-------------------------------A few weeks later-------------

Marcus wanted me to go for a walk with him so I did.."so what's been up Ro?" "Ugh I am ready to just pop my body is in pain and I am ready for this baby to get here feels like it is taking foreverr.! other than that in my spare time I am recording, writing the usual..what bout you?" "same ole same ole and don't rush it your baby will get here when it is time." "I am just worried...50 percent chance..that's scary no mother wants to hear that..all you can do is hope and pray for a healthy baby and when you hear news like that its scary" "I know I can't tell you I know the feeling because I most definitely don't but your gonna be ok don't worry" " I hope so.." we continued our walk and I was feeling a lot better Marcus was really my rock through this a long with my grandma and brother.

--------------------------------Later that Night--------------

I was laying back on the couch on my phone while Brandon and Marcus were watching the basketball game and grandma was in the kitchen cooking dinner. I made a confused look sitting up.."Rose what's wrong?" Brandon asked it felt like I just peed myself and I know damn well I didn't "I don't know it feels like I pee----OH MY GOSH IM GOING INTO LABOR IT'S TIME!" "OH MAN GRANDMAAA!!!!" "WHATTT?!" she yelled back I sat up taking deep breaths starting to panic "CALL THE MID WIFE GET THE WATER SET UP DAMN IT SOMEBODY HELP ME!" My grandma came in and realized I was giving birth "ohh my baby!" she ran over coming to comfort me "move your asses! go we practiced this Rose honey look at me just breath ok" I nodded my head I was doing ok..then that changed all of a sudden "ok pool is set up!" "good good lets get her up!" Brandon and Marcus ran over and I put my arms around them as they lifted me carrying me and setting me down inside the pool "owwwwww oh my goshh.!" I threw my head back crying "it hurts so bad!" "you can do this remember you are strong this is what you wanted..you got this breathe." "I'M BREATHING DAMN IT!!!!!" It felt like the baby wasn't pushing out and I was in so much pain the mid wife finally got here and was updated on everything "Okay stand up Rose we are gonna walk around and it'll force the baby to start coming out" she helped me up and wrapped my arm around her neck as I hunched over crying in pain slowly walking.....we walked for about 15 minutes around I felt the contractions and we started timing them "okay were making progress" we stopped at the couch and I bent over on to it taking deep breaths my grandma came over holding my hand "your gonna do fine..im here the whole time you got this.." "it's timee I feel the baby making it's way out.!" they helped me back over into the water sitting me back " "okay on three give me a big push Rose okay! 1..2....3!!" "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I pushed screaming I grabbed my brother and Marcus hands while I tried pushing some more "I can't I can't" I started crying this was horrible the worse pain I ever experienced..."ok I see the baby" it felt like I was ripping open and the baby was finally coming then things took a turn...I was getting light headded...I was having excessive bleeding..and I was getting really weak going in and out "stay with us rose.." "somethings' not right we have to get her to a hospital.." the nurse spoke "no no I said I could do this just let me.." "Rose you or this baby is gonna die.....do you want to risk that.." "what.." I started crying "Rose we don't have time...it will be ok this wasn't meant for you..you and this baby are gonna make it.." I felt myself slowly beginning to pass out and my brother lifted me up and my grandma grabbed towels and blankets rushing me to the hospital.


The doctors now had me drugged up and rushed me into the delivery room they were able to stabilize me "it's good you guys got her here asap she and this baby aren't looking too good we are do the best we can.." I was strong and I was gonna overcome this and deliver a happy baby...I wasn't gonna let all my excitement and everything I learned what being a mother meant to me go down the drain ..I could do this.  "Okay rose stay with us and give us all you got okay.." I nodded my head everything felt numb "ok now pushhh!" "OWWAHHH!" I kept pushing and pushing my hardest "ok good we see a head your doing great Rose..!" I gave one more of my  hardest pushes feeling relieved....hearing the sounds of my baby..I was so happy I flopped my head down on the pillow..."can I hold my baby..." they wiped it down and cut the umbilical cord bringing my baby back over here goes the moment of reveal...a new milestone in my life I wa snow a mother..."here you go ma'am you did it a healthy baby boy.." I gasped grabbing him he was beautiful I promise to always love you my sunshine..."I will be back to check on you and to start the feeding. I will send your family in." I couldn't believe the moment was finally here..just me and you my baby..against the world

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