulled a stool up and sat in front of Maureen, and took her pulse.

Maureen looked at me and I chuckled.

"She's been having really bad morning sickness. She can't keep anything down, and I'm worried that she won't be gaining enough weight to make sure the baby is healthy." I replied, and he nodded.

"Good thing your... Mother... is taking care of you." He spoke, and I noticed the pauses.

"I am her mother, sir." I spoke, and he sighed.

"We've been having issues with prostitution and home "moms" taking their pregnant girls here to get checked out." He spoke, and I frowned.


"Mo, I'm going to make a few calls. Here are all my questions." I spoke, as I stood and handed Maureen a piece of paper, before leaving the room.

I needed to get in touch with SVU.


Lucy came to take Quinn to her appointment and to make sure Maureen got home, and I headed into the precinct.

I hated that I had to leave my sick daughters, but this was going to be a huge case.

"How are our daughters?" Elliot asked, as I limped in, and leaned heavily on my cane.

"Maureen is on meds to help with the morning sickness, and I don't know yet about Quinn. Lucy is taking her." I sighed. He nodded.

"Don't feel bad." He spoke, and I nodded.

"Once again I'm feeling like a lacking mother. But right now, I can't worry about that. I need to worry about this case."

"Speaking of this case, what do we have?" Cragen asked as he left his office.

"A large scale prostitution ring, that is adding unborn children into the mix." I replied, as I sat down, and rubbed the heel of my hand over my hip.

"Okay. Where has this been happening?" Cragen asked, as Elliot sat down next to me, and draped his arm over my shoulders.

"Well the girls are going in NYC Medical. The same doctor that has been taking care of Maureen, or I guess he is now. He said a few women came in with girls and were saying they were their moms, but since they didn't have the same last name, he got confused. He thought I was one of those moms." I sighed.

"Alright. Elliot and Liv head back there and talk to them. Get the names, and if they are jerks, I'll send Barba with you." He spoke, and I groaned.

"Benson?" He questioned.

"Can you send Amanda? I don't want to move." I moaned, and he nodded. He motioned towards Amanda, and she got up and left with Elliot, and then everyone spread out, Fin walked over to me instead.

"Where is the pain?" He asked, and I swallowed hard.

"No where." I lied, before standing slowly, to only cry out in pain and settling back into the seat.

"I'll go get your meds. Just stop over doing it, Benson."

He walked away and I sighed.

I wanted to over do it. I wanted to work like before the accident, but everyone treated me like I was just hit by a car again.

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