The Hunt

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It hurt to breathe at this point. Somehow the boy was able to temporally trap him in this hellish form. Unconsciously, he pressed a hand to the still healing binding spell burned into his chest. He clicked his tongue in aggravation as he remembered how Pine Tree was able to deceive him long enough to finish the spell.

Not even an hour ago, Dipper had crawled into his lap after summoning him, just as he's done several times before. Kissing him as he desperately ground his hips down onto Bill's. He didn't even notice when the boy slowly opened his shirt. At first it was just cold, but instead of warming up, it kept getting colder. He didn't realize what had happen until pain flooded his senses and he was arching off the bed, moaning. By the time the pain faded, Dipper was standing next to him with a smirk that sent a shiver of desire down his spine. Just thinking about the way Pine Tree had been looking at him made him want to stop and run back, but he couldn't.

"Run." That order ran so smoothly off of Pine Tree's tongue that he didn't even realize he was following it until he was running out the shack's door. The way his eyes narrow as he gave the order sent a spike of desire through Bill's body that made his knees week. He groaned as he forced himself to run harder. He wasn't about to allow that boy to win so easily to whatever game he came up with.

Whirling around a tree, Bill stopped and rested against the bark. His ears were alert for any sound that he could determine as Dipper's. It would be easier with magic, but unfortunately... He grimaced as he looked at the welting skin. A flash of anger rose in him and he quickly squashed it down and returned his attention to the woods. It was quiet. Did he out run him? Did he actually lose Pine Tree? He wouldn't, but Bill couldn't stop the thought of this all being a ruse set up by the boy to make a fool out of him.

Magic or no, he would not allow that Pines to make him the fool. Spitting out a curse, directed at the boy, Bill pushed off from the tree and turned to toward the direction he came from. That is, until a click, followed by a stinging pain across his cheek.

Several yards in front of him, stood Dipper with a crossbow aimed directly at him. Bill stared at him, mouth gaped and eyes wide. The view was enough to send heat shooting through his body. His Pine Tree staring at him coolly, ready to take his life. Able to stalk him down without Bill even hearing him. And...he reached up and ran his fingertips over the cut on his cheek. Blood met them. It had already covered his cheek and probably his neck now. If that didn't send a shiver down him, he didn't know what would.

Bringing his fingers to his mouth, he licked the blood clean. "Pine Tree," he breathed.

The younger's eyes narrowed as he lined up the barrel of the crossbow for Bill's head. "I thought I told you to run."

The grin that stretched across Bill's face looked painful, but the way his eyes lit in excitement was enough to put Dipper on guard. "That you did," Bill purred. His long tongue slipped out, over his cheek, lapping up the blood. He could taste it. That plant. A shiver of pleasure ran over him. Oh, such a naughty boy. Lacing those arrows with lovely longings. He took a step forward and Dipper didn't hesitate to let the arrow fly. The head of the arrow sliced through the other cheek.

"And I expect you to do so," Dipper stated as he loaded the crossbow while keeping his eyes on Bill.

His heart thundered in his chest, but he couldn't stop himself from grinning. Swiveling on the tips of his shoes, Bill darted into the woods and this time he could hear Pine Tree running after him. The taste of blood tingled on his tongue as he darted between the trees, making it hard for Dipper to get a clear shot.

A few arrows shot past him until one dug into the side of his leg. The sheer pain sent him toppling to the ground with a cry. Adrenaline raced through him as he heard Dipper's footsteps rushing toward him. Bracing himself, he grasped the shaft of the arrow and snapped off the end. He grunted as he forced himself onto his feet and started to run. The pain wrecked at him with every step, but that only made the excitement grow.

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