Don't Stop

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It only started off as a walk through the woods behind the shack, which led him to falling into a patch of Lovely Longing flowers that had the unfortunate properties that made it a very powerful aphrodisiac just by touching its petals. Now he had to find his way back to the shack and hopefully sleep this off, but that was easier said than done. It was getting harder walk. His knees were weak, every part of him trembled at every touch, he could feel himself starting to sweat as heat pooled at his abdomen...he doubted he'd make it to the shack.

When Dipper's vision started to blur, it finally sunk in that he wasn't going to get back. With a groan, more like a moan at this point, Dipper sat at the base of a tree. He could wait it out, right? He shifted against the bark of the tree and was startled when a loud, throaty moan escaped him. "God," he mumbled. Pain was not his thing, but it just felt so...He rubbed his back against the bark again and was nearly shaking at the feel. He had to bite his lip to keep him from moaning like earlier.

"Now, now, now! What do we have here?" cooed a voice above Dipper.

Dipper moved his head in the direction of the voice and tried to focus his blurred vision on the figure. Slowly, he was about to make out parts on the person. The looked so familiar, his mind screamed in recognition, but for the life of him he couldn't figure out who it was. It was obvious his confusion was seen by the stranger.

"Don't recognize me, do you?" the person asked. Something hard and cold tapped him against chin, tilting his head to the side. He shivered at the touch. He gave a whine when the object moved away. "What a pity, Pine Tree," came a deep whisper.

It was as if something clicked. Dipper felt his heart drop as he scrambled away from the tree. He couldn't even properly run away as he kept falling to his knees. Bill's laugh echoed behind him as he frantically tried to run away until something pressed against his back, pushing him to the ground.

"It's rude to run away," Bill commented.

Dipper struggled against the ground, panting. "Let me go," he gasped.

"Mm...No." The weight lifted from Dipper as Bill circled him. "Can I say that I've never seen you like this, boy? What got you so worked up?" He could hear the smile in Bill's voice.

Silently, Dipper debated on telling Bill. That demon would probably use this to his advantage somehow, but maybe if he told him he would leave. "I-I...lovely longing," he forced out.

It was silent for a few minutes before Bill started to laugh. It started out soft and turned loud and obnoxious. "Really? Dang, kid, that sucks!"

Dipper glared down at the dirt. "Just leave me alone," he mumbled. It was getting too hot and his clothing felt restricting now.

"No, way!" Dipper cursed the demon. "This is way too funny!"

Dipper seethed in anger as he forced himself up. "No it's not!" He glared at Bill and the demon just smirked in return.

"Maybe not for you." Bill walked up to him and easily shoved him to the ground. "But luckily for you, I'm willing to help you out. Free of charge." Dipper struggled to get up. Something had a hold of his wrists, keeping him down.

"Wa," he tilted his head back to see something black wrapped around his arms.

"Oh, don't worry about that," Bill said, regaining Dipper's attention. "You should be focusing on me."

Dipper gulped and struggled even harder against whatever that was holding him down. "I don't need your help," he grounded out. He tried to glared down the demon, but when knelt to the ground and forcefully settled himself between Dipper's legs, he really couldn't hold it. "What are you doing?!"

"Helping," Bill said easily. "That is what you want, yes?" he said as he leaned down close to Dipper's face.

He had to force himself from shuttering at Bill's closeness. "N-no," he said as firmly as he could, but his body was visibly shaking.

Bill gave him a fake pout. "But who will help you if I don't? You'll be stuck like this without...releasing some of that tension of yours," he grinned.

Dipper blushed darkly at his hinting. "I can do t-that perfectly at home," he reasoned.

"How are you going to get home? You can barely walk," Bill pointed out. He laid down against Dipper, causing the young man to gasp and arch to him. "Plus you seem like you want it."

"Sh-shut up!" Dipper yelled. He bit at his lip hard enough that it bleed, just to force his body to calm down. Bill groaned at the sight, sending a whole new wave through Dipper.

"Let me help you," Bill ordered.

Dipper glared. "Then take me home," he grounded out.

Bill frowned. "No. I'm not offering that." He shifted himself as he got more comfortable on Dipper, enjoying as the boy was trying not to cry out. He reached out and swiped a finger across the bloodied lip before bringing it to his mouth. The blood tasted delightful against his tongue. He hummed at the taste as he looked down at Dipper who was once again trying to calm himself. "Come on, what's the worst that could happen?"

"You kill me," Dipper muttered.

Bill had to laugh at that. "I wouldn't kill you kid, I like you too much." When he grinned down at Dipper, the boy looked away. "Just give in. I'll give you what you want," he whispered into his ear. A delicious shiver soon followed.

Against his better judgment, Dipper gave a hesitant nod. Bill didn't even waste time congratulating the boy on a wise choice. He grounded his hips into Dipper's harshly, enjoying at the boy arched up and let out a charming cry. Bill latched onto Dipper's bloodied lip as he tore at the boy's clothes. They were easily ripped, but so was Dipper's skin as his claws caught the flesh of his chest. The boy let out of breathy moan, catching Bill by surprise. He dragged his claws roughly against Dipper's sides, hearing an even louder moan.

"I had no idea you enjoyed pain, Pine Tree," Bill teased as he licked Dipper's blood off his lips.

Dipper shook his head. "I. Don't," he gasped.

Bill dug his claws in deep and Dipper moaned. "Oh, but your body says otherwise." Dipper just glared off to the side and Bill took that as another victory. He tugged at Dipper's pants until they were off an out of the way. He couldn't help but to lean back and enjoy a view that he's never seen of Dipper before. The boy lying naked in the dirt, flushed, sweating, his marks on him...He licked his lips at the sight.

He leaned down and licked a trail of blood that stretched across Dipper's chest as his hands rubbed at the boy's inner thighs. He was quivering as Bill's hands got higher, touching only the base of his cock. Dipper let out a low groan before gasping in pain as Bill bit down harshly on his collarbone. "Bill!"

The demon chuckled, but didn't remove his teeth. He only bit down harder as he wrapped a hand around Dipper. The boy grunted and pressed up closer to Bill. Not being all that patient, Bill started to pump Dipper harshly, but the boy met him with his own thrusts. He knew the boy wouldn't last long. Dipper was close to the edge since the beginning, so he leaned back and watched as Dipper withered beneath him. His thumb pressing against the head of his penis as he moved his hand, causing soft, breathy moans. Dipper suddenly tensed and cried out before collapsing against the ground, breathing heavily.

Bill glanced at the semen that covered his hand and gave it a lick. The taste was fine, but not as near as enjoyable as the blood. His eye returned back to the boy, seeing him so defenseless and worn out. It was enchanting. It made him want to see the boy this way again and again. And he had a thing about getting what he wanted, but for now he'd return him home. With a flick of his wrist, Dipper was back home, tucked in his bed asleep. And Bill won't be around in the morning when Dipper finds his journal and sees that the plant would have worn off in a few more hours.

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