"You and your sister's relationship is weird," he said.

"We don't have a relationship. She's just weird," I said.

"Yeah. Okay. Whatever you say, love," he said and smiled.

Julianna and Jordan walked up to us.

"Hey," I said.

"I'm going to say this one time. If you ever ignore me for 17 hours, I will personally kick your butt. What were you thinking ignoring me!? I'm not Jonathan. I ain't gonna take that weak excuse. You, ma'am, got some explaining to do before I strangle you," Julianna said.

"Yes, ma'am," I said and smiled.

She shook her head and pulled me into a hug. I hugged her back.

"I love you," I said.

"I love you too," she said.

She let me go and I met Erik's gaze.

"What?" I asked.

He grabbed my hand and turned me around.

"You look so beautiful," he said and held my hand.

I smiled and kissed his cheek. Julianna nudged me.


'You guys are a thing?'

'You know he's technically my husband, right?'

'So he's the guy you're supposed to marry?'

'Yes, ma'am.'

'How do you know this?'

'You missed a lot.'

'Tell me later.'

We finally arrived at the second gym. Each corner of the gym had a symbol on the wall. The symbols were fire, water, earth, and air. In the fire corner, there were fire torches all on the walls and a fire pit on the floor. In the water corner, there were beautiful waterfalls streaming down the two walls and a big hole in the floor filled with water. In the earth corner, the walls had many different minerals in them and where the concrete should've been was replaced with dirt. In the air corner was nothing but sand.

this looks amazing.

"I know right," Erik said.

"This place is awesome," Julianna said.

"This is going to be so fun," Jordan said.

"Attention!" Ms. Meggan yelled. "Welcome to your training arena!"

The class applauded and Ms. Meggan held up her hand to silence us.

"This room has been added due to the new students from WHS. It is now my second classroom. This training arena will be available for you before and after school. It closes at 5:30 everyday. If you break something, you clean it up and replace it, but I don't see how because there's not much in here. Today, I want each of you to go to your own section and if you have all elemental control, telekinesis, and or super intelligence, I want you to be with me. Have fun, and the next time we're in here, we'll start working," she said. "Go on."

Adrian, Erik, Jonathan, Jason, Aluna, Isaac, Jordan, and I stayed with Ms. Meggan. Everyone else dispersed into their specific corner. No one had walked over to the fire corner.

"What are we going to do?" Adrian asked.

"If you have telekinesis or super intelligence, stand on my left side," she said.

Erik, Jonathan, Jason, Aluna, Jordan, Isaac, and I moved to her right.

"Huh," she said looking at Adrian. "You have all elemental control correct?"

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