"Eeeee, I did it!" The Pokemon conversation was cut short by the excited squeal of Bonnie. "I can can see aura! It looks like a little blue flame, yeah," Bonnie said happily. "Very good Bonnie. Let's try something else now. Pikachu, Squishy, Dedenne, could each of you please move to a different spot apart from each other, and Bonnie keep your eyes closed." The three Pokemon got up from where they were and split up. Pikachu and Dedenne both moved from the ledge and climbed up to different ledges, while squishy just moved to another sunny spot on the ledge they were on. "Ok now, Bonnie I want you to find them and identify them by their auras," Ash explained. Bonnie stood up, keeping her eyes closed. She turned around slowly, taking a deep breath, "Dedenne," Bonnie said pointing up at Dedenne who was hanging off the rock face. "Found me," Dedenne cried out letting her know she was right. "Wait, I understood that. I understood Dedenne," Bonnie cried out happily. "I told you Bonnie, seeing Aura is the most important part of Aura training. It unlocks other abilities, like understanding Pokemon," Ash explained. Bonnie then found Pikachu and Squishy very easily. "Very impressive Bonnie. I honestly expected it to take you a few more days just to be able to see aura and be able to identify who it belongs to in a few weeks. Your just a natural at this," Ash praised. "Thanks Ash." Just then Ash's stomach rumbled. "Guess it's time to head back for breakfast," Ash said sheepishly as he scratched the back of his head. Bonnie sweat dropped, "please tell me I won't develop an appetite like that because my aura." "Nope, that's just a me thing," Ash said as he started to walk away. Bonnie breathed a sigh of relief, "thank Arceus."

Back at the Pokemon center cafeteria everyone else was sitting down for breakfast. "So Serena, how's the performance looking," asked Korrina. Serena sighed, "it's good." "Serena, are you ok," asked Korrina. "I'm fine, it's just," Serena said, trailing off at the end. "It's just what," Korrina pushed, worried for her friend. "It's nothing. It's just, I'm used to having Ash watching my run throughs the day of my showcases, and he wasn't there. I guess I'm a little jealous of Bonnie," Serena confessed. "You should talk to him about it," said Korrina. "No, I couldn't. I mean, I know this is important for Bonnie, and I feel like it will make me look insecure. Besides, I'm his fiance. I'm going to have my whole life with him. It's also kind of silly to be jealous of a nine year old that he's helping," Serena responded. "Maybe, but you don't want to have any resentment towards him and not tell him, that wouldn't be fair to him, right Clemont? Clemont?" Korrina looked over to Clemont who had been quiet this whole time, to see that be had fallen asleep. "I guess your run was a bit too intense for him," Serena commented. "I guess so. Maybe I should lighten up on the running for him. I mean he wasn't fit when I fell for him, so I shouldn't try to change him," said Korrina as she looked at him and smiled.

"Good morning," said Ash as he came up from behind Serena and wrapped his arms around her and kissed her cheek. Serena turned her head and kissed Ash on the lips, "good morning to you too," Serena said after she broke the kiss. "So Bonnie, how did your training go," asked Korrina. "Great, I can understand Pokemon now," Bonnie said excitedly. Bonnie then looked over at Clemont, "what's wrong with Clemont?" Korrina sighed, "I think my training plan is too much for him and it left him exhausted." "I'll go get him some coffee while I get my breakfast," said Bonnie as she walked off. "So Serena," said Ash sounding nervous. "I'm sorry I missed your practice this morning. I'll try harder to be there in the future." Serena was a bit suprised that Ash even saw it as an issue. "It's ok. I did miss having you there, but I also know Bonnie's training is important," Serena said with a comforting smile. "Well luckily her training is coming along great, so I will make certain to be at your practices in the future."

"That's great." Everyone looked over to see Clemont sitting up in his chair yawning. "Morning Clemont," said Ash. "Good morning. So Bonnie's training is coming along, that's good," Clemont said as he stretched. "Hey Clemont," said Korrina sounding sad. Clemont noticed this, "Korrina what's wrong?" "I'm sorry for pushing you so hard with the training. You falling asleep like that is proof of that." "Korrina, that's not why I fell asleep," said Clemont. "What!?" "I woke up last night around two this morning with inspiration for a new invention and got right to work on it. By the time I was done it was almost six, then your alarm went off for us to wake up to run," Clemont explained.

The Secret Prince (Amourshipping) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora