Chapter 25

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I stood up, after finishing the call with Fin, and I walked to my office door.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked, as Janey walked over to me, and hugged my waist. I rubbed her back gently, as I waited for Elliot respond.

"It's Christmas, Liv. The kids wanted to spend it with both of us." He replied, and I nodded slowly, as I looked at them.

"Why don't you guys go into that room over there. We have toys you can play with, and Daddy and I can decide where to order dinner from." I spoke, and they quickly went to play, while I grabbed Elliot's arm and dragged him into my office.

"I'm working." I spoke, as I shut the door to my office.

"I really doubt that you are, Olivia. You are just doing this, so you don't have to face me." He replied, and I swallowed hard.

"Yeah, because I'm scared of what you are going to say when I put my demons out in the open. Hoping and praying that I won't have to fight them by myself, but then you just dismiss them. You don't help me really get over them, Elliot." I mumbled, and he sighed.

"I'm going to get the kids. I'll take them back home and you can hide here like a child. Merry fucking Christmas, Liv." Elliot yelled, before turning and leaving my office. He slammed the door, and heads turned towards the back of the squad room. I ran my hands through my hair, and then turned and kicked the sofa that was in front of one of the windows, and then I sat down.

I watched as Elliot led the kids from the room, and they all waved at me, and I forced smiles as they walked out.


We didn't stop searching for the boy for three days straight, and it was a bad end to the case. I told everyone to go home and get some sleep, and if they got drunk, that I'd come and pick them up. 

I drove home, and Maureen's car was in the driveway, and the house lights were on. I missed the bigger Christmas, which sucks, but Elliot and I were fighting anyway.

I grabbed the bags on the passenger seat, and carried them into the house. It was a little bit of a bribe to make my family feel better for me missing our favorite holiday.

"I'm home!" I called, as I entered the house. I heard quick footsteps on the stairs, and August attacked me with a warm hug.

"Mom!" He exclaimed, and I smiled.

"Hey, Auggie. How are you?" I asked, and he smiled.

"I'm good. I missed you." He spoke, and I nodded.

"Well, I missed you too. And I'm taking a few days off to spend with my kids. Now, mind taking these into the kitchen?" I asked, as I held the two bags out to him.

"Is there anything for me?" He asked, and I smiled and nodded.

"Maybe. Where is everyone else?"

"Upstairs with Maureen." He replied, and I nodded slowly.

"Okay, well, I'll join you then."


August eventually escaped upstairs again, and I just cleaned up what my family had left for me. When someone decided to come down, it was Elliot, and he was angry.

"How long have you been home?" He asked.

"About an hour." I replied shortly.

"And why haven't you came to see me?"

"Because you haven't did dishes in three days. I see that you let the kids eat out of measuring cups."

"Okay, sorry that I was more focused on my children, than cleaning." He spat, and I just started to ignore him. He just started to yell at me, but I heard none of it, up until a few words he said at the end before leaving.

"Why are you such a shitty person?"


I should've knew that once I got the job as a commanding officer, and my time was spread a little thinner than wanted, that Elliot would start freaking out. That he would start hating me, because I can't come home every night, and I can't be there for every second of our children's lives.

He didn't like the fact that we didn't sleep together in our bed anymore, because I'm barely home anymore.

"Mom." Maureen spoke, and I looked up from my desk at work, and saw her standing in my door way.

"Mo? What are you doing here?" I asked, and she walked towards me, as I stood.

"You left last night without saying anything to us at all. I miss you." She spoke, and I stepped forward and hugged my daughter, as I kept my eyes closed tightly, and I breathed deeply.

"Maureen, I'm sorry." I whispered.

"What caused you to leave?" She asked.

"Nothing." I lied. I didn't want her to know what her father had said to me. I just wanted her to think that I was in a bad place, because I am. And not that her father is being a jerk.

"Mom, please just tell me."

"Maureen, its no big deal. I'm just having some troubles getting used to be a commanding officer, girlfriend, and mother. I'm not used to being three important things."

"Is Dad having issues with it?"

"Maureen, I didn't leave because of him. Don't worry." I lied, once again.

"Kathy?" She asked, and I sighed, as I walked over to the sofa and sat down. Maureen sat down next to me, and turned her body to face mine.

"She didn't help."

"I didn't want her there, but we were fighting."

"I understand that, Mo. I was being a horrible mother, and I wasn't there for the hardest time of your life. I'm sorry."

"Did I make you leave?" She asked, and I shook my head.

"No, you didn't, Mo."

"Mom, tell me! I'm an adult! I can take it!"

I swallowed hard as I thought. Do I bring my daughter into the fight, and make her hate her father. Or do I just tell her I'm okay, and push her away.

"Your father and I got into a small fight. I didn't want to make him angrier, so I left. No big deal. Now, please go home. I need to work, and you need to rest. You're still recovering."

"I'm going to talk to Dad about this since you are being bull headed."

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