Chapter 26

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I walked out of the locker room, and I saw Elliot talking to Dani, and it drove me nuts. I didn't show it though, because I wanted to get into my office without Elliot noticing. I want him to go home or to work and stay away from me.

As I was closing my door, Elliot yelled at me, and I sighed as I opened it back up.

"If we are fighting, you better get your ass in my office. Now." I spat, and he stood up and stormed into my office. He took the door out of my hand and slammed it shut.

"So my daughter came home and told me that she came to see you. You said we got into a fight!" He yelled, and I rolled my eyes.

"What would you call happened? Huh? And what happened to me being her mother? Or did I lose that title too?"

"You lost that title the moment you stopped being a mother to her!" He yelled, and I walked away from him, and I hand to ball my hands into fists and dig my nails into my hands so I wouldn't hit him.

"Elliot, if you are going to be a dick, just leave."

"If you are going to be a bitch, Olivia, than don't come home." He yelled. And I bounded across the room and slapped him hard across the cheek. He turned around and left, and tears ran down my cheeks.

"Thanks for being an understanding, caring, loving boyfriend."


I was scared when my day came to an end, because I didn't know if I was going to be welcomed in my own house, or if I wasn't going to be welcomed at all. Maybe Elliot would be so pissed and he would come out and shoot me. You never know.

I parked in the driveway, and all the lights in the house were off. Not even my bedroom light was on.

I slowly got out and walked up the front path and I unlocked the door. I entered and walked towards the kitchen to put my coffee mug in the sink, and there was a note on the counter. I swallowed hard and picked it up.


I took the kids to my parents and we are staying there. Stop being a selfish bitch and we can work something out.


Tears stung my eyes, and I felt like dying. He was taking my kids away from me. He was treating me like I was my mother, before she got sober. And now, now I'm a monster and my boyfriend had my babies.


I drove towards Elliot's parent's house as tears blurred my vision, but not enough to make driving super hard.

I kept trying to call Elliot, but he wouldn't pick up and it made me even more pissed. I also tried to call Maureen, Bernie, and Joseph, but no one picked up.

When I arrived, the lights were on, and I saw my kids running around in the living room.

I climbed out quickly, and ran up the path to the front door.

I knocked on it, and Bernie came to the door. She looked at me and frowned.

"Hi, Liv." She breathed, and I ran my shaky hand over my cheek, and swallowed hard.

"Bernie, can I please take the kids home? They should sleep in their beds tonight." I spoke, and she shook her head.

"I promised Elliot that I'd keep the kids here. He's working tonight."

"Bernie, I'm their mother!" I cried, and Quinn heard. She ran away from her siblings, and she ran right to me.

"Mommy!" She exclaimed, as she pushed passed Bernie so she could get to me. I picked her up and held her close.

"Hi, baby. Are you okay?" I asked, and she placed a small hand to my cheek.

"Why are you crying Mommy?" She asked.

"I just missed you and your siblings so much! Wanna come home with me?" I asked, and she nodded.

"Yeah, Mommy!" She exclaimed, and I looked at Bernie, who had changed. She no longer trusted me, and I could see that in her blue eyes. It was the same look her son's eyes had when he looked at me.

"Liv, they're staying here." Bernie spoke, as Joseph came up behind her.

"No, Bernie. They are going home with their mother. I'll grab their bags."

I sent Quinn back into the house, and I looked at Bernie.

"Why don't you trust me anymore?" I asked, and she frowned.

"You aren't the woman who my son fell in love with anymore." She replied, and tears stung the back of my eyes.

"Why do you think that? Is it because I'm a commanding officer of my own unit?" I whispered.

"Because you haven't been the Liv that I think of as my own. Something has changed, and it hasn't been for the best." She spoke, and I shook my head.

"Bye, Bernie."


Is everyone around me crazy? Why is everyone telling me that I've changed? Have I? 

Because if I had, I need to stop. I don't want to lose my kids nor Elliot. They are my family.

As I drove home, and the kids fell asleep in the back, Maureen finally returned my call.

"Mo!" I exclaimed.

"Mom, what's wrong? Why did you call me 15 times?" She asked.

"Where are you?"

"I'm at home now. Where are you and the kids?"

"Your father took them to Long Island to stay with his parents, because I guess he can't trust me anymore."

"Mom, something is really off with him. I'm nervous. Are you bringing them home?" She asked.

"Yeah. I'm about 20 minutes out. But I'm calling your father and I'm going to kick his ass." I swore.

"I'll watch them. You go and kick his ass in person."


I went home and dropped the kids off before heading towards the 1-6 precinct.

When I did arrive, Elliot's sedan was out front. I stormed up the stairs, and walked through the open doors. I grabbed Elliot's arm and pulled him towards the locker room. I yelled at a few officers and they ran out, before I slammed the door.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" I yelled, and he sighed.

"What did you do now? Blaming it on me again?"

"Elliot, you are the one who took my kids away. You're the one who is shoving horrible thoughts into other people's heads, making them hate me. Now, why the hell did you take my kids?!" I yelled.

"Liv, you aren't Liv anymore." He spoke, and I shook my head.

"I am!" I cried, as my voice cracked.

"You are down, more than you have been in the past. You are depressed and saying things that you shouldn't. You are just being a woman who I haven't known since the day she was sent to the hospital because her mother beat her up." Elliot spoke, and I looked down at my hands.

"I'm not depressed."

"Then what do you call making false statements about Kathy being Wonder Woman?" Elliot asked, as he stepped towards me and took my chin in his hand. He lifted it, so I was looking in his eyes.

"It's the truth compared to me. I can't even marry you without thinking about how you would be better off with her." I whispered, and he shook his head as the tension started to melt away.

"You are a much better person compared to her. Stop treating yourself like crap. You are the most amazing woman, mother, and detective that I've ever known. Just stop thinking about Kathy. She means nothing." He spoke, before pressing his lips against mine.

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