Chapter 12

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Lightningkit was crouching in the corner of the nursery. She felt so bad the only time she would come out of the corner she was in would be to eat. I'm an awful cat, She thought. I almost killed my own brother.

She would never come out. Not for a game, not to hear an interesting story from the elder Shymeat, not for anything. Stormkit's never going to speak to me again! She sat there, and eventually dozed off. 

She woke up at night, and when she peered out the entrance he realized it was moon-high. Wait, She thought. I can go somewhere where I can never have to worry again. I can... I can... She paused. I can be free! She carefully exited the den and left the camp. There is so much more to the world! Suddenly, she stopped. I can be free as a kitty-pet!

Lightningkit had dozed off in front of a twoleg nest and suddenly felt herself being picked up. It's a two-leg! After some waiting, she heard a meow from an old cat after hearing twoleg gibberish.

"Well, are you a clan cat?" Lightningkit nodded. "Well, looks like your name is now Goldy." Lightningkit's eyes widened.

 "You can understand twolegs?" The cat nodded. "I'm Cupcake, and your name is Goldy." Goldy padded over to a cat-bed. "Ok." She purred. "This is fine. I want my life to be like this anyway."


I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while, but I was busy. I know it's short, but yes, Lightningkit is not coming back and is now forever named Goldy. FOREVER!!!!!!!! 

(Psst. Btw, Cupcake is a tom and they eventually have, u know what.)

Oh, Goldy's poor siblings have absolutely no idea where she is.

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