Chapter 16

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I dropped my keys into the bowl by the door, before going into the kitchen. I crumpled up the note I left for Mo, and then I started to get stuff out to make breakfast for the kids. It was only about 10 minutes until their alarms would go off, then Auggie and Sam would be asking for breakfast, so I might as well start now.

As I flipped pancakes, Mo came downstairs and yawned as she looked at me.

"Where's Dad?" She asked, as she sank into a chair.

"Dad is at the hospital with the crew."

"What? Why?" She asked, kinda panicked. Why did she think something was wrong with her father? If there was, I doubt I would be this calm.

"Baby, he is working. He is good." I replied, and she calmed slightly, before standing and getting into the fridge.

"Why aren't you there with them? They always call you in." She spoke, as she grabbed the milk, and sat it on the table, before grabbing cups.

"Because something came up." I sighed.

"I can take care of the kids, Mom. Go back to work." She smiled, and I wanted to tell her, but then I didn't want to worry her. 

She is still considering keeping the baby. And if she did, we would need all the extra money. I didn't want her to completely shut down the idea of raising the baby, because we won't be able to help her at all.

"I'm staying home. I'm sore, and they can handle it. Anyway, I want to spend sometime with you, since you aren't getting sick all the time."

She smiled and started to set the table, as Quinn and Poppy came into the room. Their little bodies were slow, and every step they took was sluggish.

"Hey, loves! Go sit down, and I'll have break-"

"Mommy, I'm hungry!" Auggie whined as he walked in, and I sighed.

Called it.


I took the kids to school, before dropping by the precinct. Maureen was going to do some homework, and then once I got back, we were going to spend some time together. Most likely talking while doing chores.

"Liv, what are you doing here?" Amanda asked, her voice completely shocked, but she seemed relieved.

"I'm cleaning off my desk. Emptying my locker." I replied, and Amanda frowned.

"I wish you wouldn't have gotten fired. I already miss you." She sighed, and I nodded as I walked over to her.

We hugged for a moment, before I let go and walked over to my desk. I started to empty it, as Amanda brought a box over. She started to help me pack, and I turned around and saw Cragen standing in his doorway. He walked over to me, and held his hand out again.

"I need the spare key to the sedan, your desk key, and any of the other ones that go to rooms and stuff around the station house." He spoke, and I nodded quietly.

I reached into my purse and pulled out my key ring. I took off three keys, and handed the rest to him. He took them without saying another word, and walked into his office. He shut the door, and sat down, an exhausted look on his face.

I wasn't going to address it. I just wanted to get out of here, and head home. I wanted to get back into sweats.

"So, she's not speaking." Elliot spoke, as him and Carisi entered. Elliot stopped in his path and looked at me, a frown on his lips.

"Hey, mind joining me in the locker room?" I asked, and Elliot nodded. I grabbed his hand and we walked together into the locker room. He gently placed his hand to the small of my back, and he leaned in to kiss me.

Our lips touched for a few moments, before he pulled away and took his other hand and placed it to my cheek. He gently ran his thumb over it and frowned.

"I don't want you to leave." He breathed, and I sighed.

"I don't either, but this is really happening, El."

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I've gotten my badge and gun taken away before, but now... he took my keys."


"No, El. Help me clean out my locker, and then you can walk me down to the car."


As we walked down to the car, Elliot was silent. Once we shut the boxes and my duffel bag in the passenger side seat, he smiled at me.

"What about going to college and trying to get your law degree?"

"I'm not a lawyer type, and even if I did want that, we'd be so far in debt."

"We are well off, Liv." He sighed.

"Maybe I'll talk to Dodds, and see if he might have something for me to do. Maybe get me a new placement. Computer crimes? Maybe?"

"You just want to sit on your ass all day." Elliot laughed, and I rolled my eyes.

"No, but then I could still work with the crew." I breathed, my voice shaky.

"Baby, you don't want to leave. Do you?"

"Why would I want to leave a job that has been a huge part of my life? The crew is our family. They were there before the accident, and stayed strong when I was in a coma. They came back once I was awake, and haven't left since."

"He'll come around. He always does. We are like his kids. He is just a little pissed at the moment. He'll disown you, write you out of his will, but he'll come around."

Elliot was teasing me, and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Alright, I'll see you tonight, baby."

"Alright, love you, Liv." Elliot breathed, and I kissed him softly before smiling.

"Love you too."


When I got home, I couldn't hide the boxes nor my duffel bag, and Mo saw.

"What are those?" She asked, and I sighed.

"Just some junk." I lied, and she came over as I sat them down, and opened one. Her eyes widened, and her face paled. She knew, and it was already scaring her.

"You got fired?"

"Yeah, but Mo, this doesn't change a thing."

"How doesn't it? Mom, how can our family live on only one income?!" She cried.

"We are fine, Mo! We are great even! Now, just go get the laundry from the washer and put it into the dryer."

"But what if we aren't?" She choked and I frowned. I walked closer to her and pulled her into my arms.

"We aren't going to go into debt. You can still think about keeping the baby. The younger ones can still do their classes. You can still go to college. We can keep the house. I'll get another job if it becomes an issue." I sighed.

I wanted to be completely sure, but stuff like this usually ruins a family, and I didn't want mine ruined.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading! This was the fastest time it took me to write a chapter. Like way less than an hour, and I'm proud of it! Please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

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