I try to live my life with patience as my mom used to be quiet when dad scolds or Beats her. My mom didn't even utter a word probably because she used to say. "Almighty is watching and he will surely reward me."

I realize that my tears are rolling up to my neck but that didn't bother me the thing which catches my eyes was her photo frame.

My eyes fill up as the memories hit me very hard..this room isn't just a room it is an emotion, it's an inkling of my mother.

I wipe my tears, it'll be a year after a month that you left me. I cannot believe.

I sighed. "Ayaat" a familiar voice calls me. I frown and turn back. I break into unbreakable sobs as I see my mother standing in front of me.

"Ammi" my eye widens. "Ammi, is it you?" I quickly stand and wipes my tears. "Don't cry dear.. please don't..you know right your mom loves you alot..she's with you and will be.." she speaks very softly.

"Ammi why can't you come back... I miss you." I cry. I cry up to my lungs out. "I can't but I'm with you.." she replied standing in front of me without moving.

"Ammi" I gulped. "y- you know what when.." I sniffed." Wh..en I came back from the hospital everything was new for me... when I asked them they said that the things which looks new for me has already happened 2 years ago.." I utter and my sobs slowly turns into occasional hiccups.

"Ammi, is it true that I've poor memory or something like I lost my memory?" I asked her and keeps sniffing.

"Zain and Uzair never tell me anything" I mumbled. She smiled "just remember everything will be fine soon have patience" she claims and fades away.

"No! No! Please come back..don't leave me alone...I love you mom..please come back.." I cried. "Mom please" I scream. "Mom!!"

"Ayaat?" Zain runs towards me. "What's wrong? Ayaat?" He cups my face and wiped my tears.

"Zain..ammi.." I hiccup. "Ammi, Zain.. she was here" I utter incomplete lostness. I keep showing him the direction where she was standing and he keeps holding me.

"Ayaat! Ayaat! Listen to me.."

I ignored. "No Zain I'm telling you.. she was..she was here.." I stood up and make him stand too. "Here" I grab his arm and showed the spot where exactly she was standing.

"I'm telling you..she was here.." I cried. "She was right here..she was here.." I keep mumbling to myself.

"Ayaat!" He shouts. I startle "Listen to me," he said and I looked at him, completely lost.

"Ammi left us one year ago try to digest it... it's hard, I know but you have to..its effing one year why don't you accept it?" He said bagging his forehead.

"But bro, I keep seeing her..here right there," I say softly. "it's an illusion nothing else." He claimed to be soft.

"She left you..maybe she left this world..but she did not leave me...and she said she's with me every time and everywhere.." I said and wiped my tears and sighed.

"Dear, she's in your heart...I can't explain to you..well come with me" he sighed and takes me with him.

We went out of the room and moved towards the car which is waiting for me to drop me at my apartment.

"That's the car which mom gifted you right?" I state still in my thoughts.

"Yeah " Zain appealed while brushing his hand on the car.

"But why don't I remember it?" I ask.

"We are getting last let's go in this" Zain smiles ignoring what I ask.

I gave him a weak smile in response.

"Here, we reached," Uzair said. I sighed and gets out.

"Don't force yourself dear we know everything so no need to pretend," Zain said and get out of the car with me.

"Okay? We love you and always will and yes we'll miss you for sure, my lovely sista" Zain hugs me.

"Wait! I'll also join" Uzair came and hug us.

Trio hug again. I don't know why, but I love our trio hug. But now I don't feel.

"Take care Ayaat," they said and I gave them a weak smile again with a slight nod.

"Hey guys" I went in and they hugged me.

"We missed you too" they respond. "Wait you didn't said us that you missed us?" Zoya says. I sighed "can I get a glass of water"

"Sure" she smiles. "What's wrong?" Meanwhile, Yumna asks.

"Even I should ask you the same," I said and she gasps "I'm good bro..what's wrong tell me" she tries to assure me while I replied "should I lie like you?" and she stuns.

Suddenly Zoya yells "Ayaat! Why didn't you gave leave letter? The professor is going to kill you tomorrow it seems" she said.

"yea I know.. how do you know though?"

"Cassy told me"

I nod. "Dude I'm really tired...let's see what happens tomorrow" I sighed and drop myself on the bed.

"Good morning Professor." I greeted.

"Good morning..why didn't you submit your leave letter? You were absent for three days..why so carelessness?" He asks while moving his spectacles down to his nose.

"..umm sorry, Professor Huns it was really urgent and I wasn't having time to submit," I said.

"Still, there has to be some consequence. So there's a New Years party in our University, as you know, and you will be taking care of its preparations and supplies," he stated.

I gawked and asked, "How long do I have to stay back?"

"After my class till 7 pm."

"What!?" I can't believe this!"

"Do you want me to extend it until 9 pm?" He said raising his eyebrow.

"No-no! That's okay" I let out a sigh and left.

"Hey, I heard that Mr Arhaan is overseeing the preparations for the party, maybe he's staying back too," Yumna says. "Oh. That's good I won't be alone then " I let out a relieved breath.

"Still with a stranger right?" Zoya said.

"I know but at least there'll be someone other than the watchman and the workers" I shrugged.

I don't feel like telling them that I Know him. I want to talk to him first and then I'll let them know.

"Hmm, yeah" Yumna utter as she's understanding something.

"So from today onwards, you'll be at the University till 7 pm until 31st December?" Zoya asks with confusion.

" Probably...yes," I say exasperated.

"That sucks!" She responds. "I know" I fake cried.

So what do you think? Will they both meet? And get to know each other?
Will Ayaat tells Arhaan that she knew he is her hazelnut.

Stay tuned, until next time.

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