Chapter 12

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Spain. Why Spain? Like I'd send my daughter to Boston, DC, or Philadelphia... But Spain??

"Hey, how was having Mo home this weekend?" Amanda asked, as we sat down in the break room, cups of steaming coffee in front of us.

"Fucking fantastic." I sighed, as I ran my hand through my hair, and sighing.

"What happened?" She asked, and I groaned.

"Our little angel wants to move to Spain." Elliot spoke, as he walked into break room, and grabbed a cup of coffee for himself. He left again, and Amanda stared at me with wide eyes.


"Oh, yeah." I groaned, as I stood and limped towards my desk.


My children were crying when Elliot and I walked them back to the car. We refused to let Maureen leave without having her siblings say goodbye. Elliot carried Poppy and Quinn in his arms, both of them sobbing, and I held Janey and Auggie's hands.

This was emotional, and I wanted to curl up and sob, but I couldn't. I also wanted to ground my daughter until she was thirty, in hopes of deterring her from moving to Spain.

If only...


6 Months Later

I heard the front door of my house open. I shot up in bed, and looked over to see Elliot sleeping as peacefully as he has been able to in awhile.

I got up and grabbed my cane, and then walked over and grabbed my gun. I limped out and down the stairs, attempting to keep my gun from shaking in my hand. But as I got closer to the bottom floor, I noticed the kitchen light on.

I lowered my gun, and when I got closer, I saw a girl standing there, drinking water.

"Um, excuse me?" I mused.

The girl turned around, and tossed her long brown hair over her shoulder.

"Mommy." She whispered, and I put my gun down and didn't even care about my cane. I let it drop to the floor, as I hurried to Maureen. My daughter clung to me, and I held her close, and rubbed her back as she sobbed.

What was this all about?

I let my daughter cry for awhile, and then when she was done, and I used the pads of my thumbs to wipe at her tears.

"Why are you back? I thought you were enjoying Spain?" I mused, and she sniffled.

"I just want to sleep. Can we sleep?" She asked, and I nodded.



My daughter stayed with us for a week before she decided to tell me what was happening. The whole week she always went off and did something when I asked, and it was bothering the hell out of me!

"Mo, wanna tell me why you are back home?" I asked, as I grabbed a dish rag, and started to dry dishes.

"I missed you guys." She replied, and I frowned.

"Mo, there is something else." I replied, and she bit her lip.

"I thought I was in love..." She trailed off. She sighed deeply and her blue eyes were filled with pain.

I reached out and pushed her brown dyed hair out of her face, and she bit her lip.

"With who?" I mused, and she bit her lip harder this time.

"The supervisor of the Spain travel program. We were sleeping together..." She spoke, whispering the last part.

Thank GOD Elliot was home to hear that.

"Mau-" I started, and she hung her head.

"I didn't mean to, Mom!" She sobbed, and I tossed the rag down, before pulling her close.

She sobbed like she did the first time, and this time, I led her from the room and to the couch. She hung her head, and I draped my arm over her shoulder, until her body stopped shaking.

"Maureen, did you do something? You are acting like you are ashamed..." I trailed off, something that we were both doing now. Must just be the conversation.

"He and I didn't use protection." She croaked, and I knew what. I felt like shit, and I myself felt ashamed. How couldn't I have trained her to use protection?!

"Are you keeping it?" I mused, and she shook her head.

"I can't. I can't be a mother. I just want the baby to have a good home. I just don't want to fail." She breathed.

"Baby, you won't fail. But just right now, I want to tell you something." I spoke, and she bit her lip.

"Mommy, I can't. Don't even-"

"Stop it, Maureen. Listen to me." I replied, and she frowned.

"Moth-" She started again, but I spoke over her.

"I was a failure. I didn't do everything right. I was a shitty mother for you, and then I couldn't even protect Ethan. Then there was Sam and Auggie. I wasn't around enough for those two and you. Then Poppy was sick. Janey is really quiet. Quinn was a freaking surprise. I didn't plan a damn thing. Everything just happened. Just like this just happened. We will get through it. And even if you don't want the baby, we will get through it." I spoke. I stood and headed up the stairs, as my daughter sat with her jaw agape.




When Elliot found out, my husband was heartbroken. It was different for him. He was really her father, when in reality, I'm her father's girlfriend for the rest of our lives. I might have raised her, but that biological connect is still there for him.

He cried. She cried. The kids watched in confusion. I stood by, ready to comfort. It was just a huge crying fest, and I felt like Elliot was turning into a girl, since he lived in a house full of girls, and only two boys there to keep him sane.


"How are you holding up?" I asked my husband, as we laid in bed together. He was laying with his head on my lap, and I was running my hands through his hair, which needed to be cut. Maybe I'd do it for him in the morning.

"I'm going to be a grandfather." He sighed, and I leaned down and kissed his hair before sitting back up and sighing.

"Kathy is going to be a grandmother." I replied, and he laughed. Something about that bitch being old was funny.

"Okay, that was funny." He smiled.

"We will get through it." I breathed.

"I know." He replied, and I frowned.

"God do I hope we do."

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