
we went and got smoothies and headed to his studio but I really wasn't in the mood. "Marcus no--" "Rose you haven't picked up where you left off, I haven't seen you dance, play anything you love you sit around the house all day moping" "because I have a child!" 'the world doesn't stop you still have a family and yourself to take care of you gonna give up what your good at..it will help you to feel better.." he was right I had a call from my new manager Allison talking to me about dropping music I think part of this was contributing to my break downs. I sighed "I just want to see you happy again.." "I mean I am and I love Kenzo he is a great baby I just--" "put it in the music.."  I nodded my head he was right we spent hours in the studio and for a moment I was feeling goos Gin.

-----------------weeks later--------

Things have been getting better..hell A LOT better I've been taking medication to help my moods and going to therapy  which has been working, I am getting better with Kenzo and he is amazing..I feel really confident in being a mom again and connected with my baby that's all I wanted i'm just grateful to have my family there to support me..also not to mention I wrote my next single and im dropping it along with the video...the inspiration for this song was the love for my baby....and that's the all I needed. I was sitting on the couch talking to my therapist while Kenzo was sleeping in his stroller I was pretty much at the end of my last few sessions "So Rose what is the progress this week.." "I feel great I've been back dancing ,  writing, working out, things are good with the baby and my moods are good too I feel good and better." "That's great Rose I am really proud of you your making progress going through this can feel tough but it is normal most women bounce back like a rubber band but I think you should be able to get off your medicine soon" "thank goodness!" "okay now you have a good day you and little kenzo" she smiled at him I got up and pushed the stroller out covering the stroller. Marcus asked me to meet him at the park today so I did.

I walked over to him on the bench looking around for cameras.."so you ready for your video shoot" "yeah I am I know a lot of people have been waiting to see if I had a boy or girl and wants to see what he looks like so yes I am excited the concept of it all was gonna be beautiful" "im glad your getting your groove back..." I drank my water bottle watching the kids play seeing some of them with their fathers Prince..was missing out.."soo I know you've seen Prince and Manuela and heard the news.." "Yup..but I avoid it ..i've gotten to a point where I can finally really say im over it so im happy they are engaged good for them two..." "he is missing out on you and kenzo you know" I nodded "if you could change anything would you..maybe listen to what people said" I shook my head "nope because I knew what i was getting into..and the relationship was amazing I've gained a lot from it and learned a lot i's just shit happens.." I started tearing up "lets change the subject" "agreed". We walked around the park for about an hour just talking then I had to get Kenzo back home for his nap.


I fed him and got him all comfy walking around the room calming him down I gave him his pacifier and rubbed his head getting him to fall asleep.

his eyes slowly started to close and before I knew it he was asleep on my chest I held him for a few more minutes and my grandma came in "shhh" she nodded her head walking over whispering to me

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his eyes slowly started to close and before I knew it he was asleep on my chest I held him for a few more minutes and my grandma came in "shhh" she nodded her head walking over whispering to me

his eyes slowly started to close and before I knew it he was asleep on my chest I held him for a few more minutes and my grandma came in "shhh" she nodded her head walking over whispering to me

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 "see I told you I knew you would get the hang of this all it takes is patience and a mothers love.." she kissed Kenzos head then walked out. I walked over towards his crib and laid him down with his blanket. I turned the crib music on tip toeing away closing the door. I took a deep breath and walked into my bedroom..I thought about the conversation Marcus and I had in the park and began writing.."but you're the worst you know what you've done to me..." I think I was ready to now start working on my album.


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