Return of the Lovely Longings (Paired with Don't Stop)

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Dipper glared at the man that stood across the room from him. "What do you want Bill?" he growled. He was pissed. Still pissed. Bill knew that the lovely longings would have worn off soon enough. He didn't need to...God, he could feel his face flush in embarrassment.

"I've come to apologize," the demon sighed as he looked down at his feet.

He knew the demon was lying, but that didn't mean Bill wasn't being convincing. "You lied to me."

"I lie to everyone," Bill retorted.

Dipper snorted. "You knew that the pheromones would have worn off soon, but you still! still..." he gritted his teeth, frustrated in himself. He couldn't voice what Bill did. He hasn't had a day go by that he hasn't thought of that day. If he wasn't thinking about it, he was dreaming about it.

"I gave you what you wanted," Bill put simply. At Dipper's glare, he was quick to fix his statement. "Physically, of course."

Which was kind of true, but it wouldn't have happened if Bill wasn't there to twist his thoughts. "I am not about to forgive you, Bill," Dipper stated as he crossed his arms.

Bill tilted his head to the side as he stared at Dipper. Finally, he sighed before nodding. "Alright, I understand," he caved. He rolled his wrist and a bouquet formed in his opened hand. "But take this as a form of my apology." He held out the brightly colored flowers. They looked pretty. Really pretty.

"Ah...sure," Dipper sighed, not really feeling the need to fight over something as small as whether he should take the flowers or not. He took the bouquet and looked over the flowers. He knew a few of the flowers off bat. There were roses, lilies, some flowers from the forest, and others. His hand brushed over a few of the flowers when horrifyingly familiar sensation traveled up his arm and through his entire body. Breathing heavily, the tore through the bouquet, searching. He could hear Bill laughing, which only angered him more. Finally, he found what he was looking for. Several lovely longings were scattered within the flower arrangement.

"You bastard," he hissed as he glared at Bill. He could already feel the effects of the flower becoming harder to control.

Bill grinned. "Well, yes I am." He picked up a few of the fallen flowers and twisted them in his fingers. "I thought you enjoyed our time together last time so I thought we could do it again!" The flowers in his hand shifted until they were the familiar long stemmed, blue pelted flower. He then tossed the lovely longs at Dipper and laughed as the boy flinched. He walked over to Shooting Star's side of the room that had several boy band posters. He looked over them before turn to Dipper who had his fists clenched at his sides. He looked so cute when he glared. "I should just leave you here-"

He didn't even finish his taunt when a force slammed him into the wall behind him. He moaned at the pain of his head slamming against the wood. His eye flickered open to see his little Pine Tree glaring up at him. "Really don't want to see me go, huh?" It was hard to speak with the boy's arm pressed against his throat. "You like me, dontcha?" He started to laugh, but it came out as a cough when the boy added force.

"I hate you," Dipper spat as his breathing got rougher.

"That hurts," Bill pouted, but it slowly twisted into a smirk. "Show me how much you hate me then."

Dipper just glared harder, but didn't move. His nostrils flared as he tried to think of what to do, but the lovely longing was harder to cope with that before. Maybe it is because that this is his second time, or maybe it is because the flower is scattered all over his room. He moved his arm off of the demon's neck and used it to help prop him around Bill as he thought about what to do.

Bill smirked, taking this as Dipper's submission. "Aw, you can't hurt me, can you? You like-" his words were muffled with a pair of heated lips. Bill was quick to return the kiss, but not without a small snort. The boy was a much better kisser than he would ever give him credit for, but he was too far for his liking. Reaching out, Bill hooked his fingers into Dipper's belt loops and pulled him roughly against him.

Dipper grunted, but he didn't break the kiss. Instead he bit down harshly on demon's lip. Bill gave a low moan as he broke skin. The blood didn't taste like normal blood, but Dipper didn't think too much on it. He was preoccupied to memorizing the contorts of the demon's mouth. He grounded his hips into Bill's and the demon quickly moved to meet with his movements.

A loud moan reverberated in Bill's throat as Dipper pulled back and started to lay marks down Bill's bare neck. It felt so good. Bill could only wonder if this was what Dipper felt the other day. He scarcely noticed the sound buttons of his clothes being popped off as the boy rushed in getting him undressed. Bill snickered but it quickly turned into a stunned cry when he was bit on his collarbone. The same place he bit Pine Tree. His hand shot up and his fingers knotted into the boy's hair to keep him there. He wanted more and he got it. Dipper bit harder, tearing the flesh, and Bill couldn't be more pleased as he shook out a moan.

Dipper released the mangled flesh and looked up at Bill, his chin was covered in blood. Bill licked his lips at the sight. He was about to reach out and take the boy's head in his hands so he could lick off the blood that ran down his neck, but he noticed quickly noticed that his hands weren't free. They probably haven't been free for a while, considering that now they were held above his head by the boy's hand.

"What do you think you're doing?" Bill asked breathy. He was genuinely curious as to what the boy was thinking.

The boy smirked. "You'll see." Dipper shakily unbuckled his pants, hissing as the constriction lessened dramatically.

"I hope you're not going to leave me unattended," Bill commented as he shifted impatiently. He hated that his only contact was being held at his wrists.

Dipper chuckled. "The thought had crossed my mind," he murmured as he started to unbuckle Bill's pants. "But I'm not that cruel."

"No, you're not," Bill purred as Dipper pulled him from the confines of his pants.

"Plus, I like when you're...disheveled," Dipper whispered as he pressed his member up against Bill's. He groaned at the touch, grinning when he heard an echo of a groan from Bill. He held up his bare hand to Bill's face. "Lick," he ordered.

"And why would I do that?" Bill asked with a confused look.

"You'll find out," was all Dipper said.

Bill gave him a warily look, but did as told. He deliberately took long, slow lick across the hand's flesh as he kept eye contact with Dipper. They boy's pupils were dilated to an extent where Bill could barely see the iris any more. Delightful. Every nook and cranny wasn't left untouched as he licked the hand. He was even able to pull in the thumb and sucked it before the boy took the hand back.

Bill arched into the other as Dipper's hand wrapped around the both of them. Slowly, Dipper pumped them together. Bill's hips trembled as he tried to speed up the movements, but Dipper kept it slow.

"I take it back," Bill moaned. "You're cruel."

Dipper laughed in return. He tightened his grip and moved his hand a bit faster. Bill purred out words of encouragement as his head rolled back. Dipper leaned in and licked at the still bleeding wound. The taste was still strange, but somewhat addicting.

Soon, Dipper's movements turned more erratic and Bill could barely keep himself standing. He was close and by how hard Dipper's breathing had gotten, so was he. Bill cried out as he came, sagging against the wall. Dipper released his arms and he slid to the floor with his pants around his knees. Dipper staggered a few feet back before falling to the floor as well. Leaning back on his elbows, Dipper stared at Bill.

"I hate you," he whispered.

"No you don't," Bill quickly answered with a smirk. He looked down at himself to see semen covering his chest, blood smeared everywhere, clothes torn and dirtied. He looked like crap, but hell, if this wasn't one of his better ideas.

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