Chapter 14

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I laid on the table in my PT room. It was an annoying day, and since I was in so much pain, Fin insisted that I go to the hospital, and get my leg checked out. They checked it out and sent me up here. Great.

"Can you lift your leg slightly?" Madison asked. She was my physical therapist, since I had to get a new one.

"I can, but it hurts." I replied, sarcastically.

"Well, when you get into an accident that was as bad as yours was, then it isn't expected for you to feel amazing from the moment it happens." She spoke, and I rolled my eyes. I was going to respond, but then my phone rang. I quickly reached into my pocket and grabbed it.

Madison sighed and sat down on a chair, while I answered my phone.


"Baby, we need you at the precinct. Now." Elliot spoke, his voice showing how urgent the request was.

"Why? Fin and I are still at the hospital." I replied.

"We need you to talk to one of the girls that Mo's doctor was talking about." He replied, and I sighed.

"Okay. We'll be there soon."

I hung up and started to get up.

"Where are you going, Olivia?" Madison asked, and I sighed.

"Duty calls."


I limped into the squad room, with Fin to my side. The crew wasn't in their usual spots.

"Guys?" I questioned, and Elliot stuck his head out of the viewing room, and he motioned for us to join them. We quickly went in there, well as quickly as I could with my limp and cane. Elliot pointed at the girl sitting in the room, and I felt pain in the pit of my stomach. She couldn't be more than 13, and she was pregnant. Let alone being a prostitute. If we could figure out who got her pregnant, he would be rotting in jail, and I would be happy to put him in there.

"Got a name?" I asked, and Elliot shook his head.

"She won't speak. She won't even speak to Amanda." Elliot sighed, and I frowned.

"Alright, give me a moment." I spoke, before grabbing my husband's coffee mug, and getting into my purse for my pain meds. I took two, before sitting the mug down and heading in.

"I'm Detective Benson." I spoke, as the girl looked up at me. Then she diverted her eyes again, and continued to look at her hands.

"So, what's your name?" I asked, as I leaned against the wall, and forced all of my weight onto my other leg, attempting to ease the unending pain that has become part of my life.

"What's your full name?" She shot back, and I smiled. She has some fire in her. I wonder if she was only shooting back because she was annoyed of detectives coming in to speak to her.

"Olivia Margaret Benson. Now, what's yours?" I replied, and she shifted in her chair, before looking me dead in the eyes.

"None of your business." She grinned, and I laughed, as I limped over to the table, and sat down in front of her.

"Well, aren't you just one angry teenager."

"I bet you don't even know how it feels to be a teenager. You must be in your 50s." She grinned, and I laughed.

"Not even close, sweetie."

"Don't call me sweetie!" She yelled, and I leaned forward and smiled.

"Then tell me what to call you." I spoke, and she didn't realize that I tricked her, because she responded too quickly.

"Hannah Jensen." She hissed, and I nodded.

"Well then, Hannah, how old are you?" I asked, and her eyes went wide. She almost looked fearful.

"Please don't tell her. She'll send me away. She'll take my baby." She whispered, and I nodded.

"She won't find out. Now, how old are you, Hannah?"

"I just turned 13."


Hannah and I talked for an hour, before we took her into an interview room, and fed her. She was starving, and then once she had ate, she was exhausted. So we put her in the cribs, and put two officers with her. One inside the cribs to watch the window, and one outside to make sure no one but our crew could get in to her.

I left the cribs after making sure she was sleeping, and I limped over to my desk.

"Is she finally sleeping?" Elliot asked, and I nodded as I lowered myself onto the chair next to his desk. He reached out and gently touched my knee.

"You should go home." He spoke, and I shook my head.

"Nah. I'm good." I replied, and he shook his head.

"No, baby. Go home. Get some sleep."

"You've been-"

"Benson. Home." Cragen spoke, as he leaned against his office door frame.


"HOME!" He yelled, and I rolled my eyes, and stood slowly. I grabbed my cane, and Elliot helped me gather my stuff, before walking me out.

We stood near my car, and he pushed me against the car, before kissing me hard.

Once our lips parted, her placed his forehead against mine, and smiled.

"I love you, Olivia." He spoke, and I looked at him confused.

"What's wrong?" I asked, and he sighed.

"I've just been thinking about your childhood."

"What about it?" I asked quietly.

"About the fact that if I wouldn't have met you. If I hadn't fallen so hard for you, that someone could've taken you." He breathed, and I frowned. I closed my eyes, and he placed a soft kiss to my lips, and placed his hands to my waist.

"Even if Serena was drunk and abusing me, I still had my grandmother. If I had to leave my mother's house earlier than I did, I still wouldn't have been taken." I breathed.

"I'm just thinking about you being in Hannah's spot. Her parents, they are both in jail. It is just making me crazy. What about Mo? Or Janey, Poppy, and Quinny? They are all younger, and if something happened to them. If they were taken from us and forced to have..." He trailed off, and I moved my hands to his face, and I gently wiped the tears from his cheeks.

"Here is the thing, baby. Our daughters. All of our children have tons of officers ready to kick someone's ass if they attempt to take them. Don't worry."

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