Chapter 23

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It was harder for our whole family once Maureen started to go to meetings with possible adoptive families. She asked me to come with her on them all, because I'm a better judge of character, but I wasn't going to like anyone. Everyone was going to be not right, because that's my grandchild.

"So, who are we seeing today?" I asked, as Maureen came into the kitchen, and she went straight to the fridge.

"Lauren Stephen. She's your age. Hasn't started a family yet." Maureen replied, and I sighed.

"Has she ever wanted kids?" I asked, and Maureen looked at me.

"Mom, I'm not keeping her." She spoke, and I stopped drinking from my coffee and eyed my daughter.

"It's a girl?" I asked, and Maureen nodded.

"Yeah. I found out at my last appointment." She spoke, and I sighed.

"Thanks for telling me." I spoke, as I walked towards the living room. I grabbed my boots and sat down. I started to pull them on, as Maureen walked out.

"Mom, I'm sorry, but it's my baby." She snapped, and I sighed.

"If it's your baby, then why aren't you doing this by yourself? You know what's best for your baby."

"I want you to be involved, so maybe you'll lay off. I'm not keeping her, end of discussion. So back off." She spoke, and I watched her face grow red. I nodded and slipped my boots back off.

"If that's how you want to be."

I stood and walked up the stairs towards my room, so I could get dressed to go to work. She is a big girl. She can do this herself, and she's made that very clear.


Maureen is a very bull headed, stubborn, passionate girl. She gets that from me, even if I'm not her biological mother. She moved out of our house, and went to live with Elliot's parents, and that made Elliot angry in general. His connection with her was extra strong, and it made me feel like crap because my family was upset.

Christmas Eve came along, and I was tucking gifts into the kids' stockings, when my phone rang. I turned around and saw Elliot walking down the stairs. He walked over to my phone and answered it.

"Olivia Benson's phone."

"Mo, what's wrong?" Elliot asked, and then he quickly shoved my phone into my hand, before running upstairs.

"Maureen, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Mom, don't worry. It doesn't matter. Dad is coming." Maureen spoke, breathlessly.

"Are you in labor? It's three weeks early." I replied.

"Mom, just tell Dad to hurry." She spoke, before hanging up. 

I frowned as I shoved my phone into my pocket, and ran a shaky hand over my cheeks.

"Alright, I'll call you when I find out what's happening." Elliot spoke, as he ran over to the door, and started to gather his stuff.

"Tell her I love her, alright?" I asked, my voice breaking.

"She might change her mind on wanting you there, Liv. I'll call you." He spoke, before leaving, his movements showing how hesitant he was.


I sat up for a few hours, watching the lights on the trees twinkle. I had a Christmas movie on, but I wasn't watching it. I was just waiting for my phone to ring. I wanted to know how my daughter was doing, if she even wanted me to be her mother anymore. I wouldn't blame her if she didn't want me to be her mother anymore, she could ask Kathy to be apart of her life again.

At about midnight, as usual, my kids decided to sneak downstairs to see what Santa had set out for them. Sam was leading the pack, and he stopped and looked at me.

"Mom?" He asked, and I smiled softly.

"I was waiting to see you all sneak down here as usual. But, also as usual, you can't open anything, since you got to open your Christmas pajamas early." I spoke, and Quinn walked over and climbed onto my lap.

"Mommy, why are you really down here?" She asked, as the others came and stood in front of me.

"I'm waiting for a call."

"Oh?" Auggie questioned, as he kneaded his brows together, and narrowed his eyes.

"Lets go upstairs and I'll let you sleep in my bed. I'll tell you then."


After telling my kids that Maureen was having her baby, I went down and sat on the back deck. It was cold, and snowing, but it was nice. The silence, other than the whistling wind and crashing waves, made me feel calm.

I leaned back against the house, and let out a sigh, and my phone rang. I quickly reached into my pocket to see Elliot's face pop up.

"Hey, what's happening?" I questioned.

"It's still going to be a bit." He replied, plainly.

"Is she in a lot of pain? Are you doing okay?" I questioned, and he sighed.

"She is on some pain meds. And I'm just freaking out a bit. She's my daughter." He spoke, and I reached up and wiped a tear from my cheek with my gloved hand.

"Take care of her, alright? And if she needs a woman at all, someone who has went through this, call Kathy. She is probably who Mo wants."

"She's actually here..." Elliot trailed off, and I bit my lip hard.

"Good. Uh, I should make sure the kids aren't getting into the presents. Did you tell her?" I asked, tearfully.

"I did, but she didn't respond. I'm sorry." He whispered.

"Bye Elliot." I whimpered, before hanging up. 

Sobs left my mouth, and I pretty much doubled over as pain filled me. 

My daughter... Elliot's daughter didn't love me anymore. She didn't want me to be her mother, even though I wanted to continue being her mother, which is the thing I've been doing since the day she was born.

I walked into the house and sat again.


At five in the morning, Elliot sent me a picture of a beautiful baby girl, wrapped in a pink blanket. She had a small Santa hat on, and small blonde curls peaked out from under the hat. She was stunning, and I loved my granddaughter, even if she wasn't going to be in our family, because she was going to a good family.

Twenty minutes after that, my kids came running down the stairs, ready to open gifts. I felt my phone vibrate in my hand, and it was Maureen's number, which confused me. I forced the kids to go brush their teeth, as I walked into the kitchen.

"Hello?" I questioned quietly.

"The Edwards are naming her Olivia. They asked who the most important person to me was, and I picked you."

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