Chapter 8

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We got an appointment with my doctor two days later. Maureen took me to my appointment, since Elliot had work, and she wasn't even going to be able to stay. She dropped me off and then went back home with the kids.

I sat anxiously in the waiting room, and people stared once again. I just wish they would stop being dicks and learn that people are different. No one deserves to feel like other's are judging them because they look different. 

If they knew what I went through, I bet they wouldn't take a second glance at me, but since they didn't, they had to be rude.

I was looking at my phone, trying to keep my eyes from the other's who were staring, when a little boy came into view. I looked up and saw him staring at me.

"Um. Hello." I spoke, and he pointed at my cane.

"What's that?" He asked.

"It's a cane."

"Why do you have it?" He replied.

"Because I have a hard time walking." I spoke, and I looked around and tired to see if his mother had noticed him yet, but everyone was in their own worlds now.

"Where is your hair?" He asked, and I bit my lip.

"I hurt my head." I replied, and a few people kinda looked up and were listening.

"How did you hurt your head?"

"I was hurt. Where is your Mommy?" I asked, and he pointed at a woman who was completely absorbed in her phone.

"Come on." I sighed. I stood and grabbed his hand, before leading him over to his mother.

She didn't even look up, but I cleared my throat.


"What?"She replied, and then her eyes examined me, and I frowned.

"I know that kids are curious, but maybe teach your son that everyone isn't the same. And keep an eye on him." I spoke, and then I turned and walked back to my seat and sat down with a painful moan.


Once I was called back, the nurse did the normal stuff, and then I paced the room. My hip was killing me, and as I paced, I was hoping for my hip to loosen a bit and let me be pain free for even a few moments.

"Olivia, my floor is covered in pace marks." Dr. Luca spoke, and I sighed.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled, before slowly getting onto the examination table, and shifting till I was close to comfortable.

"Don't be. So, what is up? I didn't want to see you back for a few more weeks." He spoke, and I shrugged.

"I read about some things." I spoke, and he nodded.

"What things?"

"Things that could help me get my memory back." I replied, and he watched with confusion.

"Okay. Um, there are some, but it will be on the more intense side." He replied, and I bit my lip.

"I'm in pain all the time, Dr. Luca. Some intense therapy of sorts isn't going to kill me." I sighed.

"Where is the pain?" He asked, and I sighed again.

"My legs. My head." I frowned.

"Alright, Olivia, let's schedule a meeting for Friday at noon. We will do it at my office, and we can discuss some stuff. Bring your husband."


They sent me in for an MRI, and it was terrifying. They got a full body one, since there was pain in several parts of my body.

Elliot talked to me through the whole thing, because my heart beat had sped up when we were going to be split up for the hour or so I was going to be in there.

Once the nurse came out and pulled me out, so smiled.

"I bet you want your husband?" She asked, and I nodded.

"Yes, please." 

She pushed me out of the room, and Elliot stood outside. He smiled and leaned down to kiss me. He took over pushing the wheelchair, since they didn't want me in intense pain as I walked all the way down to the MRI room.

"So, did they see anything?" I asked my husband, as I stood and moved into another seat, and he sat next to me.

"I don't know. I was too busy talking to you." He smiled softly, but I was a little nervous. He didn't seem like he was telling the whole truth.

God do I hope they didn't find anything.


They found stuff. 

A small annoying brain bleed, but they were going to clean that up without full on brain surgery. Then they found glass shards in my hip, that they hadn't seen before, and that was going to be a painful surgery and recovery.

I was admitted to the hospital on that following Monday, and the kids came with us, waiting for me to be wheeled down to get ready for surgery.

"Mommy, are you going to come home soon?" Poppy asked, as she sat on the bed, while I cuddled Quinn in my arms.

"Yes, baby." I smiled. She nodded happily, and then Sam spoke.

He rarely did when it came to me. He didn't like that I didn't remember.

"Is this going to bring your memory back, Mom?" He mused, and tears welled in my eyes.

"They can't promise us anything, Sammy, but it might." Elliot answered, and Sam nodded slowly.

"I hope it does." He sighed, before walking over and looking out the window. I frowned, but I couldn't do anything.

The nurse came in, and smiled.

"Alright. Wish your Mom luck! She'll be out of surgery in about 6 hours at the longest." She spoke, and all of the kids hugged me and I kissed their cheeks, before Elliot kissed me. We made sure we didn't say goodbye, because I wasn't going to leave them again.

Fuck, I wasn't going to leave them at all.

"Nervous?" The nurse asked, as her and a few others pushed my bed down to the OR, and I nodded.

"Hell yeah." I mumbled.


I felt groggy when I woke up. I blinked a few times, and winced as I yawned. My nose hurt, and I knew that was because of the brain surgery. I was just glad they didn't open my skull up again. I looked around, and didn't see anyone there. 

I moved slightly and hit the call button. A nurse came in and smiled, before turning back around. She didn't come back, but Elliot walked in.

"Hey, baby." He smiled, and I smiled.

"How long was I out?" I asked, hoarsely.

"About 4 hours. They have you on some good pain meds." He chuckled, and I rolled my eyes. He came over and kissed me, before sighing.

"So?" He asked, and I bit my lip.

"Yes, Quarterback?"

Hey guys! Thanks for reading! If you don't understand the last part, read the first few chapters of the last book again :) Please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

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