Chapter 6

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It took another two weeks for my walking to get back into my normal range. My arms grew stronger since I still had to use them a lot. I was given a cane to use, and I was sent home to be with my family.

"Are the kids at school?" I asked, and Elliot nodded.

"Yeah. I'm going to get you settled in. The kids won't be home for a few hours, so you can nap." He spoke, as he drove closer to the beach. I sighed.

"Short cut?" I asked, and he shook his head.

"We are almost home." He smiled, and I looked at him with wide eyes.


"We bought a beach house, love. We got it shortly before Sammy was born. We knew we wanted a lot of kids, so we invested in a nice sized beach house." He smiled, and I bit my lip.

"I've always loved the beach when I was younger. Being able to get away from my mother was nice." I spoke, and he smiled. He pulled into a driveway, and I looked at the house in amazement.

"How the hell did we afford this?" I asked, and he smiled as he gently rubbed my leg, a smile plastered on his face.

"A lot of hard work. More than I can describe." He spoke, and I sighed softly.

"I wish I could remember all the hard work it took for us to get to the point we are at." I breathed, and he sighed.

"Don't worry. It will come back. Come on, baby. Let's go inside and I'll show you the house."


I explored the house once Elliot left to get lunch. I didn't remember anything from this place. Of course the pictures looked familiar, but that was because they were the ones sitting in my hospital room.

The kids rooms look exactly how I thought they would, because each matched their personalities to a T.

It was weird to think that I lived here. That I made a family here with Elliot, but it is all wiped away. That nothing was left of those memories, and that they might never come back.

"During this picture, I leaned over and told you that you were pregnant." Elliot spoke, scaring me. I turned around and looked at him.

"I didn't even hear you get home." I breathed, and he smiled. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and kissed my jaw gently before speaking again.

"We were both stressed that day, but pretty much you. August was fussy, Mo and Sam were tired, and you were exhausted and upset. I noticed the same symptoms you had with August, so I gave you a break, and when you came back, while we were posing for the last time, I leaned over and told you that you were pregnant. And I was right." He grinned, and I bit my lip.

"That is a memory I wish I remembered." I chocked out, and that caused him to hold me closer to his chest.

"It will come back. You just need to stop beating yourself up over it. Maybe if you just accept the fact you don't remember, maybe you will get your brain to remember again." He spoke softly, and I nodded.



Being around my kids the whole night was kinda overwhelming. The younger 5 were hyper, and Maureen and Elliot tried to keep them under control, so that I wouldn't be so overwhelmed, but that didn't work.

The kids ran around, yelled, laughed, fought. I had a major headache, and I said goodnight to them, and went up to lay down at only 8:30.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Elliot whispered as he came into our room.

"Tired." I breathed.

"Want some medicine? Maybe that can take the edge off." He spoke, and I swallowed hard.

"I don't know. Will it make me feel weird?" I asked, and he shook his head.

"It isn't going to make you sleepy. I'll go get it."

Elliot came back after awhile, and he handed me the medicine and a glass of water. I took the medicine, and then sat the glass on the bedside table.

"What are you doing?" I asked, as I noticed him changing into sweats.

"It's late baby. You slept for awhile. The kids are in bed, and Maureen is on a date."

"Are we not waiting up for her?" I spoke, surprised.

"Love, it's a double date with her best friend. I trust her best friend and her boyfriend, and I trust our daughter. You do too,you just can't remember." He spoke, and I bit my lip, as I pulled my legs to my chest.

"Thanks for reminding me." I mumbled, and he frowned.

"Sorry." He spoke, as he climbed into the bed. He pulled me into his arms and kissed the back of my head gently.

"Yeah." I sighed.


After Elliot fell asleep, I walked downstairs and sat on the couch, just waiting for Maureen to get home. When she did, she looked at me surprised.

"Mom? What are you doing up?" She asked, and I sighed.

"I wanted to make sure you got home. How was your date?" I mused.

"It was okay, but why aren't you sleeping?" She asked, and I shrugged.

"I really don't know. I was worried about you being out late, so once your father fell asleep I came down here to wait." I spoke.

"Well, go to bed." She smiled.

"Mo, was I a cool mom? Did I go to bed because I trusted you?" I asked, and she sighed as she sat down next to me. She grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"You never went to bed. You would always sneak out of bed, and then sneak back into bed once I was home. Once you made sure my date was good, and that no one hurt me. Cause you were armed and ready to kill anyone who hurt me." She spoke, and I sighed.

"Sorry." I mumbled, and she shook her head.

"That is one reason why I love you so much. You would do anything to protect us." She smiled, before kissing my cheek softly.

She stood up and walked up the stairs and I sighed as I leaned back against the couch and closed my eyes.

I smiled softly as I fell asleep, as I thought about what my daughter said.

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